After we escaped from the northern dungeon, we went back to the port town of Ashbel. It turned out that we parted ways as we arrived: Clive was stuck having to fix his just-repaired equipment again and would be out of commission while getting his needed rest. Sylvia, on the other hand, was excited to get back to the city. When she got to the city, however, her enthusiasm crashed. It was as if her energy levels had turned into that of an old woman. We casually invited her to dinner, but she responded with “I'll be resting early; I'm tired.” Only Grace remained in my company. We went to the inn together, ungeared, wore some light clothes, and went out for dinner.

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After the meal, Grace and I were sipping on some wine. “-I am at fault for today's crisis. It was the result of my decision.” Sitting face-to-face, Grace's mild dissatisfaction becomes apparent.“Kei, I don't think so.” Grace adjusts her posture to squarely face me. “As a result of your actions, you ultimately saved everyone, not just Clive. That is a fact.
...I never thought that Reserved Healing could be employed in that manner; you may not take what you are doing with great seriousness, but even so, I've been regularly surprised by you.”

Grace is relaxed and enjoys a pleasant laugh. I feel that I haven't observed Grace's face in a long time. Silky black hair gracing her pure white skin. Long, beautiful eyelashes. She's as alluring as ever.

As I continue to observe her eyelashes, I notice my mouth being ajar. “Grace, he's an 'apostle'. When we confirmed this, we should have considered the possibilities more seriously-” I stopped speaking. I reached out with my right hand and touched Grace's left cheek. Grace seems a little surprised at the action, but slowly smiles and puts her hand on mine.

“----Tomorrow, I will continue to chase him. Or rather, I have to track him down. Will you come with me?” Grace laughs at the question. “-Kei, that's my line. Meeting you feels like fate. I cannot defeat the enemy alone. I need your power--.”

Considering her situation, it is indeed difficult; Grace has demon-killing weapons, but she can't take them out. Upon taking out the weapons for the first time, her “impossible” goal made sense. However, as long as she is dependent on me to use that weapon, she will have no choice but to rely on me.

I drop my hand from Grace's cheek and took up my glass. “It's a fairly likely outcome that I'll die if I chase him.” “Yes. ----So why might Kei pursue the enemy when he might die?” When I was about to answer that question, I cut my words. I was hesitant to utter such a foolish statement about the reason to risk my life chasing down a demon. I didn't expect that my reason would be so dumb. “Somehow I just want to do it. That's all there is to it.” Grace burst out laughing at the remark. I laugh while being a bit embarrassed.

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As a matter of fact, I who received Clancy's Blessing, have a much lower risk of death than Grace. I won't be at ease with Grace's decision which may fate herself to die.

Time passes. We discuss specific plans for the dungeon. I take a sip of wine and sigh. “It's going to be problematic convincing those two to go along with it.” Grace hears it and makes a funny face. “--Is that what you believe?” “----. I hope they'll do it.” I sigh again. It won't be easy.
“You know, I'm unconvinced of that!” Banging the desk, Sylvia raises her voice.
Most people in the Adventurer's Guild gaze at the trouble we're in. I'm being seen sandwiched between two beautiful women, getting yelled at. I could be a good laughingstock, depending on how I'm perceived.
Originally, I'd expected that the persuasion wouldn't be easy, but it was even more difficult than I'd imagined. But there's a reason for that:
...The day after I'd decided to chase Kurt, due to conflicts and troubles brought on by the dungeon's 4 person policy, the party size restriction was lifted. That's why Grace and I had started exploring the labyrinth again. As Clive needed three days to repair and rest, and Sylvia wasn't available.

In the end, I couldn't find anything in the search on the first day, but the next day when I went to the area that Kurt had cast Bind, I noticed a hidden passage in the hall. But the hidden door was locked with magic.

Grace and I couldn't open magic locks. Only Sylvia could unlock it. But I didn't want to involve Clive or Sylvia in the pursuit of Kurt.

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I had to make an impossible request. “Please unlock the magic door that I found, but don't follow us after that.”

This heated discussion was the result.

Sylvia impatiently asks me, “What is the purpose?” “--I want to beat the Dark Elf.” I answer Sylvia without telling a lie. “Isn't it for treasure?” “If anything, you can have any rewards or treasure.” But maybe Sylvia didn't like what I was saying. Her eyes focused back on mine. “Then why can't four people go?” “--Because it's dangerous.” Upon hearing that, Sylvia pounds the desk again. The momentum shakes her chest. “Haah? Did you think you were smart? If two people go where four people struggled, the risk is greater! Fool...” “It's terrible, but yes” I was hurt by what she'd said. “I'm talking seriously!” ...I was bound to make Sylvia angry.

When I was in a bit of trouble, Clive, who was sitting next to Sylvia, mediated. “Kei. Honestly, I'm not convinced of this story-” With that preface, Clive stared at me and said, “I think it's better to say it to them clearly. -So, please tell me. I think we're in good condition...” I realize what Clive is saying, but I deny it immediately. “-No, it's not alright.” I take a sigh and continue, “I don't want to involve you guys. --Grace and I have a reason, which is to chase the Dark Elf. However, you can understand how dangerous it is to chase him. Fortunately, I was lucky before, but the chances of dying are not low.”

After I said that much, Sylvia started quietly talking while standing. Her long-haired face is hanging and her facial expression is not visible. “Kei, please understand: That is what I'm most disgusted with.
The last time while Clive was being driven in, I was surprised when you said to run away. I thought what are you talking about? Are you going to kill me?! I'm not sure. But when considering Clive, I couldn't say it.
--But then that Reserve Heal thing popped out. That's when I thought that the moment you told Clive to run, you chose the life of one person to make sure you saved it, rather than leave all of our lives up to chance. If you thought you could live, then you wouldn't tell Clive to escape. But I wondered what sort of person can throw away his own life for that. Kei, you stood to reap no benefit from it, yet you chose to throw your life away to help someone? Why did you try to help Clive? Isn't it because Clive is a “friend”? ...You thought you were a friend, yet you refuse to allow Clive and I to support you in beating the Dark Elf?”

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I get a feeling that Sylvia's face is covered with falling teardrops.
Grace stands silently and gently holds Sylvia's head. As Sylvia clings to Grace's chest, sorrow began to overtake her.
While Grace is comforting Sylvia, I am lost for words. I can only silently nod. This is my complete defeat.

I took a few deep breaths to become re-centered and said, “Sylvia. Clive. I was wrong. --Grace and I have to chase the Dark Elf. That would be quite dangerous. So--” I touch Clive's shoulder. “Please help me. --as a friend.” Upon hearing it, Clive smiled and Sylvia started crying again.

After a while, Sylvia, who'd lifted her face from Grace's bosom, gave me a tearful voice. My mind is cursed by the after-images of that scene. “Why couldn't you say that from the beginning! I cried and I might have lost it!” I'm beaten up by an angry Sylvia. “Aitata! [ouuuch!] Sorry!” Grace and Clive smiled as they saw it.
The next day, all four of us gathered in front of the dungeon again.
In the course of yesterday, we'd discussed with Sylvia and Clive our ideas for ways to defeat the demonic Dark Elf, Kurt. At the beginning of the of the story, they weren't exactly fully cognizant about his nature. But in thinking, recognizing, and remembering this demon, the fear began to set in.
In the first place, demons in this world are typically only encountered in the fairy tales of childhood. They aren't thought of as existences which might actually appear before you. One would intuitively be incredulous when confronted with the idea that there is an actual demon doing real harm to humans.

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But that was yesterday's story. Now we are determined to fight without hesitation.

The four of us enter the dungeon and arrive at the hall in which we'd previously had the deathmatch. It was hard to again find the hidden passage which terminated with the magically locked door.

Surely there must be tremendous danger in this.
“--Are you ready?”
The three of them returned a response.
“I'm okay.”
“Ready to proceed.”

Sylvia unlocks the magic door, and Clive slowly opens it.

We were throwing ourselves into a fight that would change our fate.

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