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Huan Hei gulped nervously, "W..what did you just say?"

"Can you sleep with me?"


"Can you stay with me tonight?"


"I don't want to sleep alone tonight, but if you're not willing..."

"No, no, I'm willing! But you only have one bed..."

"Hei, we've known each other for this long and now you act shy? I've seen the drunk you. What else is more embarrassing?"

"Hurry and go shower before your water turns cold. Go , go.."


She clipped her hair up and enjoyed her bath. 'Hei... Let's see how you'll get away this time..'

After her shower, she applied her regular skin care routine before walking out in her oversized t-shirt that covered half her thighs and super short pajama shorts.

"Your turn."

"Oh, uhm thanks..."

The hot steam from her bath followed her out of the bathroom. She was freshly bathed and had a light flower fragrance lingering from her body. Her top was light pink with a teddy bear on the lower right. Her long legs stood out entirely as the shirt looked like the only thing that she's wearing. She loosened the clip and her soft waved hair covered her shoulders. Her moist pink lips were as gentle as cherry blossoms, so sweet and luscious. Her eyes were locked with his as she walked closer to him. The closer she got, the more he blushed. She stood in front of him and smiled, "Hei… are you waiting for me to wash your back for you?"


"Then go take a shower!"

"I'll go now!!"

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"Hehe, silly as always, but you already failed my first test.."

After his shower, he walked out and saw her brushing her hair in front of the dresser. She saw his reflection from the mirror and held the comb towards his direction, "Hei, help me comb the back of my hair. I can't see the back of my head."

"Okay." What he didn't know was that he had already failed her second test. 'Hei... your last test is coming up hehe..'

It took him 10 minutes to completely comb her hair. By the time he was done, he realized that it was 1 a.m. already.

"Let's go to sleep. It's late already." he suggest.

"Okay." She switched off the lights and felt her pulse rate increase. 'Last test...'

She hopped in bed and waited a bit before whispering, "Hei, are you still awake?"

"Hmm? Yeah. why?" his drowsy voice sounded deeper and sexier than usual.

'Plan B changed back to plan A. Plan A seemed too embarrassing, but you got me interested hehee....'

"Hei, I want to sleep closer to the wall. Can you switch with me?"

"hmm? mmm.. go ahead..."

"You don't have to move. I'll just crawl over you since it's cold outside the blanket."

"mmm..." he started mumbling in his sleep.

'His half asleep replies are so cute! Let's see how long you could stay awake.'

Her hand found his chest in the dark. She pressed her palm on the space next to him and brushed her leg against his body to reach the other side of the bed. His body trembled a little and her smile widened.

"ahhh.." her hand accidentally slipped off the pillow. Her body, now on top of his. Her head laid on his chest. There, she heard, a similar heart rate as fast and uncontrollable as her own. It was as if his heart was pounding in the same rhythm as hers. 'So.. I'm not the only one..'

She sat up on his body and slowly found his smooth hair. She traced her finger slowly around his jaw line to his lips. Her hand palmed the nape of his neck and she lowered her head parallel to his. Her nose touched his and they could feel each others breath. 'I shouldn't do this..'

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She slowly retracted her hand from his neck and tried to get off him without waking him up. Suddenly, her world turned upside down and a strong grip held her tight in place. This time, his palm was on the nape of her neck, and his lips pressed on hers. His kisses were different the ones they've shared before. It was more rough and wild. His lips never parted from hers for even a second. She didn't know when, but her wrists were no longer held by his hands. Instead, his palms cupped her cheeks as their lips connected over and over.

His hands found her cheeks in the dark. He could imagine and feel her embarrassed face from the rising temperature of her face. "Nuo, have you ever imagined what it'll be like... with the two of us together?" he whispered in her ears.

He stopped these wild kisses and looked her in the eye in the dark. A voice was screaming inside of him, telling him that if he makes a move, there will be no turning back. Another voice told him that if he doesn't risk it, he will end up with nothing.

Her mouth parted. Then, his lips were on hers again, preventing her from saying anything. 'Nuo, don't answer my question. I'm not ready for a rejection'

"mm..nnn..." the sounds of blanket rustling filled the room as they shared the taste of each other's lips countless times. The tag from the back of his shirt itched his skin as she clutched his t-shirt and pulled him closer to her. The night was long as the two became addicted to kissing each other.

While the two of them were enjoying their alone time, Qi Yang carefully placed two strands of Ya Nuo's hair into a small transparent bag and then took a few strands of his own hair into another.

Knock Knock

"Who is it?"


"Oh! Great timing. I was about to go look for you."

"Before saying what you want to say, I heard Ya Nuo crying from the garden. She's never cried this much before. What happened?"

"Ah... that.. I'm not sure either. She wouldn't tell us anything."

"I see.. I'll go visit her tomorrow. You said you had something to tell me?"

"Yes. Actually, I wanted to ask you if you still have the picture of mother holding her as a child. The close up one where you could see her birthmark."

"Yes. Here, I have it with me all the time. She was an adorable little angel who grabbed my finger with her tiny fingers when she first saw me. She wasn't afraid of strangers either."

"This is it."

"What do you mean?"

"This is the same mark I saw on her. Behind Ya Nuo's ears."

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"Are you sure you didn't see wrong?"

"Of course not! This is a crown shaped birthmark. I brushed her hair aside and made her stay in place when I checked it."

"Then.. you mean that Ya Nuo is..."

"I'm not entirely sure so I pulled two strands of her hair when she wasn't paying attention. I also pulled my hair out so I can go for a DNA test tomorrow."

"Good. If Ya Nuo is really..."

"Grandpa,. before the results come out don't do or say anything to anyone."


-Huang Mansion-

"n..n.noo.. somebody help me..please.. please... ahh!! Haa... ahh.."

Na Na switched on her lamp and wiped the cold sweat off her forehead. Her eyes were red from the horrible dream she had. Her hands supported her head when she sat up. 'That nightmare again... must be because I heard Ya Nuo's story today...looks like I wont be able to sleep tonight. Oh right.. today's also that date.. hah... no wonder why I'm like this..'

She quietly walked across the hall and knocked on her parent's door.

'Looks like mommy and daddy are both sleeping soundly. What should I do? I can't sleep after the nightmare unless mommy sleeps with me...maybe I can ask Wei Wei if he is still awake..'

She smiled when she saw that Wei Wei's room lights were still on from the bottom of the door crack.

knock knock (lightly)

Wei Wei: "Nana? It's so late already. Aren't you supposed to be asleep already?"

Yu Wen: "Nana? Still awake?"

Nana smiled, "I... couldn't sleep...'

Wei Wei felt her forehead and wrapped a sweater around her shoulders, "You have a fever. I'll call for mom."

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"No.. mom and dad are sleeping. I knocked on their door before I came here."

Wei Wei settled her in his bed. "If you can't sleep alone then try to sleep here. We'll be talking for a while if you don't mind the noise."

"Mmm.. I dont mind.."

"If your fever gets worse later, I'll call mom okay?"


"Good, now sleep."

Yu Wen: "Are you sure she doesn't need any medicine?"

Wei Wei checked his phone and shook his head, "This happens every time. It's normal."

"What do you mean every time?"

"It's a forbidden topic so I can't talk about it."

Nana: "Bro..."

Wei Wei turned around and smiled awkwardly, "What is it?"

Nana: "Can you hold my hand until I fall asleep?"

He sighed helplessly, "Alright, princess. Here, don't drool on my hand though hahaha"

She closed her eyes and quickly fell in deep slumber. He extracted his hand slowly and tucked her in. After making sure that she was asleep, Wei Wei pointed towards the balcony and Yu Wen followed behind.


"We can't talk about this in front of Nana, it'll scare her..." he felt an inescapable weight on his chest as he continued.

"She became like this because of me."

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