Chapter 75: Old Acquaintance 

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Lei Yufeng also smiled. He wasn’t concerned about a tiny nation like this.

If he wanted someone, he would definitely obtain her.

Of course, Hua Ruxue also understood this. It was just that she didn’t want to reveal the cards in her hands so fast. She wanted to see Xiao Susu’s full value.

If all she had was talent at the arts, she could bear with the pain of giving her away.

The Jasper Flower Banquet has already become Xiao Susu’s personal banquet. Everyone present waited eagerly for her performances and the surprises she would bring. The moment she left the stage, everyone else that stepped onto the stage seemed colorless.

That’s why, although Xiao Susu won the interest of the male aristocracy—including the interest of the three princes of the three different nations—all the other participants in the banquet resented her.

However, Xiao Susu didn’t care about any of this.

Since things have already gotten to this point, there was no choice but to continue on.

She didn’t regret standing out. In this lifetime, she vowed to live grandly and freely.

This was only just beginning.

That day, the Xiao residence had a huge feast in order to celebrate Xiao Susu’s rise to fame.

Xiao Susu happily celebrated with her family without being modest or proud.

The fourth competition was painting.

“This prince really looks forward to her performance today.” Xu Weiran was still in a flawlessly white attire that made him seem untainted by the mortal realm.

However, the light in his eyes revealed his intentions.

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His attention was fully focused on Xiao Susu and he had even sent people to investigate her.

He wanted to know how she had managed to gain so many shocking talents after just waking up?

“I heard that someone’s challenging her.” The man in black next to Xu Weiran spoke with a slight smile, “She’s been standing out too much these past few days.”

“Brother He must not be aware of the fact that it has always been the south boundary’s custom to be very open. This is completely normal,” replied Xu Weiran while shaking his head.

The person standing next to him was He Yitian, the master of Shadow Blade House.

Back then, he had slipped into the Marquis of Nord’s Residence with a large group of assassins, but was forced to retreat.

Ever since that battle, his reputation in great Yan had plunged so he had no choice but to move Shadow Blade House to the south boundary.

The moment he got to the south boundary, he obtained the recognition of the crown prince of Serene Chaste Nation and was taken as a subordinate.

Of course, no one on the surface knew of He Yitian’s true identity. His status was the crown prince’s personal bodyguard.

And his Shadow Blade House carried out Xu Weiran’s orders only in the shadows.

As the two were talking, about a dozen young girls had walked onstage together, including Xiao Susu.

Regardless of how simply she dressed, everyone could pick her out with one glance due to her unique aura.

“Hua Qianzi…” He Yitian cried out softly in shock.

The people next to him rolled their eyes.

Xu Weiran glanced towards the woman He Yitian was looking at and his eyes lit up. Although Hua Qianzi’s aura wasn’t as impressive as Xiao Susu’s and her looks weren’t as flawless either, she was still a beauty capable of toppling a city.

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“Hua Qianzi… This surname of ‘Hua’ belongs to the nation,” remarked Xu Weiran while glancing over at He Yitian.

“Indeed.” Something seemed to occur to He Yitian and he rubbed his chin. “Then that means… she’s the female emperor’s daughter… But, why was she in the Marquis of Nord’s residence for so many years…”

That sentence caused Xu Weiran’s eyes to glow. “You’re saying that the emperor has a relationship with the Marquis of Nord?”

This was quite a shock.

Everyone was aware of the Marquis of Nord’s power. Even in the south boundary, he was a god-like existence on the battlefield.

As they were talking, onstage, the beauties had already started grinding the ink to paint.

It was very quiet below the stage. Of course, their focus was still on Xiao Susu.

Xiao Susu didn’t seize full attention like in the previous three competitions and just stood like a peony next to Hua Qianzi.

Hua Qianzi’s appearance surprised Xiao Susu, but she didn’t let it show.

When she was walking onto the stage, she had looked up and found that Hua Qianzi was standing next to her, dressed in red and arrogant as always.

However, her eyes now contained a bit of hurt.

Xiao Susu really wanted to know how her wedding went.

And since she was here, Mo Wenchen would probably appear too.

When her thoughts reached this point, her hand involuntarily trembled and the peony she was painting became flawed. Hence, she wasn’t able to seize unconditional victory this time.

However, it still won over the hearts of everyone present. This drawing showed clear skill. Wind seemed to be contained in the strokes of the brush and the drawn peony looked as if it was truly blooming in a garden.

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Meanwhile, Hua Qianzi had painted a young girl playing in the water. The painting was also vivid and lifelike with extremely fine detail.

The beautiful talented lady that the south boundary had been exclaiming praises about these past four days suddenly had a competitor, Hua Qianzi, so the people present couldn’t help but become curious about who this woman was.

She actually sat next to the emperor, Hua Ruxue, and her looks were very similar to Hundred Flowers Nation’s only prince.

Of course, ever since Hua Qianzi had appeared, Hua Qianye became very low-key and now sat slightly further away from the emperor’s side.

He emitted a cold gloomy aura that distanced everyone.

Xiao Susu had already known about Hua Qianzi’s identity, but her appearance still made her flustered and reminded her of her hatred.

Of course, the person she hated more was Mo Wenchen.

Perhaps it was because she had loved him too much, which made her hatred even stronger.

“Hua Qianzi.”

Baili Mo also lightly repeated these three words. Everyone was aware that ‘Hua’ was Hundred Flowers Nation’s surname, so they were also aware of what Hua Qianzi’s sudden appearance meant.

These past years, there were ceaseless conflicts in the palace because Hua Ruxue didn’t have a daughter.

However, now Hua Qianzi was standing here in such a high-profile manner.

It was a public announcement that there had always been a successor to Hundred Flowers Nation’s throne.

So a lot of people immediately looked over at Hua Qianye.

Although he was a man, Serene Chaste Nation and Unyielding Clouds Nation had always had high hopes for him because he was very skilled in tactics and schemes.

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His existence caused the two nations apprehension.

However, everything had changed in the blink of an eye.

“It seemed that there’s about to be a good show to watch.” Nangong Mo also laughed in slight contempt. They’ve always disliked this nation whose women were in power.

If it weren’t for the firm foundations that their ancestors had laid down in addition to Lunar Waters Palace’s control, there was no way Hundred Flowers Nation would’ve been able to survive a thousand years.

“En. This Hua Qianzi also isn’t someone easy to deal with either.” However, Baili Mo was looking at Xiao Susu. When he saw that she looked unperturbed regardless whether she won or lost, he couldn’t help but feel admiration.

These past four days, he had been confident in his own beliefs. He felt that the only reason Xiao Susu was able to gain so much fame was because of her sudden change from being a fool to being someone with so much talent.

However, it was only now that he had the feeling that a woman like this would be able to shine brilliantly no matter where she went.

It was like she was born to be raised up and worshipped.

Nangong Mo narrowed his eyes slightly. “However, we should investigate into her background.”

Of everyone present, the people that understood Hua Qianzi the most was Lei Yufeng and Xiao Susu, which was why they were the most calm.

Of course, Xiao Susu was still a little puzzled. Hua Qianzi’s attire didn’t seem like that of a newly wed woman. In that case…

She shook her head, then laughed scornfully at herself. What was she thinking? So what if Hua Qianzi hadn’t been able to marry Mo Wenchen? None of it had anything to do with her anymore.

“Susu… Are you not feeling well?” Old Madame Xiao had walked over at some point and was now gently patting Xiao Susu’s shoulder.

Xiao Susu was a little off today. Other people may not have noticed, but her abnormality couldn’t escape Old Madame Xiao’s eyes.

Credits: Translated by Chiyomira

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