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One by one the guards picked up different weapons from the order that was set up on the table. With her impaired vision, totally damaged hearing in one ear, dislocated joints, disguised features, and many other gruesome wounds with dried blood on her stained skin, Gu Wing was unable to shape out what was going on in front of her. She could only sense some movements, but that was it.
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The man's familiar figure from earlier did not respond to her desperate calls for help. Instead, her voice was met with deep silence. Although she couldn't see entirely, she could visualize a line of guards with weapons ready in their hands. They were eager to watch her bleed to death and die in the most painful ways possible.

It was at this moment that her mind reminisced to all the sinful things she's ever done. She separated families, seduced others' husbands, ruined her own siblings, used jealousy as an excuse to wreck others' features and innocence. She set traps for those who were in despair for money and help. She forced many girls into prostitution and took advantage of their naive nature to trick them into doing dirty for her.

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'I've done so many bad things to all of them came back to me. This is my contribution. My final ending.' Even though she was willing to finally admit to her wrongdoings, it was too late. Yet, her body couldn't help but plead for forgiveness and sparing. She was extremely afraid to meet her own end, until it happened.

She felt some heaviness grasp around her body joints and then her body was spread wide like a snowflake. After her body had made a circular form type of angled position, she felt something cold press onto her ankles, wrists and waist.

She bit her lips and forced her eyes shut tightly because she knew this one is going to hurt more than the previous ones.


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She felt sharp pains shooting into her body as her tendons popped from her wrists, ankles, and wherever else the machine was attached to her body. Beads of sweat filled her horrid expression as the machine was then adjusted to other places of her body and the same sharpness plunged her body as if her spine had been stuffed with maggots and its eggs hatching inside of her.

It was painful, shocking, and overwhelming. As she gasped for breath, hoping it would relief some pain, the machine would be repositioned. Over and over, repeatedly, she would feel and hear the tearing tendons pop inside of her body. As if her body had given up or perhaps like the textbooks she burned in front of her professors had said, the human body indeed adapts to experience.

'Maybe I felt too much of this pain that everything is numb. It's good that I can't see, hear, and feel. Everything is slowly closing in. It's like I could hear the voices of haunting spirits of those that I've pushed to death coming to drag me to hell where the eruptive flames would engulf me to the bones and then ashes.'

Her dried up lips were uneven splatters of palette knife oil paintings, harsh and edgy. Her chapped, blood stained lips parted and her head relaxed backwards, as if she welcomes the grim reaper to come retrieve her soul.

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Feeling her extremely weakened pulse and sensing her near nothingness breathing through her nostrils, the guards were determined to take her life using the last weapon they had in hand. This weapon was indeed gruesome and worth all the nightmares anyone could ever imagine having.

"Wait, don't use that one. Use this set." Mr. Boogeyman stepped in front of the guards presenting them a set of 1,000 pieces of knives and blades from mini size to large size. Confused, the guards asked for clarification on what he wanted them to do.

"Skin her alive. Give her food and water, so she won't die so easily. After skinning her alive, collect her blood and make her drink it. Spray freshly squeezed lemon juice on her skinned body every half an hour." He smiled arrogantly as if he had been itching to save this for her end.

The guards looked over to Wei Na, waiting for her instructions. After receiving her nod of approval, they proceeded with what the Boogeyman had told them to do. Unfortunately, they have never skinned anyone before, so their actions irritated him greatly.

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The Boogeyman remarked them as useless fools and snatched the blade from their hands to demonstrate how it should be done. Slowly, her skin peeled and detached itself from the flesh beneath her skin. Sometimes he would get impatient and try to rip the flesh roughly off her body, but other times, he wanted her to be tortured slowly and took his skinning to a whole new level.

After food and water were forced down her half closed throat, her body recovered a little bit of energy compared to before. She couldn't even taste the blandness from the water as everything tasted like iron. It was difficult to breathe, so forget about taste.

Finally, he finished cutting off her ultra thin layered skin from fingers to torso to legs and finally, her face. She only knew that her blood was gushing out at the rate of perspiration and she's being fed food and water to be kept alive. They saved her blood. Meanwhile, she could hear her own liquid dripping slowly into the container below her skinned body. It was the cruelest torture ever.

The Boogeyman made her chug down the blood that her body had gushed out even when she was gurgling with her throat clogged with thick blood. The scene and stench was too disturbing for the rest of the audience in the room as the Boogeyman would spray lemon juice all over that horrific body.

Each spray that lands on her body would inflict inexplicable pain. She screamed in agony as her wounds would burn like hot lava melting her every bit of flesh. Finally, Wei Na and Bin Guan have had enough of the horrendous act and left Gu Wing to her own death.

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