Chapter 28: Stingy Big Boss

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Jiang Beihan thought that she was willing to do it and it's not that he let her stay behind and not look around to learn.

So she was dejected and had wanted to play a trick on him!

In the end, she was the one who suffered. He just drank a mouthful of that sweet nasty coffee.

But she drank half a cup…

There are so many people in the company that he could order but he made her stay. Isn't it obvious that he is bullying her?

"Bring a glass of water in!" Jiang Beihan picked up the telephone on the table and commanded.

After a while, a staff brought in a glass of warm water.

"Drink it!" He said to Song Wenxin after the staff left, glancing at the glass of water in front of him.

Song Wenxin was stunned and she looked at Jiang Beihan in surprise, "This is for me?"

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This glass of water is for her?

"Then, do not drink. You only have one chance!" Jiang Beihan swept her a glance, then stretched out his hand to take away the water.

Song Wenxin hurried reached out to grab the glass of water.

"No, I will drink it!"

Her mouth feels very uncomfortable with a bitter and sweet taste. If she does not drink water, she was afraid that she might really vomit.

The taste in Song Wenxin's mouth finally faded after drinking a glass of water.

"The coffee has already been delivered. I'll go first!" She put down the glass and was about to leave.

"Wait!" Jiang Beihan suddenly called her. Song Wenxin stopped her footsteps and gave him a puzzled look.

He took out a latest style, white mobile phone and placed it on the table

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"Take it." Just these two words.

Song Wenxin's mobile phone was lost the night before yesterday and she haven't had the time to buy a new one.

"You bought this phone for me?" Song Wenxin looked at the latest style mobile phone and asked delightfully.

Looking at the phone, she wanted to praise him that he is a good man!

But, his later words made her shut up.

"The maid does not want it!"

He, the dignified boss of the JS group, would even pick up a phone that a maid doesn't want to use. How frugal!

In other words, stingy!

Although Song Wenxin felt somewhat unhappy, she still reached out to take the phone.

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The mobile phone is still quite new and it is also of the latest style. She couldn't understand why someone wouldn't want it.

Song Wenxin could not help but sigh. The servants in Jiang Beihan's home are really rich. Throwing such a good and new phone, how extravagant and wasteful!

"Thanks!" After saying a word of thanks, Song Wenxin placed the phone in her pocket. Then, she turned around, got out of the office and started looking for the large group.


After Song Wenxin left, Jiang Beihan sat on the lether seat and leaned back.

He took out his phone, opened the message function, entered a series of numbers and sent a one line text.


— Wait for me at the entrance at noon.


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When Song Wenxin found her classmates, the visit was almost over.

She felt somewhat dejected.

"Wenxin, did the JS boss tell you anything?" When Song Wenxin appeared, her classmates were very curious and couldn't help asking her.

"Yes, yes, did you ask his number?" It's a good chance to get close to the JS boss. It would be a pity if she didn't ask for his number.

"Does he fancy you? Otherwise, with so many people here, why would he ask you to pour him some coffee!"

Everybody started talking about it and and their attention focused on Song Wenxin.

Even the DL staff couldn't help giving her a curious gaze!

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