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It's been a week since the equipment room incident and after further investigation, Huan Hei figured out Hen Qing's lounge room scheme. His hands tightened when he saw the smudged mannequin and several damaged products in the lounge room that wasn't repaired or replaced by the school yet. Ya Nuo also told him about the senior who tried to assault her at that time, which made him feel more angry because that senior was known for his extreme physical strength. Luckily, Ya Nuo had decent martial arts training since she was young or else...even he couldn't imagine what would have happened to her.

He heard that the senior was found unconscious at the back of the school yard and claimed that he didn't know what happened when he got attacked. The doctors also told him that due to the severity of his injury, he may be infertile in the future. After receiving treatments, the senior could barely get this penis erect again and even if it did, it could only get excited halfway. Huan Hei relaxed a little when he heard that the senior got what he deserved, but his body tensed up when he heard that the senior will be attending school again today.

Huan Hei was desperately running around the hallways looking for Ya Nuo, wanting to tell her that he finally figured it all out. He could finally apologize to her and ask for her forgiveness. As he wandered in the hallways, something felt amiss. After sending 20 messages, calling 7 times, and running around with no signs of her anywhere, his pulse sped up. He stood silently in the hall and stared at his phone. 'No.. impossible..just one more call. Please pick up!'

After several rings, the call was directed to her voicemail and Huan Hei skimmed from classroom to classroom hoping to find her.

The moment he turned the corner of the hall, he overheard a conversation. There was a group of male classmates who gathered in front of a classroom and laughed disgustingly. One of them was the senior , Luo Yu who discharged and came back to school today.

Luo Yu : "That bitch sure enjoyed it well. Finally, I vented my anger. Haha, that felt great!"

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Male 1: "Yeah! Never knew how great releasing it would feel. Wooo, it gets my excited all over again when I heard her whimper hahaha."

Male 2: "Her cries made it the best part! How dare she get that arrogant to our senior."

Luo Yu : "Hah, well she is fortunate because if it were others, they'll do worse on her. They'll torture her till death. We only did it once to her."

Male 1: "Hahaha, remember her begging sounds! Feels so good hearing it from her!"

Luo Yu : "Maybe next time…"

Before he could finish his sentence, an extremely fast damaging punch landed on his face knocking three teeth out of his mouth. The sudden hit made him lose his balance and embarrassed him in front of his friends.

Luo Yu : "Who the fuc-"

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Before his eyes met Huan Hei's, another punch slammed him across the hall making him spit out a mouthful of blood. The strength of the second punch made him dizzy and his friends were left in too much of a shock. They didn't know how to react to the unanticipated attack so they stood there as Huan Hei grabbed Luo Yu by his collar and shook his body vigorously, "where is she?!!!"

Luo Yu groaned in pain as he started losing consciousness, "Wh..o…?"

Huan Hei released his collar after he lost consciousness and fiercely glared at the other two guys who were talking with him before.

He cracked his knuckles slowly as he walked over to them., "Where. Is. She?" he repeated.


"Don't act dumb! I heard you already. Each of you had a turn? Her whimpering cries aroused your interest?"

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"W..w.. What? I.. She's your…?" Before he finished his question, Huan Hei kicked his stomach and his body flew backwards hitting the wall. The guy held his lower abdomen and tried standing up with great difficulty. The veins on Huan Hei's arms were visible and his fists were tightly clenched, ready to continue his beating.

"I'll repeat once more. I don't need you answering my question with a question. Where is she?"

The unharmed friend almost peed his pants when he saw his other two friends beaten down in a matter of minutes. His body trembled as he used the wall behind as support to slowly guide himself away. 'Please don't notice me… don't notice me...don't'

"Stand right there!"

The man was startled and shocked that the strength in his legs gave out on him and he sloppily slid down the wall. With his water filled eyes, he apologetically looked up and met Huan Hei's demonic glare, "Last time, where is she?"

The cold blooded expression on his face sent goosebumps over the man's body, "…"

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"Ahhh!!! D..don't hit me.. Please!!!" he formed a protective "X" with his arms to block any incoming hits to his chest or face. After a gust of wind passed by, followed by the moments of silence, the man slowly looked up and realized that Huan Hei was already gone.

Huan Hei hurriedly ran to the backyard to look for Ya Nuo, but was met with nothing but silence.

"Ya Nuo!!! Nuo!!! Where are you?? Talk if you hear me!!! Ya Nuo!!!!"

He didn't notice his legs trembling weakly as he failed to find her anywhere. He stopped when he reached the corner of the school and saw a trail of blood stains leading to the locked storage room.

"Ya Nuo!!!" he screamed and banged on the door hoping he could receive a response from the inside. Unfortunately, there was no response. He gritted his teeth and looked around for tools to break open the lock. "Sh*t!! Why at a time like this??? Every f*cking time!!! I got it..if there are no tools then..."

He raised his foot and aimed at the lock. If one time didn't break it, then he will kick it the second time, until it breaks. Finally... the lock is broken..

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