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"Uh huuuuhh, I see. So this little guy here looks like me hmmm? Here, little Tuan Tuan, can uncle pick you up?" Bin Guan smiled as he extended his hands to pick him up.

"Yes, yes, my fault. Shall we play with the babies, then?" Zhen Qi followed Bin Guan's action and kneeled down beside Wei Na and Nana. As their hands got closer to Tuan Tuan and Jun Jun, a tiny voice protested.

"Gya!" Nian Nian stretched her little arms out and got their attention. Her eyes sparkled as she smiled at Bin Guan and Zhen Qi.

Ya Nuo laughed, "Hahahaha, that's my darling girl! She wants you two to play with her."

"Huh? Us? You mean... Zhen Qi and me?" Bin Guan looked at Ya Nuo and then back to Nian Nian. He didn't believe it at first, but the moment he picked her up, her limbs waved happily. Zhen Qi complimented her, "Wow! She's adorable! So cute~ Can I hold her too?"

Bin Guan handed Nian Nian to him carefully, "Here you go~~ Weeee~~ Princess, do you want to go for a ride? hmmm?"

Nian Nian giggled as one hand held onto Bin Guan's finger and her other hand patted Zhen Qi's chest.

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Ya Nuo was watching with her arms crossed and nodding approvingly, "Seems like she took after one of us, but who?"

Huan Hei pulled her closer to his embrace, "Wifey, it must be you. Look at how easily she comforted Bin Guan and Zhen Qi. All she had to do was smile and play with them."

Ya Nuo rubbed her chin, "Heh, oh~ my baby doll is just too adorable~ Look at her tiny fingers wrapping onto Bin Guan's one finger. Whose heart wouldn't melt from her tiny giggle and innocent eyes? Did you notice, though?"

"Hmm? Notice what?" Huan Hei asked curiously as he observed the situation.

"Nian Nian is attracted to handsome guys. For example, you. She likes you more than me. She took a while with her godmothers, but immediately took action to get the guys. Hmmm..." Ya Nuo wondered if it was just her silly thinking.

"You're right. Thinking about it.... she really likes pretty faces. Heh, she's adorable~ Oh wells~ As long as my princess is still loving us, I have no problem with her taking guy's hearts starting at this age~ She already has mine." Huan Hei joined the guys in playing with Nian Nian.

"Aigoo~ Look at them. My children are so adorable, yet they steal many people's hearts without knowing~ What will I do when I have to let them off for marriage? Haaaa, my babies. Mommy is coming to play too~~~~" Ya Nuo hopped over to the floor and joined the girls.

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After spending the day at the Xu's residence, the two couples left separately after dinner. On their way home, Bin Guan chuckled when he saw Wei Na scrolling through the comment section on her social media about how adorable her godchildren were. She couldn't help but squeal all over again when she looked at the wonderful pictures of the triplets together.

She accidentally slipped her tongue, "How great would it be if they were mine~ I can hug them all day without getting tired."

"Oh? We can have our own then." he responded with a huge smile across his face.

"Huh? W..what did you just say?" Her attention was fully on him at this moment. She blinked a few times at his direction, "You... did you just say to have our own children?"
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"Yep." He revealed his charming smile under the moonlight's glow.

"b..but we aren't married and and we..." she started stuttering at his sudden suggestion.

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He pulled over and looked at her with an earnest expression, "Then we can get married."

" you're crazy! How.. How... You.. I.." his finger shushed her instantly.

"Shh.. Actually, I've been thinking about this for a while. Don't you think it's time we think about the future? I saw how happy you were holding onto Tuan Tuan today. He's super adorable, but our child will be cuter. Don't you think? Plus, I kind of want a daughter, heh." he looked at his hands and remembered how tiny Nian Nian's fingers were.

"You know....becoming a family and making a family is harder than just having sex. We need to plan a lot of stuff. Also, I won't just get married to you because I want a family. Che~ if you want me to be your wife, you gotta work much~ much~ harder~" she smiled sweetly.

"Of course I know that. I am not a patient person as you could tell from how I deal with other people, but when it comes to you, I believe that I will wait for however long it takes you to tell me the yes I want to hear. We've been dating for a while, and I can show you how long I am willing to wait until you are ready. So~ waiting it is." Bin Guan smiled confidently as he already thought of a great idea.

Meanwhile, Zhen Qi and Nana were in the back seat while the driver drove them home. Nana was leaning on his shoulders and chatting excitedly about the babies.

"You see, they all had Nuo's eyes! So adorable!! Tuan Tuan and Jun Jun looked so handsome, while Nian Nian is angelic. They really know how to tug my heartstrings!!! You saw how she wrapped her tiny fingers around Bin Guan's finger! Her brothers were so freaking cute when they handed her the toy she wanted without crying!!! Oh my~~~ Kyaaa"

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Nana cupped her cheeks as she thought of how fun playing with the babies were. Zhen Qi cleared his throat, "ahem, uhm, so which would you like more? A daughter? Or a son?"

"hmm? If it is me, I will love to have both! But I want a boy first, then a girl because brothers can look after the sisters. What about you?" she asked, not catching his hint.

"Well, I would go with whatever you like. As long as they are our children, I'd love them." He made his hint much clearer and obvious than the previous one.

"Oh~ Oh~~ So you agree-... huhh??? Are you .. are you saying you want to..." her cheeks heated up as she sat up and faced him directly.

"Yep. I want a future with us and our children. I'm not sure if you've thought about it yet, but I have done plentiful nights of thinking. This is not the proposal, but just to let you know that I am looking forward to having a family with you. If you are willing to do the same, then should we try seeing if we are compatible?"

He locked their fingers together as he waited for her response. Her slightly parted lips curved to a wide smile as she jumped onto his lap, "Yes! Hehehe! Woooo~~~ I can't wait to tell my dad and mom about this!!!!"

He laughed and kissed her forehead, "Then our next step is probably... moving in together?" he made sure to confirm with her before happily assuming this was what she had in mind.

"Eh? I thought we were going to register....I mean hahahahha~~ Yepp Moving in it is~~~ Yayyyyyyy~~~ We're moving in together!!!! I knew it~ My godbabies are my lucky stars~~ " Nana laughed her whole way home while being in his arms.

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