Chapter 74: Became Famous 

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The night was slightly cold as the moonlight shone on.

Xiao Susu sat quietly in the pavilion, lost in thought.

She was still in that moon white robe. When she returned to her courtyard, she released that proud outer shell and allowed herself to soak in her sadness.

Yes, she was sad.

She suddenly really missed her mother. She missed her so much.

Xiao En looked on from the distance as his breathtaking younger sister who had stood so proudly in the daytime fell into such sorrow at night. His heart ached with faint pain.

He felt heartache for this little sister of his.

He just didn’t understand why Xiao Susu was so sad. Perhaps living fifteen years, overlooked by everyone, was a sort of sadness.

However, there was not a single day that Old Madame Xiao didn’t come to visit her. However, she would just sit and stare blankly out the window.

Xiao Zhu and Xiao Yan didn’t make any moves these past couple of days. They were aware that as long as Old Madame Xiao was here, they wouldn’t be able to succeed in overthrowing Xiao Susu, so they could only keep their discontent in their hearts.

They didn’t dare to show their discontent and continuously praised Xiao Susu.

Of course, after the Jasper Flower Banquet started, their praises became sincere.

After all, who wouldn’t want their family’s prestige to increase?

Xiao Zhu and Xiao Yan weren’t exceptions.

Hence, the current Xiao family could be said to be unprecedentedly united. All of them supported Xiao Susu and backed her firmly.

The Jasper Flower Banquet was still ongoing, but Xiao Susu’s fame had already spread.

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The nobility and aristocracy looked forward to the upcoming competitions, anticipating the next surprise.

Xiao Susu was already now the center of attention.

She was regretting it a little. She felt like she was standing out a little too much.

This wasn’t the type of thing she enjoyed. She had only solved the nine sets in a fit of anger.

And last night was a sleepless night for her. She suddenly wanted to know who exactly her mother was, why she had such talent? Without her mother, there wouldn’t be her, Su Qiqi.

She had always thought that these things were common knowledge since she had never had a chance to display these skills in great Yan. From the looks of it now though, these skills weren’t things that an ordinary woman would possess.

And yet her mother, a nobody, had possessed them.

What exactly was going on?

The announcement of her name interrupted her thoughts.

She retrieved her train of thought, then slowly got up and walked to the stage, unperturbed despite everyone’s stares.

She was dressed very simply today as well, but everyone else still paled in comparison to her due to her aloof and proud aura.

Today’s competition was on calligraphy.

On the white jade stage, she swept her glance mildly across the audience, then nodded slightly before reaching out to grind the ink. When she was in the Su residence, she didn’t have any maids attending to her so she was very familiar with processes like this.

What shocked everyone present was that, when she finished, she actually picked up two writing brushes.

At the same time, a slight smile seemed to appear on her lips, softening her cold aura.

Hua Qianye, Baili Mo, Nangong Mo, Xu Weiran, even Lei Yufeng were staring intently in order to not miss a single one of her movements.

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The place abruptly fell silent.

As Xiao Susu turned to face the writing paper, Hua Ruxue also looked over.

Calligraphy has always been the cultural talent that the south boundary valued the most.

That was why today’s competition was also the most important one.

And everyone wanted to know how Xiao Susu would win today’s competition. It must be known that all the nations of the south boundary were highly skilled in calligraphy.

In regards to guqin and Go, the fact that Xiao Susu won could still be attributed to the fact that she had put in more effort than others.

Xiao Susu held a brush in each hand, and with simultaneous flowing movements, moved both brushes down two lengths of paper.

However, her left hand was writing in semi-cursive style, Wang Xizhi’s Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Poems. This was an extremely tasteful legendary work. In comparison to other Western Jin dynasty works, it made use of the brush exquisitely, its composition was elegant, and the brush strokes were graceful yet unrestrained. Xiao Susu grasped every point of this in her presentation.

Her brush moved so naturally that it seemed to be dancing. It extracted the essence of natural, gentle, and free in the simple writing style of the previous generations and amplified it, making it extremely beautiful and delicate.

Meanwhile, her right hand was writing in full cursive script.

How charming the rivers and mountains be, for it countless heroes contend to their deaths.

Pity that despite Emperor of Qin’s formidable martial prowess, he lacks in literary talents;

Taizong of Tang and Taizu of Song as well, lack in literary excellence.(More emperors of respective dynasties)

Even the outstanding child of Heaven, Genghis Khan, knew only how to aim a bow at prey. (The Hans called themselves proud children of the Heavens and Genghis Khan was a title given to Temüjin, meaning strong hero of the khanate.)

They are of the past though, the future figures of fame now depends on the ones present.

The brush placed on the fine paper flew like a mighty dragon.

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The strokes were strong as swords, the swerves like vines, the dots like sudden falling rocks, and the slashes like an orchid leaf tilted in the wind.

Two different poems, two different styles of writing, were completed in the same breath.

None of the nobles present had ever seen a calligraphy performance like this and were still too stunned to react.

It was only after Xiao Susu placed the brushes down and had returned to where the Xiao family was sitting that the emperor, Hua Ruxue, finally reacted and shouted, “Wonderful!”

Following that, the people below also slowly snapped out of their amazement and thunder-like applause rang out with more shouts of praise and cheers.

It continued for a long time without fading.

Even the people from the Xiao family were cheering happily.

Xiao Susu truly hadn’t let them down. Every time she appeared, it was with dazzling light. It was as if she naturally belonged at the peak.

Meanwhile, there was no trace of pride on Xiao Susu’s face as she sat there, unconcerned. At the same time, she didn’t bother to feign humbleness. Her manner was natural and dignified.

Lei Yufeng couldn’t help but stare at her.

This woman was more talented than anyone he knew.

Even Su Qiqi probably couldn’t compare to her.

Calligraphy was the only way to win the highest honor in the south boundary. That was why, what Xiao Susu won today was not only applause, but a true, honorable reputation. It once again added another glow to her name in the south boundary. She was now practically a legend.

“Little Sis, the calligraphy that you learned in your dream…” Xiao Qi also leaned over and looked at Xiao Susu incredulously as he remarked this. His face was filled with unconcealable excitement.

The initial hostility had already become doting affection.

However, his remark caused Xiao Susu’s face to turn a little pale for a moment. She was suddenly worried that these people would become suspicious of her identity.

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If they found out that she wasn’t actually Xiao Susu and was another soul, would they continue protecting and supporting her like this?

“Little Sis is a fairy that descended to the mortal realm, of course she doesn’t need to learn this stuff.” Xiao En slapped Xiao Qi’s head as he said this half-jokingly.

Anyone would be curious about Xiao Susu’s change.

However, no one asked her directly. Even Old Madame Xiao chose not to ask.

All she knew was that Xiao Susu was her granddaughter and the hope of the Xiao family.

Xiao Qi rubbed his head, then nodded vigorously. “Exactly, exactly…”

The rest of the Xiao family hastily voiced agreement.

One song on the guqin showed Xiao Susu’s overflowing talent, one display of Go allowed her name to spread far and wide, and one performance of calligraphy made her a legend in the south boundary.

The words ‘Xiao Susu’ had already become the topic of all tea and dinner conversations.

She had become the topic of choice in the south boundary.

“I want her.” Lei Yufeng suddenly turned towards Hua Ruxue and said this mildly.

However, his eyes were firm.

A hard to notice trace of coldness flashed briefly through Hua Ruxue’s eyes. “Her future can’t be decided yet.”

“But you’re the emperor.” Lei Yufeng didn’t back off. He didn’t want someone this talented to fall into Mo Wenxuan’s hands. The fact that she had been able to solve those ten sets of Go meant that she was very skilled in military tactics. Of course, he only intended to place Xiao Susu in Lei Clan Stronghold, nothing else.

“That’s right.” Hua Ruxue nodded but didn’t answer him. At the same time, she glanced over at her son and smiled slightly.

Credits: Translated by Chiyomira

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