Chapter 21 – Thunder Axe

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I observe Grace's condition as I slowly move to Gino. In the previous fight with the demon Rodney, she was unable to stand after producing weapons.
This time, however, Grace remains standing; the effects of complete magic exhaustion are not apparent. Grace's eyes meet mine. In watching her standing with weakened body, I'd been satisfying my desires; I catch myself and am a bit embarrassed.
“--Alright, I can move.” After hearing Grace's remarks, I observe this axe in my hand again. Frankly, Francesca, the Sword of the Flame Emperor and Viola, the Emperor's sword were expected to come out. But in my right hand is a silver-colored axe.
It's an elaborately decorated axe with a brilliant sheen. It is strangely light, as if it were made of aluminum.
I stare at the axe in my right hand and pull up its information.

【Equipment name】

Thunder Axe "Siebert"
Demon Axe (Unique)
H P: Maximum +300
S P: -3/s
Strength: +100
Agility: +50
Evasion: +50
Attack power: +1444
Wind attribute magic +3, Wind attribute resistance +5, Earth attribute resistance +1, Lightning Bolt, Weapon Destroyer, Weight Lightening

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【Equipment conditions】
Can only be used by a contractor or one who has been authorized by the contractor.
【Rare valueRarity】

Although Gino's primary magical nature is Dark, the nature of Ogres' Earth attribute is probably still of influence; it is fortunate that this Thunder Axe is of its counter-element: Wind.
It's possible that she decided in advance which weapon to call upon and chose one that is compatible with this scenario. In any case, this axe is both powerful and suitable.
When combined with Viola, the Ice Emperor's Sword, 170 SP will fly away in 40 seconds.
There is no time to mess around.
“Unbelievable-- The lost weapon of Ulban.” Kurt leaks his thoughts as he witnesses the weapon.
Gino unwittingly loosens his arms and takes a step forward.
He seems to not understand what it means.
“Well, it doesn't matter. Nothing about this battle will change.”
Sweat flows on my forehead. I wish to conceal my need to hurry, but my skin isn't behaving favorably for me.
“--Gino, this is no ordinary weapon. Don't let your guard down.”
Heeding the message well, Gino becomes highly alert.
He ceases his approach.

We stand still, across from each other, while looking each other over. Time passes, but how much so is unknown. The atmosphere is strangely tranquil. We are “in the moment” and the surroundings seem to disappear. There is nothing in mind except preparation for battle. Eyes wide open while mind and body become swollen with the feelings of power and sensory awareness in preparatory attunement for battle.
...until Clive makes a move.
Clive jabs his White Long Sword at Gino. Not at his body, but his face.

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Gino bashes it away with his Black Silver Large Axe.
Simultaneously, a Fire Ball from Sylvia arrives at Gino, but it is avoided by falling backward.
Soon after, Clive attacks from Gino's rear. His sword burls down and strikes Gino, and the contact-cast Magic Ball is released in an explosion, dealing additional damage.
Grace appears with a surprise attack. It even takes myself by surprise.
Gino was too distracted by my Demon Axe, and psyches himself up with a cry.
“At this rate--!”
With renewed seriousness, Gino aims to reprise Grace.
It wasn't of my doing, but a window of time has opened up for me to make my move.
I shake the Thunder Axe Siebert in my right hand. My attack is not aimed at Gino. It is aimed at his Black Silver Large Axe.
The moment the Thunder Axe Siebert and the Black Silver Large Axe clash, something like an explosion of sparks and lightning erupts from the point of contact. A brilliant Lightning Bolt instantly arcs around the Black Silver Large Axe and wreaks havok on its targeted wielder.
Gino's explosive roar attacks the senses and shakes the dungeon itself. Gino is embroiled in pain for several seconds. He staggers back as he regains his composure, holding his Black Silver Large Axe that has been compromised by the clash. His axe is still smoking and pieces of metal are missing from it.
But at that time, shadows emerge from the corner of my field of view. The shadow is traveling straight for Clive. This moment is like slow motion.
I scream.
--It's not that I haven't been vigilant. It's just that I'd expected myself to be the target.
Clive manages to react, placing his shield before the approaching attacker.
But in the next moment, Clive's Steel Plate Shield is split in two.
At the sight of his shield of steel falling to his feet, Clive is stunned.
In front of him there is a grinning Dark Elf named Kurt.
“Your reaction was good, but this Dagger of Vengeance cannot be stopped. I think next it shall take your life.”
I feel lost.

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Gino was successfully being driven in...I'd thought that with the power of a Demon Sword, one would have a good chance of winning. But what about Kurt?
While I'm dealing with Gino, can Clive, Sylvia and Grace be protected?
It is Sylvia who snaps me out of it.
“Come on, Kei! You are the Ogre King's King; You're the only one who can beat him!”
Her choice words are effective.
Even though I wield Demon Weapons, I don't know if I can defeat Kurt. --But Gino is a different story.
I have the good fortune of getting hold of a Demon Sword. It is clear that the better bet is to decrease the number of Demons than attempt to deal with both.

I turn once more to Gino, the Ogre King, and transfer magical power into the Ice Sword Viola in my left hand.
“You think it will be so easy." Gino has a menacing smile.
I'll curse Gino with his own pride.
“Is the Ogre King better at talking than fighting? Ogres who fight silently are better.”
Success. Gino's rage is incited. As he begins his approach to me, his wide, angry eyes become increasingly bloodshot.

I shoot a few Magic Ball bullets at Gino.
Their nature is amplified and altered with the power of the Ice Emperor's Sword Viola and they become a rain of ice pouring onto Gino.
Gino, without particular concern, continues moving forward with his body prone to the ice rain.

Understanding Gino's intention to charge me, I wave Ice Emperor's Sword Viola again and build an Ice Wall before me. It is no ordinary Ice Wall. It is several times thicker, and its area is at least that of Gino's large body.
Gino rushes the Ice Wall with his shoulder at the forefront. A large crack is borne and it immediately shatters to pieces.

I take an instant to glance toward Kurt.
He and Grace are facing each other. She is guarding both Clive and Sylvia.

All three are safe, so they must be fighting well.
I can only hope for them.

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But the sight of their backs toward me while they're completely defenseless against Kurt gives me a bad sense of foreboding.

I head to the area where the shattered Ice Wall remains and shake Thunder Axe Siebert against Gino. I'm not trying to intercept Gino's attack, but take off his left arm. His left arm is cut off and blown away.
In this situation, Gino grins creepily as if I've been trapped.

After getting his arm blown away, Gino hurls away his Black Silver Large Axe. This ought to leave one such as him with no decent means of attack... It takes my mind off guard. This is an improbable act.

Certainly he wouldn't have done this if he'd been fighting all of us. Unlike his previous provocable manner, Gino was not attacking someone who had attacked him; He'd hurled his axe at someone who wasn't paying attention.

The Black Silver Large Axe is now on its way to Sylvia's exposed back.
I give an abrupt cry, which borders on a scream.


The haunting cry rings loudly throughout the hall.

For Sylvia who did not expect to be attacked by Gino, a way to protect herself fully does not exist. As Sylvia looks back, she is shocked at the sight of the axe barreling toward her.

Her immediate voicing is not a scream, nor a groan of physiological pain, but a very different one.

“--Oh, Clive--”

All in this space are momentarily silent, as if time itself has stopped.

The airborne, rotating Black Silver Large Axe is halted by Clive who'd been by Sylvia's side.

A shieldless Clive has received this blow.
--with his own body.

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