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Wei Wei leaned on the balcony and looked at the moonless night. The coldness from the balcony made his voice tremble, "This all started because I was too playful and didn't listen to my parents..."


Nana and Wei Wei: 8 years old

Shi Xue: "Nana, Wei Wei~ Mommy and daddy are going out to visit a friend at the hospital. Be good and stay home okay? Don't cause trouble while we are gone alright?"

Wei Wei and Nana nodded.

After Shi Xue and Zhi Hei left, Wei Wei got tired of playing with his toys and decided to sneak out. He overheard his parents conversation earlier and knew which hospital they were going to. He decided to walk to the hospital since it was around 20 minutes away without telling any maids and butlers.

"Big bro, where are you going?"

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"Nana? shhh, I'm playing a game with the butlers and maids right now. If you make a sound and they find me then I will lose. Be good and quiet. I'll buy you candy later."

"Mmm.. then can Nana play too?"

"Sure. But you can't make a sound and must follow me."

"Nn.. okay! hehehe"

After successfully getting out of the house, Wei Wei held Nana's hand and started walking around. He knew how to get to the hospital so he was confident in which direction they were going.

"Brother, we are getting further away from the house. We should go back."

"No! If you do that now, we will both get in trouble. We'll get punished. If we find daddy and mommy first and then give them a surprise, they'll be happy. Don't you want them to be happy?"

"I do... but they might get angry at us for sneaking out like this."

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"It's okay! Didn't I say I'll get you some candy? There are people smoking inside the store and I know you hate that scent. How about this? You stand outside the store and I go inside to buy you some candy. After that, we will go find mommy and daddy. Okay?"

"Mmm.. okay, I'll wait for you here. Hurry back!"


While he was buying candy, Nana was kidnapped. He came out of the store and saw the kidnappers pulling her into the van. Her mouth was covered and unable to scream for help. His first reaction was to run after the them, but it was useless. When he looked up again, the van was already gone. He called his parents and told them about the situation. Within 5 minutes, Shi Xue and Zhi Hei reached his location and hugged him tightly. The candy that he bought for Nana was crunched to pieces in both hands. He gritted his teeth and cried while apologizing.

Nobody blamed him for what happened to Nana. Zhi Hei ordered every bodyguard he could hire in short amount of time to scatter around the city and look for Nana. There were no traces of her anywhere. That night, they received a call from the kidnappers demanding a ransom of 60 billion dollars or else it'll be Nana's corpse that will be sent back in pieces. They gave Zhi Hei two days to gather the money. Zhi Hei tried to track the calls and already informed the police of the kidnapping incident, but the kidnappers were well prepared so nobody was able to track them. They chose a spot where street cameras weren't working to kidnap her. After a day of not hearing from the kidnappers, everyone sat in the living room and discussed about what their next step will be. It was late and everybody was tired. That night, Zhi Hei, Shi Xue, and Wei Wei stayed wide awake. At 3:07 A.M. someone rang the doorbell continuously and startled everyone in the household. Everyone got up to take a look at who it was or what package might be sent by the kidnappers. It was Nana. She was covered in dirt and scratches. She collapsed the moment she felt her parents warmth.

When she woke up, it was already two days later. She didn't suffer from any severe injuries, but was traumatized. After she got back, she didn't speak for two weeks. One day, their grandparents brought a snake to the house to make soup for her. Perhaps, the snake scared her. After seeing the snake, Nana was terrified and screamed for help in a frantic voice as if she had witnessed the most gruesome murder in front of her. It took a while to calm her down and slowly, she started talking again.

During her recovery period, Shi Xue stayed with her all the time. There were multiple times where Nana tried to lead her parents somewhere, but midway, she would become confused or get a headache from trying to remember something. When people tried asking her what happened during the time she was kidnapped and how she escaped, Nana would tremble in fear and cover her ears. Sometimes she would lock herself in her own room and refuse to see anyone but Shi Xue and Zhi Hei. After that, Zhi Hei made this the forbidden topic in the household and nobody can ever talk about it in front of Nana.

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Yu Wen: "No wonder your family is overprotective when it comes to Nana."

Wei Wei nodded, "After that incident, she will get nightmares and sometimes a fever at the same date of each year. The fever normally goes away by itself, but we keep track of it just in case it rises."

Yu Wen: "So till today, she never spoke about this to anyone?"

Wei Wei shook his head, "We only hear her mentioning abou-"

Nana moaned painfully, "nnn... he..lp... big sister... where are you..? ..big sister.."

Wei Wei ran to Nana and tried to wake her up, "Nana, wake up. It's a bad dream. Nana.."

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Yu Wen noticed her unusually reddened cheeks and breathing pattern, "Go get a doctor and your parents. Her fever rose. I'll look after her. Hurry!"

"Okay. " he tan across the hall and banged on his parents room, "Mom! Dad!! Nana's running a high fever! Wake up!!"

15 minutes later

Chen Mu: "The high fever is from her arm's wound and a stimulation causing her to react this way."

Zhi Hei: "What arm wound?"

Chen Mu: "She didn't want you guys to worry so she told me to hide it from you guys. She should be fine after she wakes up later. Help her wipe her body so that she's more comfortable."

Shi Xue: "Hubby, carry her back to her room. I'll wipe her body and check her wound."

After moving her to her own room, Zhi Hei waited patiently outside for Shi Xue to finish. In the middle of wiping Nana's body, she started crying and grabbing on Shi Xue's hand, "Big sister... where are we going... no... don't go..."

Shi Xue frowned, "It's alright sweetie. This is just a bad dream. Nobody can harm you.."

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