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After Gu Wing died, the Boogeyman quit his job as the top assassin and disappeared. Yang Qiu Rei and Ying Ying decided to live the rest of their lives simply by the countryside together where they would raise their own crops and build their own house by hand.

As for our lovely couples...

On a particular weekday morning, Bin Guan kissed Wei Na on the cheeks before leaving for work. She was sleeping soundly, so he left her a mini note on top of her cell phone. "I have to be in the office today. Don't forget to eat the food I prepared for you when you wake up. Love you. (Heart)"

At the same time, Zhen Qi and Huan Hei also had something to take care of that were business related. Since the meeting was between Zhen Corporation and Xu Corporation, they were headed towards the same direction.

Zhen Qi dropped Nana off and picked Huan Hei up from his house, "I'll come pick you up tonight, Have fun with the triplets~ " He smiled charmingly under the warm sunlight. Nana kissed him goodbye before getting out of the car. She stretched while walking towards the entrance.

The moment she walked in from the entrance, she saw the triplets waving their chubby arms up at their father waiting for him to pick them up and shower them with goodbye kisses. Her sleepiness flew out the window to the galaxy of no return. "Oh my gooodnesssss, you cuties really knows how to pull my heartstrings every single time!!!! Lucky you, you get to see them every day."

Huan Hei finished planting kisses on Tuan Tuan and Jun Jun's cheeks, "Aiyooo~~ Look who's here to play with you three today~ It's your Auntie Nana~~ Come on, say hii~~" Ya Nuo giggled as her sons happily waved their arms up and down with the brightest laughter.

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"Nana, you're here. Is Zhen Qi waiting inside his car for Hei?" She rubbed her nose against Nian Nian's little palms. Nian Nian loved touching her parent's face and tracing their soft features with her mini carrot sized fingers. She was a curious little monkey.

Nana quickly changed into a pair of guest slippers to take the baby boys from Huan Hei, "Yep. He is outside waiting for your hubby. Come on~ Give your children the pecks they want before you head for six hours of dull business talk. Hahahaha."

After handing the boys over to her, Huan Hei picked Nian Nian out of Ya Nuo's arms and lifted her high up, "Helllo beautiful~ someone's happy today~ Come on, give daddy some kisses. Awwwww, daddy is going to miss you three sooo muchhh. You better listen to your mommy's words while I'm gone, okay? Don't try to bully her~Mwuahhhhh"

When his lips grew close, Nian Nian's small palms blocked his access and her head turned the other way. Seeing his daughter's rejection, he gasped, "Oh myyy, you don't want daddy anymore hmm? You don't even have a boyfriend yet, and you're already tired of daddy. " Nian Nian blinked a few times as if trying to process his words and let out a small laugh.

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Her small arms slipped away from his lips and started gesturing for Ya Nuo. "Hmm? Princess, what's wrong? Are you not used to not seeing daddy? You don't want to see him go?" Ya Nuo opened her arms to hold her.

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Nian Nian's finger caught Ya Nuo's pinky and pulled it closer to herself, "Gaaaa"

"Hmm? What's up baby doll?" Ya Nuo bent forward to tease her naughty daughter. The palm that blocked Huan Hei's kiss earlier met her own lips and then touched Ya Nuo's lips.

Other than the triplets, everyone adult by the entrance were entranced by her natural action.

Huan Hei hugged his daughter tightly and kissed her chubby cheeks, "Mwahhhh, aren't you just the cutest little princess anyone could ever have?? You didn't want mommy left out from kisses, did you? Awwwww, and here daddy thought you got tired of me. Daddy is such a silly goose. How could our little angel not like daddy?"

Ya Nuo thought to herself, 'Yep. Definitely our children.'

Nana looked at her watch and reminded him that he had a meeting to attend, "If this continues, you're not going anywhere, but staying here. Hahahha, Zhen Qi has been waiting for like fifteen minutes."

"Oh right!! Let me give them a few more kisses before I go!" He quickly pecked the triplets' forehead and his wife's lips. "I'll be back tonight~~~ Have fun and send me lots of videos of my adorable babies!!! And yourself!!" He waved goodbye after leaving Nian Nian to Ya Nuo.

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-Inside Zhen Qi's car-

"Yo! Morning." Huan Hei settled in the passenger seat next to Zhen Qi.

"Finally, man! Are you all set?" He asked before turning on his car back on.

"Yep." huan Hei smiled.

"You sure?" He asked again.

"Yes. Pretty sure I got everything I need." Huan Hei responded with a nod and a wide smile.

"So, tell me about this meeting we will be attending soon. What documents have you prepared?" Zhen Qi rubbed his chin in amusement, waiting for Huan Hei's response.

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"Oh wait, I have it right.... here.....I'll be right back." He quickly hopped out of the car and rushed back to his house.

"Pffffft!!!! I caught this all on video!!! Let's see sent, sent andddd sent it to the group chats that everyone was in. He took his triplets carrier bag and left the necessary documents at his house! This is too funny!! Hahahahah."

Within five minutes, Huan Hei came back out while face palming himself, "You sent it to everyone didn't you?"

"Yep~~" Zhen Qi laughed, "Okay, now this time, are you all set and ready to go?"

Huan Hei triple checked before saying Yes. "By the way we're late to the meeting." Zhen Qi noticed that they were at least half an hour behind schedule.

"It's fine. I have my children." He smirked as he pressed submit to the group chat with his family members. The pictures he sent had his triplets smiling at the camera and purposely captioned in bolded letters, "Hi grandpas!"

The older the ginger, the spicier, but they always have that one weakness; grandchildren. As for Grandpa Zhen~ his attention will be redirected towards Zhen Qi and Nana, so none of his concern.

"Heh, the ball is no longer in my possession after this." he smiled meaningfully.

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