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"You bastard!" Ya Nuo kicked The Boogeyman's crotch with full strength.

"Ahh!!!! Fucking bitch!!!! I'll drag you back to hell!"

"Sorry, but only you will suffer in hell. Not me nor anybody you've ever hurt." She stomped on his chest and furiously aimed for his groin again. The Boogeyman whimpered in tears as he covered his privates with his hands. The second hit was violent, but was mostly blocked by his hands so he suffered less than the first kick.

Ya Nuo looked at Nana, who already lost consciousness on the floor. 'I need to get her to the hospital immediately, but if I take away my foot now, he might retaliate. What should I do...'

"Ya Nuo, get your friend to the hospital. Leave this man to me. I'll handle him." Hen Qing stepped out from the crowd looking apologetic.

"Hen Qing? How did you..?"

Hen Qing pointed at The Boogeyman and shook her head, "Don't worry about me. He can't hurt me. Your friend needs immediate medical attention and make sure she's breathing before doing anything."

Ya Nuo nodded and looked at her suspiciously, "Thanks."

She got off him and Hen Qing stomped on his chest, "Stay still or you'll feel worse than getting hit in the groin. I warned you."

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"Hen Qing, I didn't lay my hands on your classmates. Why are you doing this?"

She stepped firmly on his chest pushing him back down on the floor, "Yang Ya Nuo is my friend. Now, you hurt an innocent girl to vent your anger and frustration. You're worst than a monster. If anything happens to that girl, you're going to stay in prison for the rest of your life."

Ya Nuo shook Nana lightly and felt her pulse, 'Good, she's still alive.'

"Nana, Nana? knocked out. I'll get you to the hospital now."

She picked her up and walked out of the café.

"What are you doing to Nana??!!!!" Zhen Qi and Wei Wei shouted from across the street and ran towards her.

"Nana! Nana, wake up! Don't scare me! Her neck..." Wei Wei tried to wake her up.

"She's still alive, but if you continue blocking my way, I can't guarantee how long she can last. So rather than shaking her before knowing her condition, how about opening the car door for me to put her down and head to the hospital?"

"Who the hell are you?" Jiang Wei said as he opened the door for Ya Nuo.

"and who are you guys to Nana? Before asking others their name, introduce yourselves first."

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"I'm her brother, Jiang Wei. This is our childhood friend, Zhen Qi. Your turn."

"I'm Yang Ya Nuo. Nana was strangled in the café just now."

Zhen Qi sat in the back seat with Nana in his arms on their way to the hospital. On their way, Wei Wei called Chen Mu, Shi Xue, and Zhi Hei to tell them about Nana's condition.


Chen Mu rushed Nana to the emergency room and everyone was waiting impatiently for the doctors to come out. Shi Xue and Zhi Hei arrived a few minutes after Nana entered the emergency room.

"Where's Nana?"

"She's in the emergency room. We're still waiting for the doctors to come out."

"What happened?"

Ya Nuo stood up from her seat and told them what happened at the café. "Yang Qiu Rei is the one who hired The Boogeyman after me. The Boogeyman hurt Nana impulsively because she helped me escape. I was waiting outside of the café for Nana and ran back in after a few minutes passed."

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Zhi Hei: "Thank you for saving Nana."

Ya Nuo shook her head apologetically, "She's the one who saved me."

Shi Xue held her hand and patted it, "No, you could've left her there, but you went back for her. If you didn't, she wouldn't be alive right now."

Ya Nuo: "Auntie... It's my fault to begin with. Yang Qiu Rei had been looking for me and I hid from him. I was their target, but Nana almost lost her life saving me."

Shi Xue tightened her grip on Ya Nuo's hand, "Girl, it's not your fault. This is all because of that greedy bastard. We've heard from Hui Yan that she spoke to you the other day so you already know that Yang Qiu Rei is not your biological father."

Ya Nuo lowered her head, "Yes, that's why I've decided to take revenge. I was also going to ask Nana today to help me reunite with my real family, but..."

Zhi Hei: "Within the next two hours, Yang Qiu Rei's company stocks will plummet and he will lose a whole fortune. I wont have him on a dead end this early. The Huang family will help you on your revenge plans unconditionally. Your parents and our family have been close enough to consider each other as family. Therefore, you are our family already. On top of that, those bastards dared to injure Nana. That's already asking for death."

Ya Nuo: "But what if I'm not the one whom you're looking for?"

Zhi Hei: "We've already done DNA tests to confirm your identity."

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/Emergency Door opens

Everyone: "How's Nana??"

Chen Mu: "She lost consciousness from the strangulation. Fortunately, the man who strangled her didn't shake her while choking her or else she might not even make it to the hospital. Her throat is swollen and swallowing would be a bit uncomfortable. She temporarily lost her voice so prepare whatever you guys prefer for communication. She's sleeping so you guys can stay with her since she hates hospitals. I've arranged her in one of our private rooms so she could rest peacefully. I'll prepare her meals so rest assured."

Everyone sighed in relief and followed the nurses who were pushing Nana to her room.

/Yang Mansion

Master Yang: "You idiot!!!! What do you mean someone helped her escape and you failed to catch her again?!! What?! Now you want me to hire a lawyer and bail you out? Are your brains fried or something? Who the fuck gave you the title The Boogeyman when you suck at your job? I give you one simple task and it takes you this long to find her track?"

The Boogeyman: "Master Yang, don't forget how much I've helped you before. If you don't want me telling some interesting things to the police and giving the evidence that I've collected for all these years, then try me. I'm already in jail anyways, but you, the man who made so many enemies and framed innocent ones to prison... I wonder how long you'll last in here?"

Master Yang: " Are you threatening me?"

The Boogeyman: "This can at most be called a deal. I've found out a way to trace after Yang Ya Nuo already and it is definitely 100% success this time. If you don't save me then don't expect to hear a word from me. But you will be expecting the police knocking on your door in the next week if you don't help."

Master Yang smashed his wine glass on the floor, "Fine! I'll trust you this last time. If you fail again, don't say I didn't warn you. I know where your daughter lives and your wife is still in my hands. I don't think you'll want shit to happen to them hmm?"

The Boogeyman gritted his teeth: "Master Yang sure knows how to calculate. I'll see your lawyer and you soon."

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