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Ya Nuo took a hot shower after getting back from the beach.

knock knock

She smiled, "The door is not locked."

"Nuo~ I bought you your favorite Strawberry cream puff cake, Mango passion jelly cake, Passionfruit Kisser cake, and Mocha berry mixed cake, All for you~"

Ya Nuo took the cake box from his hand and pulled him into the room.

"Thanks, but before we eat the cake there is something else I wanted to do."

"hmm? What's more important than eating cake?"

She smiled and pinched his chin. "This.."

Her fingers thread through his smooth hair and eventually settled on the back of his head. Her other arm caressed his neck and down to his collarbone. She whispered, "If you don't like this, then push me away."

She leaned her body against his and pressed her rosy lips on his. At first her warm lips pecked his, but it wasn't enough to satisfy her. After a few small kisses, he slid his arm around her slim waist and pushed her against the wall. She lifted her head looking for permission to continue what she had started.

He whispered, "Nuo, what are you trying to do?"

"Doing what you told me to do."

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"You said as long as I'm happy, I can do anything I want to you.. so.." She pulled him in for another kiss. This time, the kiss was wet and deeper than the previous ones. She caught him by surprise and slipped her tongue into his mouth. He reciprocated by holding her waist tightly and fondling her back. Her legs began weakening and her eyes began to well up in tears from the kisses. Their lips were numb and hot from continuously making out. Her legs trembled and the last strength she had for standing was gone. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he put his leg between her legs to prevent her from falling.

"What's wrong with your legs?"


"Let me see."

He carried her to bed and gently massaged them. "Does it hurt anywhere? If it does, let me know." He continued pressing on different spots of her legs and each time his fingers touched her leg, she bit her lips. 'Hei... you idiot.. my legs are weak because of kissing you. I'm not injured. Are you teasing me or really examining me. '

Every time she held in her voice, her breathing becomes heavier. Finally, she couldn't hold her voice back and let out a soft sigh, "ahhh"

After her moan, his worried expression turned to an embarrassed and blushing face. She breathed heavily from keeping her moans in and trying to calm herself down. His heart raced faster when he saw her flushed face and wrinkled clothes.

"L..let's eat the cake now."


'Damn, I almost lost control before. Thank goodness we had cake as an excuse. I don't plan on doing anything further to her until she realizes my feelings and more. But she's getting bolder heh.. seems like I don't need to make a move on her for her to react to me.'

In the middle of eating Ya Nuo received a text from Nana.

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"Thank you for saving me the other day. I will give you your uniform jacket back tomorrow."

Cough cough

"Nuo! Are you okay? Who texted you?"

"I'm okay. I was just a bit shocked. Nana recognized me when I saved her earlier."

"See? That girl feels dangerous. How could she tell between you and your female disguise? I could barely tell the difference."

"Girl's are more attentive to details.. I guess."

'How did she find out about me? Was it because she lost her balance and I caught her? Heh, either way she doesn't feel like a dangerous person.'

Ya Nuo replied to her text, "You're welcome and okay. I'll meet you before school begins. You probably already know which school I go to from my uniform right?"

Nana replied, "Yes. Your school uniform has the school name. I'll be there."

"Nuo, I'll go with you to see what else she wants from you tomorrow morning."

"Hei, she doesn't mean any harm. If you're with me, she might feel uncomfortable. Earlier, you gave her an attitude and that made her feel awkward."

"Fine, then I will look from a distance. I don't want anything going wrong."


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"Alright. let's continue eating the cake. Here try this piece."


"Nana, can you tell mommy and daddy who hurt you?"

Nana nodded and explained the situation to them (including Zhen Qi, Jiang Wei, and Ke Shen).

After listening to her, everyone in the room were angrily making comments and cracking their knuckles.

"Nana, do you remember who chased after you?" Shi Xue asked.

"Umm...the main culprit is Ren family's big miss. The rest is her underlings from class A and B. I can point them out for you and tell you which one did what to me."

"Nana, do you want to transfer to a different school? Mommy is worried about you. Since birth, nobody dared to lift even a strand of your hair. Now, you're in the hospital with bruises all over."

"Your mother is right, Nana. Consider about transferring to a safer school. Daddy will take care of those girls for you."

"Mmm.. okay. I'll transfer."

"Dad, if Nana is going to transfer, how about my school? At least if anything ever happens, Zhen Qi and I could get to her faster. We can also help her catch up to our current semester assignments. Plus, nobody knows about our background from my school anyway."

"Okay, Nana, what do you think?"

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"I'll transfer to brother's school then." she smiled.

"Nana, daddy will go with you to school tomorrow so you can tell me who were involved in beating you okay?"


"Uncle, can I come too?"

"Zhen Qi? Don't you have school tomorrow? Your parents wouldn't want you to skip class like that."

"Dad, tomorrow is reading day. We don't have lessons. Besides, I want to go too. I want to see who dared to lay their hands on my sister. I'll make them regret it."

"Alright. We'll all go tomorrow."

"Daddy, before we go to my school tomorrow can we stop by another school? I need to return something to a student there."

"Sure, but can't you return it to the person some other time?"

"It's his school uniform so I can't delay it."

"Alright, I also want to thank the person for saving you. We'll go tomorrow."


'I can't tell them that it was Ya Nuo who saved me yet. She was dressed as a male. I need to ask her for permission before exposing her privacy to my family."

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