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Rain fell down in bombardments, turning the forest cold and wet. Monsters and animals alike hid in the undergrowth, shielding their young. A lone man walked through, unfazed. His staff squelched in the mud as he walked, at a pace which seemed both urgent yet calm at the same time.

Suddenly, the man raised his arms up, revealing tattoos which ran down them and into his body. A flash of bright light shot out like the aurora, spreading out from his tattoos and shooting into the dark sky.


Giant claws emerged from the man's body, followed by a reptilian head and the rest of the colossal body. A white dragon emerged, with scales which looked like giant white iron plates and two golden slitted eyes which illuminated the grey darkness.

"Karonar, North." The man said.

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The man swiftly jumped on top of the dragon's head and it leisurely began to flap it's wings, creating a strong wind which uprooted and sent trees flying out of the ground. The white dragon 'Karonar' let out sudden burst of speed and flew forwards, looking like it had teleported by the naked eye.

Very quickly, the two reached the smoking remains of a village.

'Master, a I sense a lesser of my kin here.'


The man looked thoughtful for a moment.

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"The flames of chaos breed strong summoners." He said to himself silently.

"Search Talent!" A light shot out of the man's forehead as he tapped it with the tip of his staff and traced a diamond-shaped tattoo.

A wave of light burst out, going downwards before travelling across the ground, like a tidal wave with the dragon and man at the centre. Eventually, the wave returned.


The dragon flew at a low altitude and the man on it's head looked around, as if searching for something.

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The man leapt off the dragon's back but instead of becoming red mush on the floor he floated down slowly. Upon landing, he tapped his staff downwards, causing a line of dim light to shoot across the floor. He quickly followed as the line shot through the burnt village before reaching a hut at the outskirts. Unlike the rest of the ruined place, the hut was in perfect condition.


The cry of a child sounded out, causing the man to become alert. He jogged into the hut and found a child, no more than 4 years old crying alone. A faint white circular shield surrounded him.

"Protection spell, not bad." The man muttered, surprised.

Walking over, he tapped the bubble with his staff, causing it to ripple before instantly disappearing. With the shield gone, the man examined the boy closely. He noticed a black scroll which the boy clutched tightly, as if it were his lover.

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"Boy." He said, not too loud nor quiet.

The child looked up slowly, tears and dirt staining his face. He said nothing but vigilantly stared at the man.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you."

Upon hearing these comforting words, a wave of dizziness washed over the boy, causing him to fall asleep instantly. A faint glow came from the staff, before disappearing. The man hoisted the boy up, and mounted his dragon.

Under the heavy torrent of rain, the last fires that were burning the village remains were extinguished and as the clouds began to drift away, sunlight shone down.

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