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Shi Xue quickly wiped the rest of her body and covered Nana with a blanket before opening the door slightly, "I'm staying with her tonight. She's having the same nightmare and looking for some big sister again."

"Alright, I'll be in our room. Let me know if you need help or rest."

"Don't worry about me. You have work soon, go rest."

Zhi Hei gave her a peck on the forehead, "Okay, good night."

The next morning, Nana woke up seeing Shi Xue sitting by her side.


"Dear, you're finally awake. How are you feeling?"

"A little thirsty, but I'm fine."

"Good. Your fever went up in the middle of the night. You got us all worried."

"Oh... I didn't want to wake you guys up so I stayed in brother's room."

"Your health is always our priority, honey. Always let us know when you're not feeling well okay?"


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"Also, how did you get that wound?"

"Ahh... I accidentally knocked over my glass set for snacks and ended up with a scrape."

"Sweetie, I saw how thick the bandages were. That wasn't just a scrape. Be more careful next time. Wash up and go downstairs for breakfast. You can stay home today if you want to."


After washing up, Nana walked downstairs while thinking about Ya Nuo. She accidentally missed a step and almost slipped down the stairs.

Yu Wen: "Careful! Are you okay? Were you dizzy? It's dangerous!"

Nana: "wahhh... oh.. thanks.. no, I'm fine."

Wei Wei: "If you're fine then what was with before? You almost fell down the stairs."

Nana: "I was thinking about something.. I'll be more careful next time."

Yu Wen put his hand on her forehead and smiled, "Good. no fever. I'll walk on your right side just in case you miss a step again"

Nana: "Haha, don't worry."

/Taekwondo house- Ya Nuo's Room

Ya Nuo woke up before Huan Hei and stretched her body. She touched her lips gently and looked at his peaceful sleeping expression.

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She poked his face with her index finger, "Your little angelic handsome face surely doesn't match with the beast side of yours from last night. Sheesh, you kissed me until I got tired and fell asleep. I didn't even know when I fell asleep. But~" she smiled helplessly and got off the bed.

"I'm the one who started it. So I reap what I sow~"

'When you wake up, you'll have a lot to explain... failed all three of my you knew I was a girl didn't you? That's why you accepted my previous kisses and last night's kisses..'

After her daily routine, she got out of the bathroom to see that he was still asleep.

"Hei~ It's time to wake up~ The roosters finished their wake up call already. Wake up~ Wake up~ wake up~~~"

"Mmmm... 5 more minutes..." he brushed her hands away from his face.


"Hei, if you don't wake up soon.. then I'll take advantage of you in bed." she whispered gently and blew in his ears.

"nnn... you can take whatever you want...nn... wallet... me.. anythin..."

"ho? Are you challenging me?"


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'Hmph, I'll lean closer to scare you then...hhheehe' She climbed back to bed and lightly brushed his hair. The longer she stroke his hair, the more pleased she was with their current position. She was facing him and moving closer to his lips.

'Yesterday night, I didn't want the kisses to end. I wanted to continue kissing you for as long as possible, if possible, forever. But I know that I have too much to deal with. Hei, wait for me. I'll give you a satisfied answer to your question from yesterday. Ever since we first kissed, to the restaurant and admitting to your mom that I was your girlfriend... actually probably before all that I already... towards you...'

Her hand fondled his face and slowly pulled his head towards her. He subconsciously rolled on top of her and returned the kiss passionately.

'Ahhh, what a wonderful dream this is? I wish I wont ever wake up from it. Since it's a dream, I'll kiss her as much as I want hehehee'

His tongue slipped curiously in her mouth and exercised with hers. At first, her hands clenched strongly on his shirt, but soon, her body relaxed and arms embraced him. She pulled him closer, sucked his tongue intensely, and swallowed their mixed saliva. He looked at her amusingly and teased her numbed plump lips with his thumb before whispering, "You're too naughty in the's a lesson."

'Oh lord... sweet drops of heaven... his morning voice is deep and seductive. This voice is already my body's weakness. Now I can't move my body this position...'

" Nuo, I love you." he bit her ear lightly and blew in it.

"ahhh....mmmnnn..." Suddenly, his body weight is on hers and she stayed still not knowing what'll happen next.


She tried poking him and tickling him, but received no response.



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"So you were still half asleep....Hei, wake up!!!!!!"

Hearing her voice loudly, he instantly got up from her body and realized that he was on top of her.

"Aha... Nuo.... morning....."

"Yeah, morning to you too. Did you have fun just now?"

"Huh? Huh? Uh....."

"Don't tell me you forgot what you did to me already... or did you dream of doing that to another girl in your dreams?" she tilted her brow questionably.

"No.. no... only you were in my dreams!" he covered his mouth

"Oh? Reallly?"

He averted his eyes, "I wonder what's for breakfast... do you know what's for breakfast?"

"I do. You."

"Huh? Whaaat?"

Thump. Bedsheet rustles.

She toppled over him and kissed him intensely. This kiss wasn't enough for her. Her tongue actively connected with his and marked her territory inside his mouth. The affection and desire was too great. She didn't want to hold back and continued kissing him nonstop until their mouth went numb. Even then, she sucked on his soft plumped lips pleasurably as if she was enjoying her favorite bone ribs. At this point, both of them blocked out everything else, but each other's presence. 'Breakfast can wait when his lips taste better...'

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