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The next morning Zhi Hei, Zhen Qi, and Jiang Wei went to the hospital to pick Nana and Shi Xue up. Shi Xue stayed overnight to watch over her.

- Hospital Room-

"Nana, your daddy, brother, and Zhen Qi will be here soon. Are you ready yet?"

"Just a few more minutes. I need to brush my hair."

"Sweetheart, you look beautiful already. You've been brushing your hair since 10 minutes ago."

"Really? But see? This strand of hair keeps poking out and so is this one here!!"

"Sweetie, nobody will notice these few strands of hair. You've never been this nervous before. Tell mommy, are you nervous because you'll be meeting the guy who saved you?"

"No, it's just that I'll be going to school later..."


"Okay, okay.. mommy.. can I ask you something?"

"Mhmm.." Shi Xue sat down in front of her and waited.


Knock Knock

"My two beauties, are you two ready to go?" Huang Hei asked on the other side of the door.

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Nana sighed and smiled, "Never mind. I'm ready to go. I just have to wear my shoes."

"Alright. If you have any questions or problems, you can always talk to mommy okay? Girl problems" Shi Xue winked.

Nana blushed and Shi Xue went to open the door for them.

"Morning hubby." Shi Xue gave Huang Hei a peck on the lips.

"Morning Wei Wei and Zhen Qi. Nana only needs to put on her shoe and we could leave."

"Morning auntie, how is Nana feeling today?"

"Haha, this girl is energetic early in the morning."

"i'm ready to go~" Nana walked towards Zhen Qi and smiled.

"Alright, let's go princess."

'Hmm? Nana you...' Shi Xue smiled after she saw Nana's expression and slight blush.

-In front of Tian Ren High School-

Nana saw Ya Nuo from the window and quickly left the car, "Mommy, daddy, I see him. I'll be back."

"Nana! Be careful! Don't run too fast!" Shi Xue yelled.

As soon as she said that, Nana almost tripped. Luckily, Ya Nuo was close to her and hugged her by her waist.

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"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine..Oh right! Here, your uniform jacket. Thank you very much for your help."

"No problem. Are your legs okay? Double check and try to avoid running."

"How did you know something was wrong with my body?"

"Well, I knew how bad baseball bats could hurt and you also have a slight antiseptic scent on you. You probably came from the hospital."

"Wow! You're amazing! I'm fine now. I just need to rest a bit more to fully recover. I'm sorry but can we meet Saturday at my house instead? My parents won't let me go out with this injury. I don't want them to worry."

"Sure, but if that's the case, I'll be in this current disguise. Is that alright?"

"mm. That's fine. Also, I told my parents that you are a male student from this school who saved me. I didn't tell them that you are a girl. I wanted to ask you for your permission before telling anyone your secret."

"Thanks for keeping my privacy. Let's talk about this on Saturday. If we continue talking, you'll be late for school and Hei will use his eyes to kill you." Ya Nuo pointed from her shoulders towards Huan Hei.

"Ah, right haha I forgot your boyfriend is the cautious and jealous type. Hehe, Nuo, thank you once again for saving me! I'll see you on Saturday!"

Nana gave her a quick hug before going back to the car. Ya Nuo watched her get into the car before turning towards Huan Hei.

"Hei, you were pretty obvious just now. Even I felt your stares from far away."

"Hmph, I was only on my way to school. Nuo, for now I'll let her be around you. If I find out that in any way, she puts you through more danger, then I will interrupt your every meeting."

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"Haha, are you jealous of a girl? Relax, she means no harm. Let's go to class."

-Inside the car-

Shi Xue: "Nana, that handsome fellow is the one who saved you?"


Shi Xue: "You should've let us gone with you to thank him for his help."

"You'll see him Saturday. I wanted to thank him so I invited him for dinner."

Zhi Hei: "Oh? Then we better prepare a feast for him that day."

Zhen Qi : "Even though he saved you, you don't know who he is. It's best to not trust him so easily."

Nana: "I know. I'll be careful."

"Nana, we're at your school. Let's go."


Shi Xue held Nana's arm as they walked in the school. Students around them were whispering to each other. Some girls were smirking, while some avoided eye contact. Zhen Qi stood on Nana's right, Zhi Hei and Jiang Wei followed behind them.

"Ho ho, look who's back! Isn't it Huang Li Na, the slut who tried to seduce my boyfriend in the classroom? Hah, dared to show your face again at school? Seems like that lesson I taught you wasn't enough."

Nana narrowed her eyes and smirked, "Well if it isn't the Ren family's big miss who is overly spoiled and arrogant that she uses her family's money to buy useless cosmetics to cover her flaws. Oh wait, even if your foundation coverage is high, your awful personality still shows."

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"You bitch! Did you want to get hit again? I'll fulfill your desires!" Ren Xin Ya lifted her hand to slap Nana. Zhen Qi held Xin Ya's wrist and twisted it.

"So you were the dog who hurt Nana. Who are you again? From the Ren family? I wonder how your parents taught and raised you to be this disrespectful."

"Owww!!! This is sexual harassment! I'm going to sue your sorry ass off! I'm from the Ren family! My parents are better off than yours! Who the fuck did you dare offend for this poor bitch huh?"

"Zhen Qi, let her go. it'll dirty your hands." Nana said.

"You're right, princess. As you wish then." He twisted her arm until her bone cracked before throwing her to the floor. Nana handed him a wet wipe to clean his hands.

Zhi Hei smirked, "So you are the crazy wench who ordered a group of girls to hurt my daughter. Do you have any idea of who you are challenging?"

Xin Ya: "Hahaha, then you better put a leash on your daughter because she likes stealing other people's boyfriend!"

Shi Xue: "Pffft, my daughter steal your boyfriend? Haha, that's the biggest joke I've heard. My daughter is much prettier than you in every way. If I poured makeup remover on you right now, I wonder how attractive you'll be to any boys anywhere. Also, your personality is too rotten. I'll personally speak to your parents."

Xin Ya: "How dare you sluts insult me and say you want to see my parents! They won't see useless people like you! Don't think because you guys are all better looking that you can harm others!"

Teacher: "What's going on here? Oh my, Xin Ya, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Xin Ya: "No! That bitch Huang Li Na, dared to twist my arm! Teacher, you need to help me!"

Nana smiled, "Teacher Wu, I didn't do such a thing. She's lying. Just because she likes to brag about her family status and rule her way throughout the school doesn't make her right."

Teacher: "Huang Li Na! How dare you harass other students and cause a ruckus! Apologize immediately!"

Zhi Hei: "Enough. So I see that not only are students the problem here. The teacher is also a useless brainless retard who favors the richer kids. Well, if that the case, let's end this here and now."

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