Chapter 20:  It's Too Quiet…

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Her face flushed with red color.

"Not scared." She said as she looked down and shook her head, her face blushing.

Because of the difference in their heights, Song Wenxin was still shorter than him even though she was sitting on his lap. Thus, she still has to raise her head to look at him.

Although she already had a fiancé before, she and Shen Jiayu had never been so intimate…

Shen Jiayu have tried to be intimate with her before, but she always rejected him. During those times, he was still pretending to be a good man in front of her so he did not force her.

Hence, Song Wenxin is still very sensitive when it comes to the opposite sex.

"But…" Song Wenxin moved her body uneasily. She raised her eyes to look at him however, she couldn't help but unconsciously dodge his gaze.

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They are now like this… Aren't they a little too intimate?

Although he can't be considered a 'normal' man and he may not feel anything but, she is a very normal woman!

"But what?" Hearing what she said, he suddenly bowed his head and asked her, frowning.

Looking at her flushed appearance, he actually felt somewhat delighted.

He was never interested in doing silly pranks before, but at this moment… he suddenly changed his mind.

His lips tightened and a playful look flashed on his eyes, then his empty hand raised her chin.

This action made Song Wenxin stupefied for a moment.

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Then, he suddenly moved closer to her, his thin lips kissing hers.

Song Wenxin became muddle-headed. Knowing Jiang Beihan's orientation and then being kissed by him once again gave her a strange feeling.

She suddenly imagined a picture of Jiang Beihan and Shangguan together…  It gave her a chill…


She had just finished her bath and the faint sweet scent of the shower gel mixed with the sweet fragrance of her body produced an extremely pleasant smell.

And this pleasant smell somewhat gave him a feeling of relief and peace of mind…

His black eyes flashed…

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He understood what's happening to him…

'Bang!' The objects on the table were swept away, some of them falling to the floor.

Jiang Beihan held Song Wenxin on his arms. Then, he stood up and laid her down on the desk.

However, at this time, Song Wenxin became completely clear-headed. She reflexively pushed him away.

His movements suddenly stopped.

This experience of being completely out of control, in his memory, it seems to be the first time.

Seeing him rise up, Song Wenxin hurriedly propped her body to sit up. Her face was blushing. Her breathing was rapid and her heartbeat has also become very fast, as if her heart would jump out anytime.

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"I'm sorry for interrupting your work. I'll go back first." Song Wenxin got up from the table. Not daring to look at Jiang Beihan, she hastily picked up her designs and then quickly fled the study.

Jiang Beihan stood in the same place, looking at the direction she left, and he frowned. He reached out and undid two buttons on his shirt. Then, he took a couple of deep breaths to make himself feel a little better.

In just two days, he lost his control over her twice. But at least, for now, he did not want to force her.

He turned his face and gazed at the chair she had used.  Then, he raised his eyebrow and said to himself,

'It's too quiet…"

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