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A bright light shone down, waking the boy up. The smell of roast meat wafted into his nostrils, causing his stomach to grumble. He groaned as he turned over, wanting to eat yet also wanting to continue to sleep. The black haired boy lay face down on a hammock, gently swaying to and fro in the gentle breeze.

"Awake are we?" A gruff voice said, pulling the boy back from dream land.


The boy lazily turned his face away from the source of the noise.

"Five more minutes, mom." He groaned.

"Your mother had a beard?" The voice said mockingly.

Suddenly, the boy awoke.

"Mother..." He muttered, tears beginning to collect in his eyes.

The old man waited for the boy to finished weeping.

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"Child. You must be hungry and tired from what happened two nights ago."

The boy stayed silent, mind in a daze. Upon seeing this, the old man sighed.

"Well, I'll leave this pie here. I have some business to attend to and won't be back until sundown. Make sure to eat while it's hot." The old man said kindly, before walking away.

The boy waited until the sound of footsteps disappeared before warily turning his head to look around. He was in a large cave with crystals in the ceiling that provided light. Using his shoulder to wipe away the tears, the boy attempted to get up but to no avail. His whole body ached and a dim burning pain that ran down his back prevented him from turning over.

Thus, the boy spent the entire morning lying in the hammock, mulling over what had happened two nights ago.

"Two nights ago?!" He exclaimed.

'I slept for two whole days?'

'Ugh, I can't remember anything.'

'I'm also, really, really, hungry.'

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The smell of the pie made him salivate and caused his stomach to churn. Eventually, he had enough of it. Mustering all of his strength, the boy began to sway the hammock side to side.

"Hyaarrggh!" He cried out, rolling out of the hammock and onto the floor.


The boy landed flat on his back, the dim pain from before flared up. It felt like a colony of ants biting his back. Once again using his strength, the boy managed to flip himself over onto his front. The pain on his back once again dimmed down and the boy let out a sigh of relief.

Following the smell of food, the boy wriggled like a caterpillar across the cave floor. He continued to wriggle until he bumped into a desk in front, most likely where the food was.

'How to get up there...' He pondered.

The boy arched his back and flopped his torso onto a low wooden stool in front of the desk. He then brought his knees up, hugging them to his chest. With a final burst of strength, he raised his upper body on top of the desk.

"Food!" He shouted, elated to find the source of the smell.

The boy the lay on the desk, resting his chin against the pie's container. Breathing in a deep smell, the boy grinned, drooling. He then dug in, devouring the pie like a locust swarm consuming livestock.

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-Om nom

After finishing the pie, the boy lay down on the desk, quickly falling asleep. Time passed quickly and as the sun hung low in the sky the boy woke again. This time, his mind was clearer, the pain on his back was even weaker and he was no longer hungry. He slowly got down from the desk, standing up and looking around.

The boy realised that there were lots of pieces of parchment hung up, with strange black markings on them. He couldn't understand what was written on them but he felt a strange ominous aura that was exuded from each of the parchments. Staring at the markings made him feel dizzy, so he quickly turned his attention elsewhere.

'I can't remember anything.'

'Who am I?'

The boy had vague memories of his parents and also of the destruction of his town. Strangely enough, he no longer had the urge to cry at the thought of losing his parents. The only emotion he had was an uncontrollable anger when he tried to recall the being responsible for their deaths. He couldn't remember what killed them, only the emotion he felt upon seeing them die remained.

Calming himself down, the boy trotted over to a large bookshelf which was suspended in the air. It had no legs and every now and then white arcs of light shot across the shelves, adding to the mysterious exterior. His gaze swept across the book collection, stopping at one which said "Horatio Histories".

'I wonder what that's about.' He thought curiously.

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Suddenly, the book he was looking at glowed for a second before shooting out and flying towards him.


Surprised, the boy stumbled and fell over. As the book closer, contrary to what he thought, it did not slow down but actually sped up.

"Waaaah! This book's tying to kill me!"

He quickly jumped up and ran. Although his body was worn out, energy surged through his veins as he felt the impending danger of the flying book. He sprinted down the narrow path, away from his hammock. As he neared the cave entrance, he saw doors either side of the path. The boy quickly opened one before swinging it shut and barricading it with his body.

'Oh crap oh crap oh crap.'

He heard the book banging into the door repeatedly, like an evil person knocking on the door, trying to lure the young boy out. Eventually, the banging stopped.

'Is it gone?' The boy thought, gingerly stepping back from the door.


The door slammed open and the book appeared, flying at the speed of an eagle. The boy cried out, hands in front of his face. After waiting for a few moments, the boy realised that he wasn't dead. Peeking out through the slit in his hands, he found that the book had stopped in front of him and had opened on the first page.

The boy carefully reached out, ready to sprint away at any signs of the wanting to kill him. Taking hold of the book's spine, he felt the musky texture of the leather. Secretly sighing in relief, the boy began to read.

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