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It took Ying Ying less than fifteen minutes to get to the hospital. When she arrived, she immediately looked for Hen Qing, who could be disguised as a nurse or doctor by now. With the unlimited possibilities of where she could be, Ying Ying considered telling the nurses to call security and stay on extremely high alert.

One of the nurses saw her hesitated expression and asked her if she was alright and needed any help. She quickly waved her hands, rejecting any offered help. She thought to herself that she already betrayed Hen Qing and hurt her deeply. 'If I call security on her, things might get even more out of hand. She could still turn back if she hasn't harmed anyone. If I tell anyone else and they call the police, then her future is ruined. I can't do that to her. Right, I'll go look for Ya Nuo.'

Coincidentally, there was a massive vehicle accident involving a coach bus with forty injured patients. There was a shortage of nurses today, so everyone had to go help out. The counter was emptied with the computers now easily accessible. Ying Ying snuck behind the desks and found Ya Nuo's room information. She left in a hurry, not even noticing the familiar figure by the entrance who was staring at her in disbelief.

She left Ya Nuo's private information on the screen and ran to the elevators. Qiu Rei watched as she entered the elevator and pressed the floor multiple times. He went to the computers and saw Ya Nuo's room information. Instead of waiting for the elevator, he ran up to the fifth floor.

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Hen Qing was in the same nurse uniform that she had previous escaped in. She stared at the peacefully sleeping babies and smiled with her hands poking the glass as she sang, "Eenie meenie miney mo.....who's the darling....I'm sending to Satan first hoho...."

As her finger pointed at the triplets with no names, only the Xu's surname, one of them started crying. After one cried, the other two followed, getting nurses from the special units to hold each of them in their arms. 'Tsk, I can't kill you squirts now. I'll deal with your mother first."

Her hand slipped the sharp knife back into her hidden pocket as she hurried down the hall. As soon as she left, the babies stopped crying and hiccuped in the nurses embrace. One of the nurses started asking, "hey, do the two of you know who that nurse was? She had Hena's name tag, but she's not her. Also, Hena's name tag was stolen by a psycho I heard...."

"Gasp... could that glaring woman just now be the same one who Doctor Chen Mu was telling everyone to be aware of?" The other nurse remembered that Chen Mu specified to be cautious of any new faces appearing in the hospital as a staff. He also mentioned that even if any of them has the slightest suspicion of anyone, then they need to report it to security.

The third nurse gently placed the baby down and quickly pressed the emergency button that was connected to the police. Right after the button was pressed, the police were instantly informed that one of the most wanted, highly dangerous attackers are on the fifth floor of that hospital. They quickly gathered their essentials and rushed to there.

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Not long after Hen Qing walked away, Ying Ying panted heavily as she passed through hallway to hallway, trying to find Hen Qing before it becomes too late. By the time she got to Ya Nuo's room, she found the door already opened and Hen Qing's hands were holding the knife handle with the sharp end pointing downwards.

Hen Qing whispered, "Go blame Gu Wing. She told me Huan Hei, and everyone else left you in the hospital since it's not visiting hours. She already told me that she changed the vitamins into sleeping pills for you hehehe. Now die!"

Her grip was strong, and the urge for a bloody disaster could be sensed from thousands of miles away. Her eyes were dark and showed signs of determination. She was not in her right mindset. Ying Ying couldn't think of anything at that moment, but her body dashed forward.


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Hen Qing's grin grew wider as her teeth shone with a few drips of blood on her face. Her clothes were splattered with fresh red blood. The scent of iron filled the room mixed with the alcohol fragrance made her extremely curious on how many more stabs it would take for every drip of blood to leak out of Ya Nuo's body. Her eyes were closed as she enjoyed the swinging movements. She stabbed two more times and felt the blood soak up her clothes.

Qiu Rei screamed terrifyingly as he saw a pool of blood and his precious wife, laying on top of Ya Nuo, with her back full of blood. He grabbed Hen Qing's wrist and twisted them both. When Hen Qing opened her eyes to see her masterpiece, she was shocked to see Ying Ying covered in blood with some blood running down from the corner of her mouth.

Qiu Rei cried, "Ying Ying! No! No! The doctor is coming. dont worry, we will get you treated." Ying Ying shook her head with a slight smile on her face. Her bloody palms held the last bit of warmth before her body gradually turned cold. Her warm palms felt his unshaved face and she wrote on her palm using her finger, "At last, we've met again. It's fate. This is what we owe Ya Nuo for your abuse. Our destiny is to separate."

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"No, it can't be. Don't move anymore. You'll only feel more pain. Are you cold? Let me get you a blanket." he tried pulling the blanket off Ya Nuo's body, but Ying Ying's weak bloody hand stopped his arm. She shook her head and wrote on his palm with her finger nail, "I can't make it this time. Sorry. I love you so much, but I can't grow old to watch our tree grow fruits together. It's time for me to see our son."

"'s okay. The air conditioner here is too cold. Let me rub your arms. Here, sit in my embrace. We used to do this, and you'll quickly warm up. It's okay. Everything is okay. Everything will be fine." He hugged her close and rubbed her arms to warm her body up.

Even when he noticed her body turning colder, he was in denial that she was dying. Ying Ying smiled as her eyes looked at her beloved for the last time before it closed for eternity. He looked down and continuously shook her body with salted tears and snot on his face. He screamed in agony and grabbed the nearby knife up to the air, ready to avenge for her.

The moment his arm lowered with the knife in his hands, a shot was fired, straight to his chest. He looked at his bleeding wound and loosened the knife. His body stumbled to the floor and crawled by Ying Ying's side with a satisfied smile on his face. He held her cold hands and choked on his words, "Don't worry. You and our son won't be alone. I'm following you."

He leaned in for one last kiss on her bloody lips and relaxingly closed his eyes. The police had their guns pointed at Hen Qing and the two lying corpse on the floor. Ya Nuo was sleeping soundlessly, unknown about the chaos that occurred right before her bedside.

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