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/Ya Nuo's Room

Ya Nuo: "Hei... I think I'm ready to meet my real parents and family. I heard from Nana that I have a grandpa and older brother. They are still looking for me and will be very happy if they know that I'm found."

Huan Hei: "That's great! When are you planning to meet them?"

Ya Nuo: "Sometime this week. I'll have dinner at Nana's place and meet them during the dinner."

Huan Hei: "That's awesome!"

She leaned her head on his chest and sighed, "I'm worried how they'll react.. what if they don't like the way I am? What if we don't get along? What's the story behind Yang Qiu Rei's kidnapping and torturing on me?"

He listened to her words attentively and played with her smooth hair, "Nuo, remember what I told you. If you're not sure how to act around them then show them your brightest smile and hug them. Expressing emotions doesn't necessarily mean you need to do it by talking. You can tell them how you've lived your past years. You can ask them endless questions and they'll most likely answer you. Don't worry too much okay?"

Ya Nuo: "What if.."

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"Shhh" he rubbed her glossy lips and kissed her tenderly. After a light kiss, he tucked her in bed and held her hand by her bedside.

"Sleep tight, princess. I'll stay here until you fall asleep."


"Relax yourself and don't over think things."

She was probably tired from running around during the day so it didn't take long for her to fall in deep slumber. He smiled and lightly pecked her on the forehead before putting her hand in the blanket. The moment his hand separated from hers, she furrowed her brows. He chuckled and whispered, "Even though I said we won't sleep together, it doesn't count as cheating if I sit and watch you sleep for a while. Your little forehead will get wrinkles if I leave now. My heart will ache if I see you like this before I leave. Rest well, princess."

/Huang Mansion

After a few days, Nana was released from the hospital and cheerfully ran to hug everyone in the house. Even though her voice is not completely recovered, she was eating her meals and taking her medicine on time. She knew that the faster her recovery, the sooner it'll be for Ya Nuo to meet her family and for her to try their 'plan.' While having these pleasant thoughts in her mind, she courageously chugged down every bitter herb medicine treatments that Chen Mu scheduled for her recovery. Normally, it will take patient's a while to recover their voice, but under Chen Mu's special care, Nana is more than half recovered.

Nana went to her room to rest before dinner and once she got to her room, she took out her phone and texted Ya Nuo.

Nana: "Nuo~ I got released from the hospital."

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Ya Nuo: "Good. How are you feeling now? Does your throat still bother you like before?"

Nana: "Not really. I am limited to eating fruits and other mushy food, but I can start eating a bit of other stuff soon. I'll take all the bitterness from the medicine if it makes me recover 10x faster."

Ya Nuo: "Heh, you're rushing to recover because you want to get on with our plan hmm?"

Nana: "Don't tease me! I'm also doing this so you can meet your family sooner. Since I've been in the hospital and taking medicine, my parents didn't have the time to contact your family. So my parents decided to have a dinner altogether when I'm better. I told them I don't need them to wait that long just for me, but my parents insisted on waiting till my throat recovers. I guess they want to celebrate my recovery."

Ya Nuo: "Haha, I understand your parents. You have such loving parents."

Nana: "Your parents are the same as my parents okay? You should see their lovey dovey talk. Such sweet couples make me envious."

Ya Nuo: "Ahem, soon you'll probably be like them."

Nana: "Except you are already like them -Wink- "

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Ya Nuo: "Hahaha, I have no idea what you're talking about~"

NAna: "By the way, was there someone else at the café after I lost consciousness? Not the customers or staffs who tried to help me. There was a girl in the crowd that was kind of weird."

Ya Nuo: "There is only one person I have on my mind and her name is Hen Qing. She is my classmate from school. Why?"

Nana: "I don't remember what happened after I lost consciousness. I only remember seeing a girl looking the whole time but her expression was a bit weird. She didn't look anxious or scared like other people who were also in the café. I recognize her though. She's the one who spoke with the creepy guy who almost killed me. I think she knows what the guy is up to and purposely did nothing about it."

Ya Nuo: "Hmm... she stepped out of the crowd at the end to help me so I didn't suspect her as much. I just thought that she had something she didn't want to talk about so I didn't ask. Now that I think about it, she didn't step up when she could have helped you. Since she mentioned that the The Boogeyman, man who tried to kill you, wouldn't hurt her... maybe they know each other. Since she didn't hurt me, I just let her off."

Nana: "Be careful of her. She gave off an expression that looked like she had a grudge against me or something. If you didn't come rescue me, I would've died."

Ya Nuo: "Alright, I'll keep my guards up against her. Thanks for bringing that up."

Nana: "No problem. I can't wait to see you soon hehehe. There's so much we haven't talked about yet."

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Ya Nuo: "Silly, we have a lot of time to chit chat once you recover. Isn't it better if we talked voice to voice and not through a piece of paper?"

Nana: "You're right. I'll definitely recover soon!"

Knock knock

Zhen Qi: "Nana?"

Nana texted Ya Nuo: "Zhen Qi's here. I'll talk to you later~"

Ya Nuo sent a cheerleading sticker as a reply.

Nana opened the door and saw a huge bouquet of her favorite flowers. She smiled and hugged the bouquet of flowers.

Zhen Qi: "Welcome home."

She was so happy that she held the bouquet in one arm and pulled his head down using the other...and planted a kiss on his cheeks.

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