Chapter 20 – Ogre

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As the magic-locked door inched open, a large space was presented. There seems to be a small room in the back of that large space, with light leaking from that small room.
As Clive slowly opened the previously magic-locked door, it seems we've been noticed by the enemy. The large room became lit up grandly.
I focus intently on that small room in the back. Although it is through the wall, I sense the presence of Kurt. In days prior, I'd feared that my searching this dungeon was for naught, but within this hidden area, his presence was confirmed. Bingo.
But there is a problem--
Kurt is not alone.
I inform the party. “There's another besides Kurt.”
Grace responds. “-Is it a demon?”
“I can't tell at this distance, but there is certainly more than one being.”
The unexpected situation in which the enemy has friends greatly heightened the tension within us four.
Grace confirmed our surroundings. “I don't feel any magic from it.”
Sylvia provides reassurance by explaining, “We won't be subject to Bind; it requires preparation to use in combat.”
Grace changes subjects. “Clive, Devils are not monsters; provocation would be meaningless. Just focus on protecting Sylvia.”
As Clive responds, two shadows slowly emerge from the back room.
Kurt was presenting a creepy smile.....
Kurt's handsome elven smile was accompanied by an alluring twinkle in his eye, but my gaze was drawn to the mysterious looming figure beside him.
“Ogre--?” Sylvia blurts out her thought in surprise.
The shadow that stands next to Kurt looks like an Ogre yet its figure is much more human-like. However, he is still large, with muscular arms and shoulders, and has a monstrous and foreboding axe in one hand.
I immediately focus on checking its Status.
Ogre King: Demon

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H P: ???? /????
S P: ???? /????
Muscle Strength: ???
Endurance: ???
Mental strength: ???
Magic Power: ???
Agility: ???
Dexterity: ???
Evasion: ???
Luck: ???
Attack: ???
Defense: ???
Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Harland
【Title】Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Apostle of Arabella
Black Silver Large Axe (Attack power +424)


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I immediately inform my party. “--An Ogre King, and he's a Demon.”
At that, Clive stands before Sylvia to cover. Grace takes position in front of myself. Our formation became a square.
Kurt seems to have overheard me. He asks as if interested in me, “From the time you noticed me hiding, I knew you weren't a normal person. After that, you survived through my Binding. And now I see that you know we are Demons... Just who are you?”
I didn't answer that. I didn't see any benefit from answering.
Kurt smiles as he sees me not answering. “Anyway, so be it. Today you will die and we'll forget about your existence tomorrow.” He looks toward the Demonic Ogre King beside him. “Gino, this is your turf. Shall I leave it to you?
The Demonic Ogre King called Gino replied with a tremendous voice. “I don't care-- Would you enjoy watching? It will be a good show.”
“I've done my part. I've baited this food for my follower. Demonstrate your appreciation.”
“--It is so.”
Gino begins to go forward with his axe resting atop his shoulder. Kurt, on the other hand, took some distance. His participation in fighting is unknown.
I keep an eye on Grace. Grace takes initiative and attacks Gino prior to his readiness. “Clive, stay alert of the Dark Elf!” After saying so, I engage with Gino and Grace.
Grace attacks with her sword using Secret Step to divert toward the left. I move to the left because Gino's axe is in his right hand and it's awkward to swing there. Gino isn't phased by me and is going to swing his Black Silver Large Axe at Grace! I immediately deploy a double Magic Wall to shield her but Gino's blow crushes through them. Grace catches his attack in mid-swing and manages to take a step back. At that moment, a Rock Bullet pierces Gino's right flank.
“I am not as soft to magic as my disciples.” At that moment, Gino begins to approach Sylvia.
I give some advice. “Clive, don't take his attacks straight-on.” Given the power of the attack, Clive certainly won't be able to catch it.
Gino attacks Clive, whom stands in front of Sylvia, with an overhead swing. Clive carefully avoids it, but a second shot follows. Gino's axe and Clive's White Long Sword clash, scattering sparks and making a sound that rings in my ear.
In the moment that Clive was attacked, Grace makes a charge to Gino's left leg. I enchanted Grace's sword with a Magic Ball, but Gino, still in an unstable position, pivots on his left leg and delivers a swinging kick with his right.
Grace's position was compromised; Gino's roundhouse kick is delivered solidly. While I'd again bolstered Grace's defense with a Magic Wall, it was easily crushed. The impact of Gino's blow sends her body rolling to my feet.
I immediately heal her with Elder Heal. “--Grace, can you stand?” Grace nods, gets up, and takes a distance from me.
I look at Sylvia.
Sylvia saw it and pins him back with Drake Gun. [note for us uncultured english-speaking ignorami: drake attacks are classically fire or ice, but in this case it ought to be fire]
“You don't understand how effective magic is!”
Gino leaps off of the ground and smashes her Drake Gun with his axe. In that moment, Sylvia's Flame Ball is already flying toward Gino. The Flame Ball is atomized by Gino's Black Silver Large Axe.
I send several Wind Blades toward his feet. As expected, some of them inevitably connect and make a cut on Gino's leg.
--The wound is shallow.
Kurt, who had been watching the situation, calls Gino. “Gino, the key to this group is the Magician man. If you don't do anything about him, it'll be troublesome.”
Hearing this, Gino glares at me. I don't care if I'm glared at, as a rule, but I don't feel good if I'm being shot with a glare by this terrible demon.
“Don't look at me that much. I'm going to fall in love with you.”

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----I tried my best to shake the uneasiness.
Gino turns to me and begins closing the distance. Grace begins to intercept for me but I open my hand to stop her.
Gino. His attack is so strong that it's practically a one-shot kill, and his endurance is such that our attacks so far haven't hindered him. I must do something about this--
As I'm headed to Gino, a Fire Ball is intercepted by his left arm. It dissipates on contact. Gino is annoyed.
Immediately afterward, Gino steps sharply toward me. He grips his axe with both hands and attacks from a distance!
I immediately get in front of Gino's face with Magic Wall deployed. Gino is probably expecting me to have deployed Magic Wall near my body. However, it seems that he didn't imagine that there was an invisible wall which could become an obstacle in front of his face.
While Gino had momentum from a rush, I put my strength into expanding the Magic Wall toward his face.
The Magic Wall shattered, but, as if he had lost his sense of balance with the shock, Gino's attack fell quite a distance from me. Gino's ability to kill in a single hit was born from the power of his arms and body. Rather than accepting such an attack head on, it's better to redirect the force of his body before he can attack with a killer blow.
Apparently the face clash had hurt his pride. His eyes are bloodshot.
“Have you forgotten about us?” Sylvia fires off Rock Bullets to provoke him.
Gino plays them off with his axe.
As Gino turns toward Sylvia, Clive stands before her.
Gino was chasing me until the last minute, but then he started chasing Sylvia after she had attacked him. At that time, Grace's eyes and mine met.
I shouted “Clive, Sylvia, hold on!”, and I shot a pistol-round sized Magic Ball. It is just a distraction. It is a distraction from it.
Gino's target wasn't changed with receiving my Magic Ball and maintained his approach toward Clive. I produce a Magic Wall on each of Clive's arms and legs and expanded them. As Gino struggled for balance as he was impacted by the Magic Walls, he was bashed by Clive's shield and fell down.
“Eat this!!”
Sylvia shouts, and there is a black space above Gino's head.
In the next moment, is rained countless high velocity gravel upon him. This was the advanced earth attribute magic, Rock Rain.
Gino tried to escape the downpour, but I set up a magic wall in his path. Recognizing the obstacle, Gino instead tried to prevent the gravel with his axe.
But a large body cannot be concealed by an axe.
Many small stones pierce his skin, and blue-black blood spurts from Gino's body.
It seems he's been damaged.
“Ah!-- Did you master advanced magic?” Kurt, who was watching the fight at a distance, was impressed.
--It is not pleasant to have a battle accompanied by this spectator gallery.
As Gino confirms that Rock Rain has stopped, he approaches Sylvia.
I've been fighting for some time. It's become clear that Gino's target affixation is fickle. It's highly likely that an outside attack will result in his changing his target. As to whether this is due to a short temper or it's simply in his nature, I don't know.

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But this is good for us.
If Gino is the type to detect potential dangers, he will realize that Sylvia and I are protecting Grace.
At Gino, who'd turned toward Sylvia, I release Wind Cutter. Gino parries it with his Black Silver Large Axe, and turns toward myself.
Clive takes the opportunity and strikes with his sword.
Gino parried with his axe and hit Clive with his left hand.
I managed to protect him with a Magic Wall and Sylvia landed a Flame Ball onto Gino's right leg.
Gino turns toward Sylvia again.
Then, from outfield, Kurt's voice flew in. “Gino, be careful. There's something there.”
Gino heard Kurt's voice and turned to Grace, who'd taken a distance from the fight.
-But it's too late.
...I'd been approaching Grace's side after I'd let go of the Wind Blade. Grace had finished chanting, and now she closes her eyes with her sword in her hand.
I put my sword away. As a turned behind Grace, I put my left hand onto Grace's ample chest.
“--Oh! What are you doing!!”
It seems that my behavior wasn't expected.
Sylvia, who saw the scene of something that should not be seen in battle, shouted in anger.
But I have to touch Grace's skin directly. If you don't do that, it's meaningless.
As I hug from behind, I thrust my left hand under Grace's armor and clothes. I grab her voluminous right breast directly by the “eagle”. In addition, the right hand is made to slip into her tightened right hips. In this case, I also grip by the “eagle”.
“--Ah--!” In response, Grace let out a distressing whisper.
A strong light set up around us.
Not only Kurt and Gino, but Clive and Sylvia are surprised and stop moving.
From the light around my left and right hands, I slowly pull out “good things”.
And then--
After the light went out, my right hand had a silver axe, and my left hand a purple sword

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