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After the food came, Ya Nuo cut her medium rare rib eye steak and fed Huan Hei the first piece. She held the fork and put the piece of steak close to Huan Hei's mouth, ""Here~ Ahhhh"

Huan Hei blushed and ate the piece of steak.

"How is the steak? Good?"

He nodded, "Try it. It's really good."

She chewed on the delicious dishes in front of her pleasurably.

During the lunch, Huan Hei filled her plate with food over and over. She noticed his unusual behavior, "Why aren't you eating with me? Normally you are halfway done with the food already, but you're filling up my plate instead."

"Huh? Oh.. it's just that seeing you eat like this.. I just want to feed you. I forgot about myself."

"Hurry, eat eat! Here, try this, this and this! They're all very delicious."

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He mumbled, "How great would it be if you are a girl..."

"Huh? Did you say something?"

"Haha.. I said the food tastes very good."

"It is! Especially the flounder!!"

In the middle of chewing her food, she felt an extremely uncomfortable feeling. 'This feeling.. is very familiar. I know this feeling...'

Huan Hei wiped his mouth after finishing the last piece of steak on his plate, "What's wrong? You're full?"

Ya Nuo purposely smiled naturally pretending that nothing was wrong, and whispered, "Hei, we need to get out of here as soon as possible."

From the tone of her voice, he could tell something is wrong or else she would not ask to leave while food is still on the table. He nodded and handed the waitress his credit card.

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"Are you okay?" he whispered after noticing her uneasiness. Her complexion turned pale and body was shivering vigorously even though the air conditioner was not turned on. She shook her head gently, closed her eyes and bit her lips.

"Hei, when we leave, we need to make a run for it. So i need you to follow my lead okay?"

He nodded even though he didn't know what was going on.

After he signed on the receipt, they hurried out of the restaurant and ran. Ya Nuo familiarized herself with the areas around her neighborhood because she knew there would be a day where it would become useful. She explored different alleyways and shortcuts when she moved out two years ago. After they stepped out of the restaurant Ya Nuo held his hand tightly and ran towards the crowd. The mysterious man rushed through the crowd to look for Ya Nuo, but couldn't due to the crowd. When he caught the shadows of them running into an alleyway,m he smirked. "Let's see where you can hide. Maybe in the crowd I won't be able to catch you, but in alleyways like that, it is easier than ever."

Ya Nuo's heels broke from running a long distance, "Hold on, I'm going to run barefoot."

"You cant! There is glass and rocks everywhere. take my shoes."

"Listen to me carefully, you're safer leaving alone. We will meet three separate routes soon and one of them will lead you back to the neighborhood. Just run straight from the route I tell you later okay?"

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"What's going on? I'm not going to leave you alone!"

"Listen! He is coming after me, not you. I will meet you at grandpa Hoon's place later. But we need to leave now before he catches up."


"You might get hurt if you come with me. One person hiding is easier than two. If you want us safe, then listen to me!"

Seeing her anxiousness, he knew it is something serious so he nodded. He decided that he will go to grandpa Hoon and ask for help as soon as he gets back to the neighborhood. She sighed in relief and held his hand tightly as they started running again. When they met the three routes Huan Hei hugged her tightly, "I don't know what is going on, but you need to come back safe."

She hid her face in his shoulder before getting out of his embrace, "Take the left route and you will able to get back. Hurry. I will see you later."

He nodded and parted with her. After he left, she took a deep breath and turned around, "Come out. You're already here, why hide?"

"Oh~ My sweetheart, your legs have grown longer and could run this quick. Don't you know that chasing is my forte? Now, be a good girl and make this the easy way out."

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Ya Nuo smirked, "Never in my life. I'd rather die than go with you."

"Oh? Then let's see if I'll even let you die first!"

Ya Nuo moved aside the moment he reached for her. His eyes widened in shock, "you.. Heh.. looks like you trained yourself a bit while you hid."

"Only a bit of self-defense. It seems like you haven't changed one bit since the last time we've fought."

"Follow me back now and I won't use violence on you. You're such a beautiful woman, how could I raise a fist on you? If I accidentally leave a mark on your face, I wouldn't know how to explain it to master Yang."

"I have nothing to do with that rascal. If you want to take me back with you, then save your saliva. I'm not going back."

"Then I won't hold back." he licked his lips and narrowed his eyes as he threw punches at her.

After dodging for a few minutes, she found an opening in his attacks. She smirked and swung her foot right aiming at his right knee after dodging his following punch. He lost his balance instantly and knelt on the ground. She took this opportunity to knock him out from behind. After his body laid on the ground unconsciously, she took stumbled into the wall behind her.


She took a few deep breaths before noticing a handcuff dangling from one of the handles. She moved his body closer towards the handle and cuffed his right wrist. "This should delay you for a while." She kicked him a few times for ruining her meal and wasting the good food before leaving to meet up with Huan Hei. She made sure to walk in circles before heading to the house in case there are other people chasing after her.

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