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It's been almost two weeks since Gu Wing had been locked up in that dirty, dusty cell experiencing continuous torture daily. After Hui Yan had left that day, she was forcibly hung by her wrists from the ceiling. Her body was strong for all the wrong reasons because that resulted in extra torment.

The guards did as instruct and placed weights on either side of her shoulders until it became dislocated. Mr. Boogeyman was the first to slash her flesh open with his overused whip. The whip was combined with poison ivy and acidic powder that will burn open wounds and rot it three times faster than regular body pace.

After he had finished whipping, Yang Qiu Rei and Ying Ying abused her psychologically using her worst fears. Gu Wing always felt disgusted by piles of maggots squirming around each other. She remembered watching a video of maggots eating an animal with holes everywhere. It was a gruesome and awfully disturbing scene.
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For the past days that she's been trapped, she suffered traumatically from physical and mental abuse. She was forced to stare into lotus roots, look at human skin with many black holes, silently staring at French dolls, listen to horrific laughters and many other ill treatments.

The trio figured out her worst fears and helped her tattoo hive textures to her arms. The more she moved around, the bigger the holes were engraved into her skin. Now, whenever she looks to her left or right side, she will notice the many holes with a white spot in the middle. The white spot looked like eggs that were ready to hatch some parasite at anytime, any day.

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She was so freaked out that she kept looking up to the ceiling. Her plans to escape never succeeded as they always kept her under tight supervision. Finally, after two weeks of extensive starvation, dehydration, verbal abuse, physical disability, and endless other tortures, Wei Na arrived.

The trio had enough of dragging on Gu Wing's weaknesses.. They wanted to kill her, but were told to keep her alive because Wei Na wanted to take revenge for herself. When she entered the cell with Bin Guan holding onto her, Gu Wing's eyes searched for a slight ray of hope.

His familiar blurred figure ignited memories as this man once told her that he loved her and she believed it. "B..bin Hellp..." Her raspy dull voice sounded like a deserted string of heated seaweed.

Hearing her fiance's name being called, Wei Na was displeased instantly and shot a few glances at him. His eyes never left hers and carefully settled her into a clean chair.

Even though he heard his name, he never turned to look at Gu Wing. Thinking that he might have missed her squeaky voice the first time, she raised her voice for the second time hoping to get his attention, "Bin Guan! Help!"

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Those three words required immense strength as she panted heavily after speaking. Still, his attention was focused on Wei Na, who had a satisfied smile across her face. Gu Wing couldn't believe her left eye and thought that maybe she was too blind to see clearly.'Maybe that isn't Bin Guan... there's no way he wouldn't respond to me.'

Wei Na's eyes scanned the entire cell within the following minutes, "Which tools aren't used yet?" She asked the trio who was patiently sitting with their hot tea. They pointed at one particular box that was left untouched out of the many other boxes that had blood splattered over them.

Noticing her slight forward motion, Bin Guan helped her up and clung onto her as if she could hurt herself from just walking around. She chuckled, "Really? I'm not a baby learning how to walk."

"Yep. Really. Your wound isn't entirely healed yet." His concerned tone made her giggle. The guards took out every tool in the box and placed them in the order of small to large. She nodded as a sign of appreciation. "Hmmm... Darling, which one should I choose? I don't think I know how to use some of them."

Bin Guan smirked, "It's okay, we have an experiment rat right there. She is going to die off eventually, so you can use her as a trial. If one method doesn't work, then you can retry the tool."

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"Awww baby you're so smart! Time to get my scientific genetics to some use!" She fold her sleeves up as she carefully skimmed through each weapon in front of her.

He whispered, "What happened to you during your last Chemistry lab experiment?"

"Oh, I was curious and mixed different substances together since the class was superrr boring. Then boom~~~ and everyone thanked me for saving them from the incredibly dull lecture." She hummed as her finger tapped her chin repeatedly.

"Hmm... these all seem interesting...then.. let's try them all!" She clapped her hands together excitedly.

"Alright, then back to your seat you go." He guided her back to the seat.

"Why?" she pouted. Her new toys were summoning her to play with them, yet he is ruining her fun.

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"Did you forget what you promised me? Hmm? Your wound isn't healed, so you aren't allowed to participate physically in this." He stood up after seeing her lowered head.

Her hands held his, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Getting the tools to perform for my queen?" His faint smile looked awkward as her raised brows reflected her inner possessiveness.

"Nu uh! You're staying here with me. You're not touching her." She stood up, pulled him towards her, and spun him down to sit in her seat. Then, she leaned comfortably in his embrace locking his arms around her body, "Guards, it's your time to shine. Show me what you guys got."

Bin Guan adjusted her position in his arms so that she would feel more comfortable while she enjoys the live torture show at ease. Three guards took a tool from the table and lined up to begin Gu Wing's final persecution.

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