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1900 Imperial Calendar - Dragon Knight Draaklen singlehandedly captured the royal capital city of Brenton Kingdom, defeating the Four Holy Swords in a fight. Despite being out numbered, he slew them with ease before calling a meteor strike and ending the lineage of the Brenton royal family.

The boy was fascinated by the book 'Horatio Histories'. He was originally from a poor family, thus the only thing that mattered to him was if they would have enough food to last through the winter. The book was very similar to the fairy tales that he was told before, with powerful knights overthrowing kingdoms and empires.

He learned that he lived in the Auria empire, that sat in the centre of the continent. It was surrounded with massive forests and the remains of it's enemies. The Auria empire's coat of arms was a dragon's head, with fire coming out of it's mouth and smoke from it's nostrils. Although the boy was a peasant and had lost most of his memory, reading about the feats of the 'Mighty Dragon Knight Draaklen' made a surge of pride spread through his body and make his chest feel warm.

The boy found out that something called a 'Summoner' was the most respected profession, where even the emperor himself had to speak politely in front of a true master. Dragons were the symbol of power and each prince of the Auria empire must tame a dragon child to gain the qualifications to become the emperor.

Upon reading the book, the boy was awestruck. He immediately knew what he wanted to be: a Summoner. After reading more about summoners, he was sure that the parchments that had been hung up in the cave were some sort of summoning scroll. This lead to the conclusion the the old man who had saved him was a prestigious summoner, especially since none of the patterns and markings were recorded in the summoner's book.

He thought for a moment.

'If I'm going to become the strongest summoner, I need to have familiars befitting my strength.'

What familiar would be better than a dragon? Even kings bowed before the might of dragons and the fact that the dragon was the coat of arms of the Auria empire showed just how revered they were.

'The next time the old man makes more of those parchments, I'll spy on him and learn how to make them myself.'

The boy returned to the bookshelf and took out books similar to the one he held in his hands. After reading for several hours, he had furthered his horizons greatly. His world, which used to consist of just his village, was now the entire continent. On top of that, from reading 'Horatio Histories', he knew that dragons and monsters with draconic lineage were extremely prideful, in order to take revenge on the draconic monster which ruined his childhood, he decided that he would enslave it.

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The boy sat in a daze, fantasising about his future, a dumb grin on his face.


The sound of a door opening woke him from his fantasies.

"Who, who's there?" He asked warily.

"I told you I'd be back at sundown didn't I?" The old man replied casually.

The boy nodded hastily, afraid of offending him.

"Anyway, you seem to have recovered some of your vitality, let's talk. First of all, what's your name?" The old man asked.

The boy let down his guard upon knowing it was this old man who had come, after all, why would such an expert stoop to killing a defenceless child?

"I can't remember." The boy answered.

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The old man frowned slightly.

"Well, do you want to give yourself a name?"

The boy thought for a moment before nodding.


The old man looked at him hard before bursting into a raucous laughter.

"What's so funny?" The boy asked, furrowing his brows.

"Haha, nothing, it's just that if you really were to take on that name, you'd probably get arrested the moment you introduce yourself to a guard in the empire!" The old man guffawed.


"Look here, as you probably know from reading that book," He pointed to the 'Horatio Histories' that the boy was clutching, "Draaklen was an extremely famous and respected warrior."

"So?" The boy asked curiously.

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"People who hear you call yourself that will think that you're making fun of him, which counts as a minor offence in the empire. Naming yourself after the Dragon Knight will bring more trouble than benefit, thus I advise you to choose something different." The old man had finished laughing and warned the boy seriously.

The boy nodded to show he understood.

"How about... Draylen?" After thinking hard the boy asked.

The old man smiled.

"Of course, little Draylen."

After the talk, the two walked further into the cave. After seeing how the old man acted, Draylen realised that he could be trusted, thus he removed his wariness completely.

"Old man, what's that?" He asked, pointing to one of the hanging parchments.

"How much do you know about summoning?" The old man replied.

"Everything that's in these books."

The old man stroked his beard, seemingly trying to make his mind up over something.

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"Hmmn. Well, you know that normal summoners require their summoning book in order to call their familiars right? The parchment that you're pointing at is something I've been working on for a while called Anti-Summon. Upon casting that scroll, you can destroy the medium through which your opponent summons their familiars." The old man explained calmly.

Although the old man was being very modest, Draylen knew that the Anti-Summon scroll was a priceless game changer that any summoner would covet greedily. If you were a weak tier 1 summoner, upon using the scroll, you could turn a tier 10 summoner into an ordinary person. It was like removing the tusks from a boar, there was literally no way for them to attack you.

"W-what about that one?" Draylen stuttered, pointing to another scroll.


"How about this one?"

"Lightning Storm."

"Well, that one over there?"

"X-ray vision."

After asking the old man about each scroll, Draylen felt exhausted. Forget being a high tier summoner, even an ordinary person could utilise one of those scrolls and decimate an army, maybe even an entire city! Suddenly, he felt that having the old man take him in was the greatest blessing of his life.

"Say, boy, would you perhaps like to learn the ways of the summoner?" The old man asked, a knowing grin on his face.

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