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Deep breaths

"Haa.. I need to hurry and meet up at Grandpa Hoon's house or else everyone will get worried by me. I can't faint now... I'm almost there.."

Ya Nuo took the route furthest right after kicking the unconscious man.

"shit.. it's kicking in. Why at a time like this? Tch.." she gritted her teeth as her face turned ghastly pale and cold sweat drenched her body.

'ahh... footsteps.. somebody is coming. I just have to endure a bit more. Just a little.."

Her body leaned on the wall and eyelids slowly closed.

"Ya Nuo!"

'This voice... Grandpa..Hoon and Senior Qi Yang...'

-15-20 minutes ago at Taekwondo house-

"Grandpa, I'm back"

"Qi Yang… were there any news about her this time?"


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"Its alright its been 16 years, but as long as her body isn't found then she is still alive. I just hope that she is living well and happy."

" Don't worry grandpa I will continue looking for her."

"You must be tired, go get some rest."

"Actually I brought back some snacks as souvenirs and I want to give them to Ya Nuo since he loves trying new stuff haha"

"I don't see you buying me snacks."

"Haha! Grandpa, admit it. He is so cute, like a little bunny."

"Yea yea, I think he will stop by during dinner time."

"Eh~ usually he is practicing at this time.. did he finally learn how to slack off?"

"Grandpa Hoon!!!!! Help!!" Huan Hei shouted as he ran around the house panting heavily.

"Huh? This squirt! He didn't take off his shoes!! I scrubbed the floor this morning!"

"Wait grandpa, he sounds very urgent."

"Huan Hei, what's with the fuss you're making?"

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Huan Hei slipped and banged his head towards the wall. While he rubbed his forehead, he explained, "Ya Nuo is in danger! We were eating and he suddenly told me that we needed to make a run for it. We separated at the three routes near 568 Rigloria street."

After hearing his words, Grandpa Hoon and Qi Yang had a solemn expression on their faces.

Grandpa Hoon: "Did he say where he will meet you afterwards?"

Huan Hei: "Here."

Grandpa Hoon: "Qi yang, get your kendo sword and follow me. I know which route he will take after separating with Huan Hei. If someone is chasing after him and he wanted to distract them, he would have gone separate routes. Huan Hei got out at 568 Rigloria Street, so that means he went to the route on the right. These two routes are the only two that could lead back to the neighborhood."

Qi Yang took his kendo sword and immediately followed Grandpa Hoon. Huan Hei wanted to follow them, but Marina stopped him because he had several deep cuts on his arms.

"You're not going anywhere young man, treat your wounds first. Ya Nuo will be alright. Qi Yang and Hoon is there."


"no buts."


After fast walking through the shortcut and midway through the route, they heard heavy breathing sounds. They stopped going forward and waited for the person to get closer.

"Haa..ha… almost…"

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Grandpa Hoon recognized the weak female voice, "Let's go. That's ya Nuo."

"Phew, so he's sa-"

Ya Nuo was leaning on the wall as she walked. Her body had barely any strength left to continue standing. Her eyelids were trying its best to stay open as she turned the corner.

The moment she turned the corner, her face bumped into Grandpa Hoon's chest and she fell down.

Her hands formed a fist as she took deep breaths. Her body was shivering and covered in cold sweat. Her face was pale as snow, leaving a sense of coldness.

Qi Yang was the most shocked by her appearance. "A… girl?"

Grandpa Hoon quickly examined her wounds and took her pulse, "Carry him back to the Taekwondo house first. Quickly!"

Qi Yang held the barely conscious girl in his arms and carefully went back to the house.

As she lost consciousness, she mumbled, "hurry and run…he is dangerous.."

Grandpa Hoon followed the path from where she came from and hid at an angle where only he could see the situation at the three path's intersection.

'Hmm? A man handcuffed.. he might be the one who is after Ya Nuo.. but why'

The man opened his eyes and tried to free himself from the cuffs. After several attempts, he dislocated his fingers and slipped out of the cuff. After freeing himself, he dialed on his phone:

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Man: "I am sorry. She was too tricky. I lost her. I will definitely find her and use violence to bring her back, master Yang. Yes.. yes.. I understand. Okay. Bye."

The man punched his fist against the wall and created a huge fist print with cracks on the wall. "Yang Ya Nuo, I will find you and I will bring you back one day."

Grandpa Hoon took a picture of the man and waited for him to leave before heading back to the house to treat Ya Nuo.

-Back to Taekwondo house-

Marina had the medical kit ready because Huan Hei informed everyone about Ya Nuo's situation. While Huan Hei walked around the lobby impatiently, Marina massaged her temples.

"Huan Hei, stop walking around! Even if you don't feel dizzy, I do! What if he comes back hurt and I can't attend his wounds because of you huh? ever thought of that?"

Huan Hei instantly sat down after hearing her words, "They're taking a long time..."

As soon as he finished saying that phrase Qi Yang barged into the room with a weak and fragile girl in his arms.

Marina's eyes widened, "I thought you guys went to get Huan Hei. How come you caught a beauty instead? And by the looks of it... these bruises and scratches...."

"Ya Nuo!!" Huan Hei anxiously helped Qi Yang put her down and asked Marina to quickly check her condition.

Marina didn't have time to think about the boy wearing a dress topic. She opened her medical kit and took Ya Nuo's pulse.

"Move her to the guest room and one of you stay here until Hoon comes back. Once he does, tell him to come to the guest room to treat Ya Nuo. None of you can enter the guest room unless I let you. Hurry."

Huan Hei nodded and held her in his arms as he carefully and steadily brought her to the guest room.

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