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Wei Na woke up an hour after Bin Guan went to work. While brushing her teeth, her cell phone vibrated a few times.

'So early, I wonder who's looking for me.'

Immediately after unlocking her phone, she saw Nana, Ya Nuo, and the adorable triplets having breakfast. The picture that she received was captioned, "Your godchildren misses you."

"Pffft." She left the toothbrush dangling from her mouth as she texted back, "Be there in an hour. Gotta eat the food that Bin Guan made for me first."

Phone notification: Gif of the triplets raising three fingers forming an okay.

She mumbled with toothpaste escaping the corners of her lips, "anndd.. dwownnloadded..."

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She hurriedly finished her breakfast, figured out what to wear, and applied her regular facial routine before heading out. Once she arrived at Ya Nuo's place, she was greeted with the best giggles from the lovely babies on the floor. They were just learning how to crawl, but were very great at rolling.

Nana and Ya Nuo were chatting while keeping the babies in their sight.

Nana was the first to notice Wei Na, "Ah! She's finally here!" The first thing that Wei Na did after changing into guest slippers were taking pictures with each triplet and kissing them on the cheeks. "Aren't you guys the cutest little munchkins? Look at you, Tuan Tuan, are you a small bear today? hmmm? And you Jun Jun, a panda? Anddd our little princess, Nian Nian, a bunny hmm? Who bought you these outfits?"

Ya Nuo let out a small laugh, "These were all gifts from Uncle Chen Mu's wife, Auntie Susu. She said that they were too cute and inspired her to create more outfits, so these were some gifts. Hahahaha. There are more with extremely sharp colors if you want to take a look."

"Oh my! Hahaha, I should have known it was Auntie Susu. Only she could get this daring when creating unique pieces. Pfffft. Awww babies have grown so big already." Wei Na loved how soft they felt in her arms and were reluctant to let go.

Nana teased, "Geez, if you like them so much, why not have your own? You know what I mean~~ Somebody excitedly told me their story just the other day hahahaa I was blushing while you talked about it nonstop. Zhen Qi thought I had a fever!"

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Letting go of the triplets, Wei Na cupped her cheeks and revealed a blissful smile, "You two are my closest girls, who else would I talk to this about? Hehehehe~"

Ya Nuo interrupted as she caught the arousal of excitement from Wei Na's expression, "Oh my Hahahahaha~ I was surprised to get a call about her first experience too~! I was listening to her while putting these three monkeys to sleep pfffft. Shall we grab some snacks, make tea, and move to the living room area before we get the live description of what happened? It'll be a nice long talk~"

While the babies played with their toys in their "kids zone," the three of them sat comfortably with cushions on their laps and afternoon tea on the table.

Nana's eyes broadened with glittering excitement and wide smile, "So~ So~ how did it feel for the first time? Were you embarrassed? How did it happen exactly? You were so vague over the phone because Bin Guan was showering!"

Ya Nuo smiled, "Nana, the first question should be who made a move first?" She winked as her dimples deepened on her cheeks.

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"You two! Geez!! Tee hee, so~ I was recovering... and that night...we did some cleaning. I was sweaty and went to shower. Then realized that uhm I couldn't scrub my back. It was his fault for being so dropped dead gorgeous and wearing his white top that is easily transparent once water splatters on it. So, I started having a very descriptive abs image on my mind....ahem, the main point is ummm we.." Her face turned red as a cherrys as she thought about that night.

"The point is that you guys had a steaming shower session and ended up going for a home run~ And that you were the pervert who wanted to make a move on the fresh meat uh huuuuh~~ Geez, you really do show everything easily when it comes to Bin Guan. Hahahahaha, I bet he was very gentle with you~" Ya Nuo loved seeing her shyness at moments like this.

"Kyaaa, stop! Stop! I'm not the perverted one; he's the one who said 'Let's continue in bed' it wasn't me. Nope~ Nope~~" her fluttering eyes already gave her away.

Nana's teeth showed with her sweet smile, "Awwwwww, you two are too cute! Hahaha, I can't wait to be your bridesmaid and see more godchildren hehehehehee. Auntie Hui Yan and Uncle Shen Qi would be sooooo happy."

"Nana! How are you and Zhen Qi doing? I bet you two are sweeter than honeycomb when you two are alone. Heh~ What happened to you guys after you moving in together? You know~ naughty sides~" Ya Nuo's smirk was obviously hinting that teasing Wei Na alone was not enough to fulfill her curious nature.

"W..well...we are the same as before. After moving in, nothing really changed." Nana sighed slightly while staring into her floral tea.
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"Ehh? You mean that he didn't make any extra moves or found excuses to sleep with you? His hands didn't accidentally touch your ass while you two hung out on the couch? What about you? Did you act clingily on him or hinted to him what you want?" Wei Na asked with a raised brow.

"Nope. We just go to work, come back home, eat dinner, watch some shows together or talked about our day, and then we get ready to sleep. Not much difference than when we were living alone. Ah, we kiss each other good night." Nana's right fingers rubbed her chin as she recalled how they had been interacting for the past two month.

"Is this guy naturally slow then? Hmmm or is he waiting for you to make a first move? Have you tried seducing him?" Ya Nuo's eyes twinkled as mischievous thoughts lined up like an army troop in her mind.

"S..seducing? I never tried." Her blushing face was too adorable to resist.

Wei Na and Ya Nuo exchanged glances at each other and revealed exuberant smiles, "Then let these sister here teach you some moves heh~ only if you want to though hehe, but knowing these wouldn't hurt~"

The trio waited until it was time for the triplets' afternoon nap. After the babies were put to sleep, Wei Na and Ya Nuo made a few phone calls. Within fifteen minutes, groups of people showed up at Ya Nuo's home.

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