Chapter 29 : What matters to you!

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    Song Wenxin was dead-hearted and didn't know how to answer their questions.

    Blame Jiang Beihan, there's so many people but don't use it, have to find her to pour a coffee!

    "Song Wenxin, don't you just help people pour a cup of coffee, is there any good thing? But also, just like you, you only have to pour coffee!" Ding Ruqian saw Song Wenxin surrounded by the crowd, not cold or warm Sarcastic.

    "Ding Ruqian, can you keep your mouth clean?" Ding Ruqian heard Song Wenxin's makes her unhappy!

    This woman doesn't talk well every time, but what she said today is really too horrible to make her intolerable!

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    "What's wrong with me, don't you think so, maybe you just winked at the big boss just now, otherwise why did he just let you pour coffee?" Ding Ruqian didn't mean to converge at all, but she said more and more proudly!

    Song Wenxin was so anxious that when she just wanted to quarrel with her, suddenly a male student with glasses suddenly took the lead to help her.

    "Student Ding, everyone is a classmate. If you slander Song Wenxin in front of everyone, are you too mean?"

    "I talk to Song Wenxin, what's your matter!" Ding Ruqian's look of disdain appeared.

    Song Wenxin was also surprised, that someone would help her ...

    "Ms. Song's business is my business!" But who knows, the male student wearing glasses, with a right hand, held Song Wenxin behind him.

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    "I can't see it, Song Wenxin, you usually hide it. It's quite good to deal with men. So you can find someone to help you out?" Ding Ruqian glanced at the ordinary male student in front of her.

    "Ding Ruqian, you also converge a little bit. I didn't bring you out to quarrel with you!" At this time, the teacher couldn't stand it anymore and stopped Ding Ruqian by speaking out.

    Ding Ruqian glanced at Song Wenxin, then walked away dissatisfied.

    The crowd also dispersed and left DL headquarters.

    "Thank you for helping me just now!" Song Wenxin stopped and thanked the male student who had just happened.

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    "I just can't get her to bully you so much." The male student embarrassingly reached out and scratched his head, but was a bit shy because of Song Wenxin's thank you.

    "Yes." Song Wenxin nodded heartily. Ding Ruqian usually made a good fortune in school. I don't know how many people can't get used to her, but it's hindered by her father's face and said nothing.

    "Classmate WenXin, it's almost lunch time. Can I invite you to have a meal with me?" When the two walked to the door of DL together, the male student suddenly summoned courage and said to Song Wenxin.

    "Okay, but I'll invite you!" Song Wenxin agreed without thinking about it.

    What the other person said today helped her, and she asked him to have lunch, which made sense!

    "No ... no need, I'll just invite it." The male student stumbled a little.

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    When the two talents left the DL headquarters, Song Wenxin's mobile phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

    She froze for a moment, then remembered that Jiang Beihan gave her a mobile phone.

    She took out her mobile phone, which showed Jiang Beihan's name on it.

    She froze a moment before answering the phone, asking in doubt."Hey, what's wrong?" 

    What is he looking for her?

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