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In a vacant, dark room where there are no windows and even the slightest ray of sunlight could not get in, lies a woman with disheveled hair, greasy yellow teeth, an extremely malodorous unbearable body scent and visible muddy skin. Flies surrounded her like she was their prey, and waiting for her to die. She was groaning hopelessly on the floor with her knees hugged close to her face in a fetus position. The chain around her ankle is rusty and moldy from the struggles of her daily attempts to break free from this painful entrapment. The woman was literally skin and bones from the malnutrition she suffered from for years.

Like usual, her teeth gilded against each other and another piece of her front tooth flew out of her mouth. This was not the first time it happened so she reacted rather calmly. She stared at the tiny piece of fragment that flew out and opened her mouth widely facing the ceiling. When she looked up, all she saw was the reflection of her face and the horrendous deep cut of where her tongue used to be. Her sharp fingernails dug deeply in her palm and blood rushed out of her wounds. 'I will definitely return this pain to you when I get out here! You're not getting away with your crimes!'

tap tap tap

Her eyes sharpened and her glare was piercing at the door as the tapping heel sounds approached the entrance of the chamber.

At last, some light entered the room and filled the brightness of the room halfway. Due to the long hours of darkness, her eyes instinctually squinted from the sudden light.

The woman who just entered covered her nose and mouth with a cloth as she mocked her, "Well, well, well, you're still alive after all these years? How did you like feeling starved hmm? Oh~ What a disgusting stench. Did you soil yourself again? Hah.. you're worse than a beggar on the streets. If you want food, come beg me."

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The woman on the floor spit a mouthful of gunk on the woman's heels and smiled provocatively.

The woman who entered stared at her new pair of heels that she had custom made from France and anticipated for since two months ago. "You mute! Was slicing your damn tongue not enough as punishment? Obviously keeping you here and locking you away from others didn't make you use that pig brain of yours or else you wouldn't have spat on my heels just now. At this point, you still don't know who is the owner and who is the dog? Hah… don't worry, I won't starve you anymore because I need you to live so you can feel pain every single day.

The woman turned around to leave after throwing a bag of bread at her. Before she left, she walked to her, "Ah right, this is for spitting on my new favorite heels!" The woman twisted the heels of her shoe onto the bony point of the victim's chained ankles until her heel made a hole in it.

"Ahh ahhh ahhhh!!!!" she cried in tears as she tried pulling the heels out of her ankles. Finally, the woman played enough and satisfyingly walked with her snake like curved body back upstairs and closing the door again.

'Yang Gu Wing!! If I ever get out of here alive! I swear, you won't be this happy and chirpy anymore! I'll ruin you and expose your true face in front of your husband!!!"

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After leaving the room, Gu Wing kicked off her heels and told the servants to burn it. She walked to her closet and wore another pair of her favorites before going to her husband Qiu Rei. She made soup to strengthen his manhood area so that she could increase the chances of his fertility. When she was about to knock on his door, she heard a girl's voice coming out of his room. She placed her face flat on the door to eavesdrop on their conversation.

/Inside the room

"Qiu Rei, stop recording! I'm pregnant and I've become ugly already. Look at this huge tummy and my dry skin. Sheesh, I don't want our baby to see mommy like this."

"Sweetie, you're beautiful the way you are. You're the prettiest even when you're pregnant. Our child would never dare call you ugly or I'll whip their ass."

"Hmph! I don't wanna! So take the camera away!! Hehehe...ah.."

"What's wrong?"

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"The baby just kicked me."

"Really?! I want to hear and feel it. Hold on!"

/Sound ends

Yang Qiu Rei blew his nose after the video ended. He touched the wide screen in front of him and stroke the beautiful girl's face through the video recorder. She was young and lovely, but now, there is nothing left. His happy days are gone. His eyes were full of regrets and unsaid words. "If I knew this was our last memory together, I wouldn't have ended the video here. I wouldn't have gone to work that morning…But it's too late to say anything because you'll never come back to me. Sweetie, I love you."

After hearing her husband's grief for his first wife, she quickly walked to the kitchen and smashed the hot bowl of soup to the sink. 'I've tried so hard all these years to get your favor and love. I had to get your wife's title by force, yet still you never look me in the eye with a trace of love in it. You only cared about her! Your first wife! Why? Why can't you forget her after all this time? The one who is sleeping next to you every night is me! Even when you go out and fool around with models, celebrities, and whoever else I turned a blind eye on it! But you kept a video of her? How could you??? Unacceptable!'

/Hen Qing's apartment

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Hen Qing sat in the corner of her cold dimmed room unbudging from the spot. Her eyes were still stinging from crying in the afternoon. She was lost in her thoughts and plans when her phone rang.

Hen Qing: "Hello?"

Boogieman: "From the sound of your voice, I'm guessing you failed."

Hen Qing: "If that's all you're trying to say then I'll hang up. I don't want to talk. You're not going to take action anytime soon anyways."

Boogieman: "I'm calling you to tell you that I'm making a move on her either end of this week or next week. I'll need your cooperation though."

Her eyes brightened up and mood became significantly higher, "What?! I'll do what you say so tell me. Uh huh.. Uh huh.. Okay. As long as it doesn't harm or involve him, I'm okay with it. Alright. I'll do that."

After the call ended, she went to the fridge, took out a carton of ice cream, turned on the television to the kids show, and enjoyed her sweet dessert for the rest of the evening.

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