Chapter 19: I'm… I'm Scared…

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His black eyes flashed with a complex look.

Just then, the sound of footsteps came from outside.

He closed the information folder.

Then, the door suddenly opened and a lovely little head peeked in.

"Are you busy?" She looked at him with a smile.

"What do you think?" He glanced at the data in front of him and then looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, can I come in?" She smiled and asked him in an extremely good manner.

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He did not speak. He just sipped his lips and looked at her.

Upon seeing this, Song Wenxin assumed that he agreed.

She took a chair and move it a short distance behind him.

"I'm just here to draw some designs. I absolutely will not disturb your work!" She promised.

In fact, she did not want to look for Jiang Beihan. However, she searched the whole villa high and low but she couldn't even see a single silhouette. She was left alone in the quiet bedroom and was scared.

So, she can only come here.

She felt safe with someone around her.

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Jiang Beihan did not speak but he watched her actions through the reflections on the computer screen.

She did not lie. She had been very quiet while drawing.

"Why did you come here?" He asked her.

"I'm… I'm scared…" Song Wenxin pondered for a moment but still answered honestly. "The bedroom was too quiet and…" She looked up at the lights on the study, "The lights are too dark."

Her voice was very small and weak… just like a mosquito calling…

He does not know why but when she said she was scared, his heart… It felt like it was touch by something soft.

It did not only make his heart itch, but it also made him feel uncomfortable.

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He wanted to protect this girl.

Thinking so, he suddenly held his hand towards her.

"Come here!" He suddenly spoke to her.

Song Wenxin, who was currently drawing, froze for a moment and puzzledly looked at him yet she still obediently walked over to him.

"What's the matter?"

He suddenly reached out and grabbed her arm…

Then, his hand gave her a pull.

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She fell towards him. The next second, she was sitting on his lap and her whole body falling directly into his embrace.

And his hands are clutching her waist…

The warmth of his touch pass through her nightgown, then to the skin of her waist… making her feel a little hot.

On the tip of her nose… She can smell the faint scent of red wine, as well as the unique breathe of a mature man, on his body which unexpectedly is very pleasant to the smell.

"Are you still scared?" He moved his thin lips and ask her.

His calm voice and his warm touch made Song Wenxin feel hot…

Her face flushed with red color.

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