Chapter 20: Fen Wen

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Watching that figure gradually become tiny, Su Qi Qi’s forehead was covered with cold sweat: “Lei Yu Feng, save me.”
She thought Lei Yu Feng was the one that kicked the black clothed man off.
But there was no response from above for a while.
“Miss, grab on to this.” A moment later, a tree vine hung down from above.
But this voice. Su Qi Qi’s first thought was, the person who saved her was not Lei Yu Feng.
Right now she didn’t have the time to think it over, her life was more important. She directly grabbed on to the tree vine, allowing the person above to pull her up. One of her hands was already pained to the point of numbness, she could only borrow strength from her other hand.
Being pulled up little by little, she could already see the appearance of the person that came.
A majestic appearance, gentle as jade, with a body of cyan-colored cheongsam. His figure was quite slender but both eyes were bright and full of expression.

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Like an immortal from the air to the bones.

My best try at the chinese saying 仙风道骨 . The meaning is it describes a person’s strength of character 风骨 (So that’s where the wind bones came from) and spirit which stands out from the masses.

Su Qi Qi only looked at this person with a smile of gratefulness, it seems she’s almost about to reach the mountaintop, but suddenly a sword stabbed fiercely from the back.
“Careful.” Su Qi Qi cried out. The cyan clothed man tilted his head and evaded, but almost lost his grip on the tree vine that Su Qi Qi was hanging on to. However, in that moment of distraction, the opponent had already sent both him and Su Qi Qi down with one kick……
Wind whistled right beside her ears. Su Qi Qi didn’t close her eyes, keeping her eyes wide open, looking straight at the ten thousand feet abyss below.
From the start she already felt that death was probably unavoidable, but Su Qi Qi felt a bit apologetic towards this person that tried to save her, only to see that person take advantage of the opportunity in midair to draw her towards him by the waist and throw away the tree vine. He paused in midair for a moment, both legs stepping off the surface and with a flip, the originally falling trajectory changed into ascending.
Right now she can’t even manage to show shock, Su Qi Qi just felt that she had managed to escape from calamity.
Both hands tightly clutched the cyan clothed man’s clothes.
Reaching the mountaintop, the cyan clothed man immediately loosened his hold on Su Qi Qi: “Miss, excuse my behavior.”

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He’s actually an elegant and mannered nobleman.
“Many thanks for gongzi’s lifesaving grace.” Su Qi Qi was still frightened to the point of being covered with cold sweat. The black clothed man from earlier thought Su Qi Qi would die without a doubt and had already left.
Didn’t expect this person’s qing gong was this outstanding, in that kind of situation could still flip around and fly to the cliff top.

轻功 – Qing gong is a sort of martial arts, the ‘light’ martial arts. People can walk on water and on air with this.

Perhaps, in this world there was only Mo Wen Chen who could compare.
Recalling Mo Wen Chen again at this moment, she hurriedly felt inside her sleeve for the shadow lingzhi mushroom. Good, it’s still here.
“No need to be courteous, Miss. This one only has a small request.” The cyan clothed gongzi’s face was as gentle as before as he cupped his fist.

baoquanli Cupping your fist with(or without) a slight bow is a way of greeting.

“If it is something I can do, I will not hesitate to comply.” Su Qi Qi did not stick to trivial matters.
“No matter what Miss wants, this Fen will willingly surrender. This Fen only wishes to have the millennium shadow lingzhi mushroom in Miss’s possession.” The cyan clothed gongzi also didn’t modestly decline and stated his intentions outright.

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He was also searching for the millennium shadow lingzhi mushroom on this mountain.
Tightening her hand around her sleeve, Su Qi Qi was a bit hesitant. Normally, based on the fact that this man before her had saved her life, she would of course repay him however possible, but this shadow lingzhi mushroom has to do with Mo Wen Chen’s life……
“This one is the miracle doctor Fen Wen?” Right at this moment as Su Qi Qi was hesitating, from behind her came the faint sound of Lei Yu Feng’s laughter.
Turning her head to look at the Lei Yu Feng who was wearing a harmless smile as usual, Su Qi Qi knitted her brows. Seems like this guy was nearby the whole time.
Yet didn’t come out to help.
But, she didn’t blame him. No one had ever cared about her life.
She had already became used to it.
And hearing that the person before her eyes was the miracle doctor Fen Wen from the rumors in Jiang Hu, she also couldn’t help being slightly shocked.

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江湖 – “Jiang Hu” a place that often appears in wuxia stories, a community of martial artists. Probably also once a real place. Have some other meanings, but the first one is the most common.

“That is I, this gongzi is?” The cyan clothed man was faintly startled, but soon recovered his tranquil smiling expression.
“This one is Lei Yu Feng.”
“Oh, so it’s Lei clan residence’s newly appointed bao zhu, honored, honored.” Fen Wen slightly cupped his fist, just a smear of alertness flashed through his eyes.

‘honored, honored’ is ‘I’m honored to meet your acquaintance’ condensed because Chinese is so much more compact than English.

Never would have expected to encounter someone from the Lei clan residence here.
“As well, as well.” Lei Yu Feng was still smiling: “Sir Wen also wants this shadow lingzhi mushroom?”
“Exactly.” Fen Wen spoke the truth honestly, only to observe Lei Yu Fen’s expression change.
“How about this, we’ll make a bet. If you win, the shadow lingzhi mushroom will be yours, but if you lose……” Lei Yu Feng still hesitated for a moment.
“Please speak.” Fen Wen’s smile deepened by a few degrees.

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