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After breakfast, Ya Nuo told Huan Hei that she wasn't feeling well so she will not go to school with him today. After he left, Ya Nuo texted Nana to ask her to bring back her wig and cosmetic supplies. Nana stayed home because she didn't feel too well after eating. When Nana received Ya Nuo's text, she quickly responded "Okay, where do you want to meet? I also want to apologize for what happened on Saturday. I really didn't mean any harm. I'm sorry if I offended or hurt you in any way. I'll apologize again in person."

"It's fine. I should be the one apologizing to you for hurting you. How is your arm? Still hurts? Also, I didn't go to school today so I am in my room."

"No, I'll recover very soon. I can bring you your stuff this afternoon."

"I can meet you at the same café where we first met. How about 3:00?"

"Okay. I'll see you soon."

Nana took a hot shower and headed to her parent's room to look for Shi Xue.

Knock Knock



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Nana opened the door and saw Shi Xue resting in bed with a tired expression.

'Mom looks so tired... Forget it, I'll write her a note and leave it on top of her phone. She'll know where I'm going and give me a call when she wakes up late.'

Around 2:30, Nana told everyone else in the house that she will be out for the afternoon. Uncle Tut drove her to the café and parked at a place near the café. Nana checked the time and decided to get a table first. The café was crowded with students and the staff told Nana that there will be a 10-15 minutes wait. She needed to use the bathroom so she left her number for the staff and walked to the restroom. After entering one of the two stalls in the bathroom, two other people walked into the bathroom and Nana heard them talking.

Girl: "Why are you following me?"

Man: "I'm not."

Girl: "Then why the fuck are you here?"

Man: "I told you that I am working right now. It was a coincidence to see you and your friends here okay?"

Girl: "Yeah right, it is because you saw me with my two male classmates last time. You wanted to follow me to see if I was hanging out with them after school. I've told you before and I don't mind repeating it once more. Do not touch even a strand of my friend's hair. If I find out that any of those two classmates are in trouble or goes missing, I will not forgive you. I'll hurt myself in front of you and make your regret it!"

Man: "Hen Qing, why can't you trust your father once? I am trying my best to makeup for the past. You'll understand me sooner or later."

Girl: "Father? Where was my father when my mother was beaten up badly? Where was my father when my mom and I were starving and struggling to buy even a piece of bread? Do you know how we lasted a week with a piece of bread? Mom worked straight nights in 4 different places just to pay off your debt and house bills. When we were short on money, we split the bread up for different days. We shared one bread for a few days. Then, mom suddenly disappeared and you came back home. Do you think I'm stupid? A person doesn't randomly disappear like that. Something bad must have happened to her and you know it. You came back, but I don't want you so leave me alone. "

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Man: "I...I can't find your mother either. I tried my best. I'm trying very hard to help your mother and I promise that she will be back very soon. I'm really here for work and now is not a good time to have this talk with you. I'm looking for someone who will be here very soon."

Girl: "Hah..hahaha, now is not the time? Then when is it ever the right time to tell me anything? Unless you tell me who you're looking for, or else I won't believe you."

Man: "You know I am not allowed to do that. This is a client's information."

Girl: "Client? What client? Another dirty asshole who wants you to finish up his disgusting leftovers? You've been roaming around my school area so much, if you are stalking me, just say it."

Man: "Hen Qing! ..fine, I'll tell you. I'm looking for Yang family's daughter, Yang Ya Nuo. There, are you happy now? If I find her and take her back to her father, then my job will be complete."

Girl: ".....Yang Ya Nuo? Which Yang family is this? The rich one whose daughter never appeared in front of the media and mysteriously disappeared two years ago?"

Man: "Yes! I'm doing something good for them! She's a rebel and Mr.Yang wants her back home."

Girl: "Oh..? so you're reuniting a rebellious teenager and her father hmm?"

Man: "Now that you know, can you stop acting the way you are now?"

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Girl: "Fine. I'll pretend I don't know you. Bye."

Man mumbles: "Hen Qing, don't blame me for lying. If I told you that she will be brought back to an abusive asshole who wants to sell her for money as a wife to another rich family, you would definitely not stay out of this."

Man also leaves the bathroom.

Nana took out her phone and quickly messaged Ya Nuo to tell her not to come to the café, but the bathroom has poor signal so her messages didn't send. She tried calling Ya Nuo's cellphone, but nobody picked up either. After several attempts, Nana told Uncle Tut to come pick her up outside the café while she waited for Ya Nuo. 'There is only one rich family with the surname Yang and a missing daughter. Must be Nuo..'

'Nuo, I won't let anything happen to you. This man is dangerous...I hope I can help you..'

Nana walked out of the restroom and crossed her name out on the waiting list.

"Nana" Ya Nuo tapped her shoulder from behind.

"Nuo, Uncle Tut is outside of the café. You need to run for the car and get out of here. Some guy is after you and you're in danger. I'll hold him for a bit and meet you at my house." she whispered and blocked Ya Nuo's side face view from everyone in the café.

"No, I'm not leaving you behind."

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"His target is you. Not me. I'll be fine. Hurry and go. No time." Nana pushed her towards the door and immediately turned around to put back the menu. "Sorry, we don't want to dine here anymore."

'I remember the man's cologne scent. The guy walking towards the door is the one who is after Nuo!'

"Ahhh!!!! I'm tripping! Sir!!! Watch out!!" Nana pretended to slip and used this chance to take off her heels and threw it at the man's head.

"Owww!!! What the fuck!! You bitch!!!" The man lost his balance and fell to his knees.

"I'm very sorry!! Sir." Nana kicked his face using her other sharp front of her other heel and tried to run away. The moment she grabbed the door knob, her hair was pulled violently from behind.


cough cough

"L..let me go..."

"You bitch. You purposely did it so she could get away didn't you? Then you need to die!" He tightened his grip on her fragile neck. The staff tried to pull him away from her, but nobody managed to move him or his hand. Nana fought back instinctively and dug her nails deep into his arms hoping it'll distract him. Everyone in the café called the police and tried to get his hands off of her. Her deeply engraved nails made his skin bleed, but it didn't help her at all. She started crazily scratching on his arms and wherever she could reach. It was useless.

Finally, her consciousness began to fade. Her vision blurred and started to black out. Her hands let go of his arms and swung helplessly on the sides of her body...

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