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The sun was shining brightly behind the cotton candy shaped clouds under the clear, blue sky. The tree branches swayed as if it were waving in the wind. This morning, the triplets woke up earlier than usual and their cries alerted the couple awake.

"waaaaaaa" they cried as their watery eyes leaked out salty droplets, waiting for their parents hug.

"I'm coming~~~~" Ya Nuo cheerfully ran towards the crib with only one slipper on one of her feet. Huan Hei followed from behind with her other slipper in his hand. She smiled at her babies with the warmest morning greetings, "Hellloo~~~ My sweetie princess and princes~~~ Ooooo who's the grumpy one today? Hmmm? So early and you guys are already this lively!"

She poked their tiny noses and hummed, "Hmm~~ If you guys want mommy and daddy to pick you up for a hug~ then stop crying~ Mommy taught you this before, remember?~~ Now, mommy will count to three and point. You need to stop the tears~ understand?~~~"

Instantly, when she raised her index finger and said, "One," the triplets stopped their cries and started sniffling a few times. When she counted to two, they controlled their snifflings. "And three." she pointed from the left to right.

"Awwwww, my babies are the most adorable little ones~~~ Come on, hug time~~~ Spread your tiny arms for mommy and daddy~~~" she reached into the crib and held her babies one at a time. While Tuan Tuan and Jun Jun enjoyed their mother's embrace more, Nian Nian loved sticking to Huan Hei.

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"Goood morning~~ Sugarplum~ How's our little princess today hmmm? Muwahhhhh What a goood girl you are? You listened to mommy so well~ Mwahhh~~" He rocked her in his arms and made funny noises, making her laugh.

After checking their diapers and feeding them, they brought the triplets downstairs and put them on the carpet with their favorite toys. The couple sat joyfully by their side while observing how their children interacted. Even though the triplets were young and only a few minutes apart in age, Tuan Tuan and Jun Jun already showed their big brother's responsibility to take care of their little sister.

Whenever the brothers have a new toy, they would share it with Nian Nian. If Nian Nian doesn't like that toy or preferred a different one that her brothers had in hand, they would give it to her. Seeing how well they got along made the couple feel warmth from the inner depth of their hearts.

Nian Nian also likes holding her two brother's hands while their parents are away from them. She feels most secure either with her parents, or while being with her brothers. Ever since birth, the triplets had never left each other. Even though they're young, they were well behaved and quite a listener.

Ding Dong

In the middle of their play session, Wei Na, Bin Guan, Nana, and Zhen Qi visited the Xu residence. Wei Na and Nana only met the triplets once after they were born and then the rest through the family photos in family group chats. Perhaps because they were also females, their motherly instinct made them forget about their boyfriends the moment they saw the three babies playing peacefully in the living room.

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This was the first time Zhen Qi and Bin Guan had visited the Xu residence, so they stood by the entrance awkwardly waiting for their girlfriends, who just abandoned them for the angels on the floor, to remember their existence. Huan Hei laughed when he saw the poor guys by the door, "That's how I feel when my wife forgets about me once she sees them awake."

Wei Na and Nana happily sat by the triplets side, adoring their cuteness. The babies weren't used to seeing visitors other than family members, so their big round eyes blinked several times while observing the two pretty ladies next to their mother.

Ya Nuo giggled, "They're not familiar with you two yet. Let them observe you a bit, and they'll come towards you hahaha."

Wei Na and Nana smiled and waved at the babies with toys in their hands, trying to win their favors. Tuan Tuan and Jun Jun looked at each other and communicated in their baby language.

"Gaa." Tuan Tuan looked at Jun Jun.

Jun Jun responded, "Bwaaaa," and extended his left arm outwards.

Nian Nian let out a "Gyuuuuu" and her brothers nodded as if they understood her meaning.

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Tuan Tuan clumsily crawled towards Wei Na and looked up to meet her eyes. After staring for a little bit, his tiny hands patted her fingers, and he placed the closest toy in his range into her palms. "Buuu"

"Awwwwww, aren't you the cutest ??? Can godmother hold you?" she extended her arms, and he obediently let her hug him. She held him in her arms gently and smiled as if she was a mother looking at her own child, "Look~~ Awww~~ Can I keep him?~~~ Let's play~~"

While Nana was distracted by Tuan Tuan's cuteness, her attention quickly fixated on Jun Jun who sat in front of her, waiting for her to notice him. When she met his innocent, cheerful eyes, she raised her hand, "Helllo there~~ handsome fellow~~ who could you be hmmmm?"

Jun Jun tilted his head to the side wondering what she was talking about. Since he saw how happy Wei Na reacted when his brother acted cute, he copied Nana's action and stretched up his tiny palms. "Gyaa"

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"Ohhh my goodness~~~ You're tooo cute~~~ Can I bring you home? No, no, I need to make my friends and family all jealous. Let's take a video, and lots of pictures shall we? Hmm??" Nana switched on the camera app on her phone and started taking pictures of the triplets nonstop.

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Nian Nian was more afraid to approach strangers, so it took her a little while to get used to seeing their faces. She started playing with them after feeling more comfortable. The girls never once lifted their heads to look at their boyfriends. In fact, the boyfriends are sure that their girls have forgotten their existence already.

Until Bin Guan and Zhen Qi walked over to the babies, the girls were focused on the babies.

Bin Guan cleared his throat, "So~ Wei Na, who's this little one that you're holding?"

Zhen Qi followed along and chuckled, "Nana, this is the first time you forgot about me. Seems like I have some competition, ey?"

Wei Na turned around with Tuan Tuan still in her embrace ad a bright smile, "He's Tuan Tuan~ Isn't he adorable? he reminded me of a mini version of you, so I couldn't get my eyes off of him. Mhmmm~~ Look, look~~~" she brushed Tuan Tuan's cheeks lightly.

Nana almost looked at Ya Nuo for help, but a nice response popped up in her head, "Who said that I forgot about you huh? You were having your guys conversation over there~ I was just bored and ended up playing with little Jun Jun~ Sigh, my lonely soul~~"

Bin Guan and Zhen Qi exchanged glances, understanding each other's position, 'Sigh, so this is what it will feel like if we have kids in the future....'

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