BBP’s Consort: Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Gamble
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“I want a rootless fruit.” Lei Yu Feng was just worrying about how to find this mysterious dragon Fen Wen who was heard of everywhere but had not a trace of a tail to be seen when he had unexpectedly came across him here. It truly was the aid of heaven.
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“Alright.” Fen Wen straightforwardly replied: “But, the contents of the gamble will be up to me to decide.”
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This one sentence made Lei Yu Feng hesitate.
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In fact, Lei Yu Feng had not known what to gamble on either.
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Su Qi Qi’s fluid glance slightly shifted, her full phoenix eyes lifted: “I heard Mister Fen has played the flute of all of China. This one will play one song, if Mister Fen can match the tune with the flute then it counts as your win, if not then it is a loss. Good?”

”played the flute of all of China” I thought at first it was courteously saying that his flute playing is really good, which it probably is, but after taking another look, I think it actually refers to the fact that he’s traveled and played a lot of songs before.

“You?” Lei Yu Feng could not maintain his calm and stared at Su Qi Qi.
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Mo Wen Chen didn’t investigate Su Qi Qi’s past only once, and it seemed, aside from knowing a bit of medicine, she had no other talents.
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“Exactly.” At this moment Su Qi Qi actually had a face of determination, within her phoenix eyes was resolute strength.
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“You know if you lose, the consequence?” In the depths of Lei Yu Feng’s eyes was hidden anger.
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“I know.” Su Qi Qi was a face of calm.
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At worst it’ll be one death. But, Su Qi Qi actually had quite a bit of confidence in her guqin skill, even though this would force her reveal everything in front of them.
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However, there was no other choice.

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If Mo Wen Chen could not recover to as he was before, she wouldn’t be able to live either.
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She can only stake it all.
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“Alright, Miss can decide on the time and place.” The corner of Fen Wen’s mouth perked, his clear spring eyes rippled. Looking at the merely delicate Su Qi Qi before him, that resolute determination gave people an illusion of being dazzling.
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“Three days later, Bei Ding Hou Wang fu.” Su Qi Qi didn’t want to waste time, she wished to allow Mo Wen Chen to be able to stand up as soon as possible so that he would be able to recover in the limited time they had.
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A trace of unfathomed surprise flashed through Fen Wen’s eyes but was immediately covered up, he nodded: “Then it’s settled.”
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Afterwards he turned to leave, his cyan garment swayed in the wind, carrying a hint of pure immortal air.
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“When we get back you can explain to Mo Wen yourself.” Lei Yu Feng shook his head while walking towards the foot of the mountain.
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She was blank for a moment, then Su Qi Qi gave a faint smile and also started walking down.
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Twilight descended, the Magnetic Capital in winter seemed a bit ancient and vast. Under the hues of sunset, seemed to shine with faint serenity.
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Because it was winter, there were not a lot of pedestrians on the street.
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On the road Su Qi Qi had her eyes closed and was quiet. She was thinking of how to explain to Mo Wen Chen.
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She didn’t really understand Mo Wen Chen, who knows if he would, after hearing her explanation, fly into a rage again.
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But even if he becomes furious, she had already decided to gamble with Fen Wen.
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Thinking to here, she felt a bit more relaxed.
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Looking at the carriage that was slowly approaching the Wang fu, Hua Qian Zi stood in a distant area as she watched carefully. The coachman wasn’t the least bit flustered, but, she didn’t mind, because to the Wang fu, Su Qi Qi’s life was not even worth one coin.
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The corner of her mouth lifted into the trace of a smile, seeming faintly pleased.
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But after Lei Yu Feng jumped off the carriage and reached out to help Su Qi Qi down, Hua Qian Qi nearly shrieked out loud.
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She thought she saw a ghost. Someone had clearly already reported to her the news of Su Qi Qi dropping into the abyss……
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Su Qi Qi didn’t return to her own room but immediately went to see Mo Wen Chen.
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There are some things that one has to face sooner or later, so, there’s no point in stalling for time.
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Lei Yu Feng acted like it had nothing to do with him and directly sat back down on the chair while sampling the tea that a servant had brought.
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To the side, Leng Yan seemed a bit puzzled and looked at the two that walked in before lowering his head again.
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“How was it?” Mo Wen Chen looked towards Su Qi Qi.
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“Found it.” Su Qi Qi softly lifted her eyes, looking back at Mo Wen Chen.
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“Very good.” Mo Wen Chen looked as if it was a matter of course, then his brows creased again: “Yu Feng, then the matter of the rootless fruit will be left to you.”
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“I think there’s no need for me to make a move personally, your wang fei already took care of everything.” Of course Lei Yu Feng disapproved of Su Qi Qi and Fen Wen’s bet. There was no one in China that didn’t know of Fen Wen’s famous magnificent jade flute. This little Su Qi Qi actually wanted to bet on matching songs with him, isn’t it practically destroying her own road.
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“Oh?” Mo Wen Chen was a bit surprised, and looked at Su Qi Qi with contemplation.
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Those pupils were still dark as wells, not letting people see the bottom nor penetrate the depths.
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Without any emotional changes, Su Qi Qi unhurriedly spoke about the gamble incident with Fen Wen, but didn’t mention the incident of encountering an assassin.
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She knew, even if she spoke about it, Mo Wen Chen would not care, there’s no need for her to seek embarrassment.
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The room was utterly silent, the mood somewhat heavy.
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Su Qi Qi had already prepared her heart, and remained calm and collected.
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“If you lose……you understand!” Mo Wen Chen coldly tossed out this sentence.
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“I understand.” Su Qi Qi was also expressionless, carrying a slight haughtiness and resoluteness.
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She could only use this kind of outer appearance to maintain her own pride.
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The bare amount of self-respect.
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In these three days, Su Qi Qi did not practice playing like crazy but sat in her room reading medical books, a picture of leisure and content. Actually, this was also good, at least Hua Qian Zi wouldn’t dare to make things difficult for her.
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Regarding that woman, Su Qi Qi felt that she must strike back and defeat her with one blow.
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She must get revenge for Jing Man.
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She can endure, but she also had a bottom line.
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Pure Blossom Courtyard.
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Fen Wen was still wearing a cyan colored garment, his hair was tied up on top of his head with a stark white hairtie, his handsome face was fair as fine jade, his entire body gave off an educated air, scholarly and refined, giving people a sort of extremely calm feeling.
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“Bei Ding Hou wangye.” Fen Wan didn’t carry out the formal greeting, instead lightly cupped his fist.
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Mo Wen Chen had already been carried to the head seat by Leng Yan.
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“Mister Fen, it’s an honor.” Mo Wen Chen also humbly greeted.
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Su Qi Qi was already sitting on the guqin stage, in front of her was Mo Wen Chen’s long treasured Jiao Wei. To the side, Lei Yu Feng already stopped thinking about other things and singlemindedly stared at Jiao Wei.

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焦尾琴 : Jiao Wei is one of the four famous guqins of ancient China. I didn’t attempt to translate it to English because the characters seem to translate to Scorched Tail…

The Jiao Wei he has yearned for in his dreams!
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“Mister, please.” Today Su Qi Qi wore a white garment without any decorations, and also didn’t wear any jewelry. Half her long hair fell on her shoulders, the hair on top of her head was coiled up using a slanted white jasper hairpin to hold in place. Simple and elegant, fresh and clean, her appearance was bright in others’ eyes.
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Fen Wen couldn’t help but take an extra look at Su Qi Qi. Lightly nodded, he then sat without question on the opposing stage.
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Without any superfluous words, Su Qi Qi lightly plucked a string: “Mister, let’s start.”
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“Please.” Fen Wen was actually a model nobleman, completely modest.
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Mo Wen Chen gave a grim laugh. Right now he was only watching Su Qi Qi. He would like to know what this woman would use to win back the rootless fruit.
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Of course, this question, both Leng Yan and Lei Yu Feng wanted to know too.
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Starting to pluck the strings, Su Qi Qi didn’t look at anyone.
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It was precisely a performance of Ambush From Ten Sides .
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The rapid urgent sounds of chords. Jiao Wei was the most valuable treasure in the class of guqins and the sound of the strings was extremely accurate. The guqin below the delicate fingers actually produced the imposing aura of a mighty army.
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Everyone present seemed to see rows of battalions stretching a thousand miles, the sound of troop horses neighing, a decisive battle was imminent, the weather stirred ominously. Their emotions seemed to be slowly heightened by this austere sound, suspended to an unbearable degree.
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Just at this apprehensive moment, suddenly a rapid string sounded, “the silver bottle suddenly broke and burst forth water, horseman roared and dash forward with swords and spears”, a magnificent army with thousands of men swept the desert, sand blown by the wind wildly covered the heaven and earth and turned it colorless.
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So much that it made people held their breath.
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The guqin sound swayed gently in midst of kills, slashes and gallops, shaking one to the core; as the slender string surged, sword blows permeated the air, dreadful and horrifying.
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Even Mo Wen Chen narrowed his eyes. This sort of imposing air, to be surrounded by magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, especially to Mo Wen Chen who grew up on the battlefield, the sound of this playing was unexpectedly pleasing..

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