Chapter 22 – Engraved in Time

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The scene before my eyes seems to cause time itself to slow.

Clive, who has shielded Sylvia with his very body, collapses to the ground.
The Black Silver Large Axe has deeply lodged into Clive's back through his Steel Plate Armor. His face hits the ground.

Silvia's mind is failing to grasp the situation before her eyes.

Though Grace must desperately defend against Kurt, she spares an instant to glance.
To keep Kurt at bay, I send a few Wind Blades toward him.

In this stopped time, this sight of Clive before me invokes a burning restlessness. My body begins to overheat despite my greatly increasing breath stroke. Oxygen starvation increases despite my efforts. Cold chills shudder throughout my body.

“It's not over yet, Kei!!”
Grace's voice of reason rings out. If action is not taken immediately, this sight could be all of us.
My dazed state of mind in concern for Clive is dangerous.

The whirlwind of passion filling my body shall be harnessed for action. There are things I can do.
I must defeat the enemy in front of me--!

I grip Thunder Emperor Axe Siebert and dash off Gino's remaining right arm.
I charge and swing Ice Emperor Sword Viola at the now defenseless Gino for a direct hit.
Gino's body rapidly freezes from shoulder to foot.
I rush magic power into Thunder Axe Siebert and hurl it toward Gino.
The highly magically charged strike is an advanced Lightning-Wind hybrid magic called Treno. The powerful strike instantly travels through Gino's frozen body, shattering it into pieces.

Like Rodney before him, Gino's HP is approaching zero at an astonishing speed. Nevertheless, Gino keeps eerily laughing. He disappears, but the sight leaves an unsettled feeling.

After confirming Gino's death, I rush to Clive and cast Elder Heal. Sylvia is on her knees, accompanying him from his side. Desperation is across her face. Her lips quiver.


Clive is unable to respond to her cries. Blood drips from his mouth.
He coughs a bloody-spraying cough.
I cast Elder Heal twice more.

His HP heals quickly with Elder Heal, but it drops more quickly than it gains. The speed of his demise is accelerating.
I check his status.
Bleeding Large.

Healing can store HP, but it does not restore lost blood.
A pool of blood grows beneath him.
Sylvia's arms and legs are covered in it.

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“--It's a matter of time.”

It takes some time to recognize that the voice belongs to Clive.
With a heavily pained, breath-starved voice, Clive says to me,
“Kei-- The enemy-- Defeat it--”
His voice interrupted by coughs which spray his own blood.
Sylvia aggressively grips his hand and shouts to the life in Clive's eyes. His hand remains limp and his eyes don't obey.

I could choose to continue casting Elder Heal until my SP runs out.
While wielding Sword Viola and Axe Seibert, I couldn't continue to cast for long. Clive's survival would be prolonged by a few moments.

But I will not.

Clive's own powerful words suppressed my impulse to do so.
--To defeat the enemy instead.

I stand up and left the dying Clive behind me.
With a clear will, I approach Grace's position.

Grace was overwhelmed by Kurt's magic. She could hardly move from her spot.
It's as if he'd been simply waiting for me.

He sees me and calls out.
“Have you yet parted?”
Kurt knows of Clive's imminent death.
“--No, not yet.”
I answer face to face.
“--I'll wait. It's better if you talk.”
Perhaps Kurt possesses some humanity and aesthetic.
“That's not necessary.”
Kurt, whose moral sense had been rejected, gives a blatant look of displeasure.
“Because I must first part with you.
Your friend Gino has received his end.
The turn is now yours.”
Kurt laughs heartily.
“--You're mistaken.
We magicians will not fight.
In the first place, Gino and I have different purposes and proper places.
--And my purpose is already accomplished.
There is nothing left for me here.”

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“--You think I'll let you go?”
“It's not that I'm running away. It's that I've something else to do.
I'm going to Ansel, the capital of Harland.
If you wish to follow, you can follow me there.”
Grace seems to react the moment that Ansel is mentioned.
“What are you planning to do in Ansel?”
Kurt does not answer, but instead gives a sickening laugh.

At that moment, a rain of Magic Rocks pour down on Kurt.
Kurt retreats carefully while defending with a Wind Barrier.
“--Do you think I'll let you go?”
Before I know it, Sylvia stands beside me.

Sylvia shoots several Rock Balls at Kurt.
Kurt destroys the Rock Balls with Wind Cutters as if they were mayflies.
Immediately thereafter, Sylvia sends a Rock Ball at Kurt's feet.
Kurt disappears behind a water wall.
Kurt says to Sylvia, “That's a waste of time, you know--!”
Sylvia fires a Drake Gun right in front of him.
Kurt tries to block it with Wind Barrier.
However, before touching the Wind Barrier, her Drake Gun is sucked into a hole in space.
In the next moment, I catch a glimpse of Kurt. He's greatly wounded in his right upper arm.
He holds the wound with his left hand while he stumbles in retreat. Blue and black blood spurt from beneath the compress.
“You fiend!-- Space Magic-”
From where Kurt retreated, the Drake Gun thrust unnaturally from empty space.
Sylvia casts Drake Gun at the hole created by space magic.

Kurt takes a few steps back, looks Sylvia's angry face over, and grins.
“That woman--
She in a master of sorcery. A Great Wizard. At least among the people I have seen, she is the best sorcerer.
I'm afraid we're out of time, but I'll look forward to seeing you next time.”
As Kurt says this, he tries to back into the hole in space behind him.
Sylvia raises her hand to attack, but I grasp it to stop her.

As Kurt leaves through the hole in space, silence surrounds us.


The absolute silence is filled with Sylvia's voice.

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Grace, Sylvia and I converge beside Clive.

Clive's time had run out.

Sylvia, streaming tears from her eyes, drops down to her knees, and throws down her head.
“Clive—Are you glad that you placed your body before me?”
There is no longer a voice to answer her question.

Clive followed his oath and protected his companions—that's all.

I caringly place my hands upon her shoulders.
She lays hers on mine.
Her body undulates as she sobs.

As time passes, a variety of cries are made. Words are spoken to no one, and there is nothing wrong about it.

Afterward, Sylvia removes Clive's armor, places it beside him, and performs a cremation.
The dungeon's dead are often left as they are, but we won't stand that end for Clive.

I watch sylvia candidly and silently perform the cremation. Deep trauma grips my heart.

If I'd deflected Gino's attack, Clive wouldn't have died.

If I'd been a better healer, Clive wouldn't have died.

--I wandered through a hypothetical world.

If I am to avoid regret in my future, I'll have no choice but to strengthen myself.

I give Sylvia the “watch” which I'd reserved as a remnant of Clive
“--If Clive has a family, would you give this to them?”
Sylvia takes it and somberly laughs.
“Unfortunately neither Clive nor I have any relatives, so there's no need to tell anyone.
--After all, we're adventurers.”
The belief I'd had that Sylvia had come from a “good home” was riffed. This is not the time to scrutinize, though.
“Alright. Then will Sylvia take keepsake of this watch?”
While answering my request, Sylvia comes to resolutely agree.

Clive's clock continues ticking, powered by its reserve of magic.

I thought it might have ticked faster while we'd struggled against Bind in the face of the Ogres.

I thought that if Clive had a fatal wound, the clock would slow down just a little.

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No matter what selfish desire I may have, “time” is in fact partial to no one.

The time for Clive has stopped.

But his watch cruelly continues its ticking.
Not a single hesitation was given for Clive.
Time truly waits for no man.


The next day after returning to the inn, Grace and I prepare for this morning's journey.
We could choose whether or not to believe Kurt's claims about his destination, but there was no choice about whether to leave Port Ashbel to travel to the Capital Ansel.
Grace and I prepare for our departure in silence.

“--You're not trying to sneak away, are you”
Right after leaving the inn's entrance, Grace and I have a familiar voice thrown at us.
In front of us stands Sylvia in her usual black robes and black pointy hat, smiling triumphantly.

I ask her.
“The road ahead of us is dangerous, of course.
Will you tell me why you so willingly fly into danger?”
When she hears this, she grins.
“--I've got a reason to follow him, Kei. It is something I decided when I got hold of Clive's watch.
I'll follow Kurt to Capital Ansel. When I come across him, I will bring him down.
Of course I'm going to have enough fun to enjoy this life Clive has given me.
--So this isn't a simple journey. Do you not think my reason to suffice?”
Saying that, Sylvia laughs proudly.

“Kei, Grace,- That is why I'll say to you, “Won't you come with me to Ansel?” It is dangerous, but I shall face this dare head-on!”

--Before I knew it the master and servant had swapped places.
Grace and I looked at each other and laughed.

In answer to the invitation of Sylvia, Grace and I decided to go with her towards the King's Capital of Ansel. I'd heard that the distance to get there is great; It is likely that this trek should last quite some time.

Of course, I can't foresee what's going to happen next.

Perhaps a life threatening danger will approach.
Maybe we'll lose something important.
Maybe there will be some unforeseeable happy new experience.

The clock now rests within Sylvia's ample bosom, ruthlessly indifferent to those who would beg its favor.

The three of us, hearing the sound, await the coming of a new time.

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