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After kissing him on the cheek, she blushed and typed, "Thank you for the flowers! I love them!"

'She's shy after kissing me? How cute."

He cupped her cheeks, made her eyes meet his, and smiled, "Glad you liked my gift."

'Is he teasing me? He lowered his voice and rubbed my cheeks... I really want to hug him.. what should I do....'

Her slightly parted lips stretched to an alluring smile, "It's from you so I love it."

Wei Wei walked upstairs and saw them blushing at each other.

"Aiyo~ Such a Springy feel up here. What made our princess smile so sweetly hmm?"

"Look, look! I got pretty flowers hehehe"

"Mmm.. It's beautiful. Our princess, mom said dinner is ready and to come down with you. I'm supposed to call you for dinner too, but since you're here I won't have to walk extra~ Put down your flowers and come."

"Ehhh, Wait for me."

She put the flowers down and hugged Zhen Qi and Wei Wei's arms.

Wei Wei: "You have fun these days hugging our arms huh?"

She stuck out her tongue and smiled happily

Zhen Qi: "I don't mind it at all."

Finally, under Chen Mu's strict watch on Nana's meals and medicine treatments, she recovered fully. The Huang's contacted Ya Nuo's family and decided to have dinner tonight.

Chen Mu: "Congratulations, sweet lil bunny, you can hop around everywhere and talk again. My medicine is pretty effective."

Nana: "Extremely bitter. Came at a huge price."

Chen Mu: "Haha, After bitter, comes sweetness."

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Shi Xue: "Are you sure she's fully recovered? No aftermath from the strangling right?"

Nana: "Mommy, I'm fine. See?" she spun around a few times and made herself dizzy.

Shi Xue: "Careful! sheesh, this daughter only knows how to make my heart pop out."

Chen Mu: "See? She's so energetic and can move around freely. She's fine now."

Nana: "Mhmm. Mhmm... mommy can I go now? I want to pick Zhen Qi and brother up from school."

Shi Xue: "Okay. Listen to Uncle Tut and stay in the car. Also, tell Ya Nuo to come over for dinner tonight."

Nana: "I already texted her and she said she'll come early to hang out with me hehe"

Shi Xue: "Alright. Let's walk Uncle Chen Mu out first and then you could go."

/In front of Cheng Xu High School

This was the third time Nana looked at the mini mirror and fixed her hair.

"Uncle Tut, how do I look now?"

"Nana, you're the same as before. Beautiful"

"Hehehe, really? That's good."

"Is there someone you are meeting later? Why are you caring about your appearance so much all of a sudden? I've never seen you look at the mirror like that. The only times you ever take out your mirror is to fix your lip stick."

" I just thought that my hair is a bit messy."

"Ah, your brother is out."

"Hmm? I'll go surprise him!" When she looked up, her hands paused on the handle, and eyes widened. 'Isn't that...Zhen Qi? Who's that girl next to him? Why is she acting so close to him? But who am I to go up and ask about her?'

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Door opens

"Woahhh, Nana, that's dangerous. If I didn't catch you, you would've fell out of the car when I opened the door."

"Bro, where's Zhen Qi? Isn't he coming for dinner?"

"Oh. He said he has some sudden business to take care of so he's not going to come tonight."

"I saw him with a girl though."

"Ahhh.. that girl is our classmate. She is Ci Meng Ya."

"Her name sounds so familiar."

"Because she is Ci corps eldest miss. It's weird to see her with Zhen Qi, but weirder for him to hang out with a girl."

"Mhmm.. it's weird."

"But Nana, you normally don't bother with other people's business. Why are you so interested about what he's doing?"

"Nothing. I'm just curious since I never see any girls around him."

"Haha that part is true. He always kept his distance from girls so even I am a bit surprised to see them together. Ci Meng Ya is never seen publicly with any guys either. Anyways, let's go home now and prepare for dinner tonight."


The entire ride home was silent, which made Wei Wei think that she was feeling ill since she normally likes to talk a lot. After they got home, Nana went straight upstairs and Wei Wei looked for Shi Xue to tell her about Nana.

"Mom, should we get Uncle Chen Mu to stop by again? Nana is acting weird."

"Huh? What's wrong? Is it a fever? Throat ache?"

"No, no. Nothing like that. She was very excited to get her voice back, but on our ride home she wasn't talking at all."

"Hmm.. were you two talking after you got in the car or was she quiet all along?"

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"Oh, we talked about Zhen Qi before she stopped talking. She saw Zhen Qi with Ci corps eldest miss walking out of school and asked me about them."

"Oh? Haha, she will be alright then. Mommy will talk to her later. Hurry and go clean up. Our guests will be here soon."

When Ya Nuo arrived, Nana brought her straight to her room after greeting Shi Xue.

"Ya Nuo, what should I do?"

"What's wrong?"

Both of them sat and drank tea as Nana told her what she saw today.

Ya Nuo: "so?"

Nana: "What do you mean by so?"

Ya Nuo: "is that all you saw?"

Nana nodded.

Ya Nuo: "Nana, you didn't see them hold hands or act intimate. They are probably just friends."

Nana: "But he never had any girls walking next to him like that. What's worse is that he was smiling happily too while talking to her. He even skipped tonight's dinner invitation."

Ya Nuo: "Then you want to ask him about her?"

Nana: "I wish, but how can I ask him when I'm only a friend?"

Ya Nuo sighed, "Nana, if you see a rival, you need to face them not avoid them. Since you saw them together and it bothers you, you can just ask him about her. Plus, their families might be business partners and they just happen to be walking together. Don't assume. If it bugs you, then ask."

Nana: "..."

Ya Nuo: "What happened to my confident Nana? You could ask him what he's doing or why he didn't come to tonight's dinner. It's a simple question that friend's would ask regularly. Here, I'll text him for you if you want."

Nana: "But what if he is dating that girl?"

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Ya Nuo: "Then let it be. If he does like someone else and you like him then the best thing to work things out is to wish him happiness. It sounds old fashioned or what so ever, but if that person's heart isn't on you, no point in dragging this on."

Nana: "Okay.."

Nana's conversation with Zhen Qi on messenger:

Nana: "i heard you're not coming to dinner tonight?"

Zhen Qi: "Yep. I have something to do tonight so I'll pass on this one."

Nana: "Ohhh what are you doing? I fully recovered and can talk now. I wanted to give you a surprise, but you aren't coming today."

Zhen Qi: "Really? That's great! I'll come see you tomorrow okay? I gotta go. I'll talk to you later."

/End of conversation

Nana: "He never cuts me off no matter how busy he is."

Ya Nuo: "Remember our plan?"

Nana: "Of course! I've been waiting for so long to try it."

Ya Nuo: "Why not try it out this week? If you want to know the answer, try it."

Nana: "Hehe, okay. I'll try it."

Knock Knock

Shi Xue: "Am I interrupting your girls talk?"

Nana: "Nope~"

Shi Xue: "Everyone is here already. Come downstairs."

Nana held Ya Nuo's hand and smiled, "Let's go~ You're the main character tonight."

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