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After washing and resting, Draylen had been beckoned by Horatio into a strange room where he had never been before, even in his past 5 years living in the cave. It was extremely dim, with no lights in the room.

However, there was something special about it. The entire ceiling was see-through, Draylen could see the entire starry sky, almost as if he were standing just below the clouds. There were no obstructions between him and the stars, neither earth nor water could block his way.

What's more, was that he was certain it was day, so why was the sky dark? The boy turned to look at Horatio, who already knew what the boy was going to ask.

"Did you know that our world doesn't consist of only the things under our skies?"

These words came down like a divine tribulation, causing Draylen's jaw to drop. At his current stage, he wouldn't be able to even touch the clouds, let alone fly. One would need to be an ascended to be able to fly at all, did that mean the world above consisted of only ascended?

The old man chuckled knowingly.

"I was like that when I first learned about it too."

He pointed toward the dark space presented above them, his hand seemingly aiming toward something but Draylen only saw darkness.

"The thing we live on is called a 'planet'. It is a large mass of earth and water, which is capable of breeding life, such as humans or elves. However, such sudden mass creation of life cannot happen on it's own."

Even though Draylen had an extremely developed brain due to his body's mana affinity, the words passed into one ear and out the other. This was because he realised how insignificant each individual was.

'If there is a society of ascended out there... Then what am I?'

"Ahem." Horatio coughed, pulling Draylen out of his thoughts.

"Did you know that there are tiers higher than ascended?"

The boy nodded slowly. Of course he'd guessed that, but for him, a mere tier 7 novice cultivator, even becoming ascended was like a dream.

The old man once again looked into the starry void above them.

"Ascended is only the beginning."

"And godhood, is the endgame."

The phrase seemed to resonate with Draylen, he felt his blood boiling and his mind went slightly dizzy.


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"A single god can kill thousands of ascended with a single thought and these gods can create life as easily as they destroy it." Horatio said with an almost fanatical grin.

For some reason, Draylen's mind kept on wandering, before returning to the vow he made all those years ago.

'Become the strongest.'

He turned to the old man.

"Is there a hierarchy to gods? Like how mortals have cultivation tiers."

The old man nodded.

"There are almost as many gods as there are fish in the sea, but there are some gods who reign supreme above the others. They are called true gods, they are the ones who created life in the beginning and there can only ever be 7 in existence at any time, much like how there can only be so many true dragons."

"Then that would mean all the other non-true gods used to be ascendants, right?" Draylen asked.

"Yes. I do not know the details in specific as one would have to be a god to truly know, these are only things I learnt from my master, thousands of years ago." Horatio said, with a somewhat saddened look.

Noticing this look, the boy quickly shifted the topic.

"Then what about cultivation tiers? What do gods have?"

"Ah, that's a good question. There's something you need to know, there is a type of mana exclusive to those who are on their way to godhood and those who have reached it, 'faith mana'. This is an energy that is fuelled by belief in a certain god or goddess."

"This means that a god needs to have followers. To do that, they create religions to worship themselves and gather faith mana. Now, take our Auria empire as an example, the empire has a patron goddess, Sola. She is the goddess of volcanoes and fire dragons. In return for worshipping her, she has to become the patron goddess of the empire and protect it from foes."

Draylen scratched his chin.

"So the religions which say that the gods love everyone equally are wrong? Gods actually give us life because we are their source of strength?"

"Exactly." The old man replied.

The little boy placed one hand in the other and wore a determined look.

"Then I'll become God."

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Horatio looked at the determined child with a baffled look, his forehead creasing slightly.

"Even for you, Draylen, that's a bit of a stretch. First, you should become an ascendant before you even have a chance at becoming a god, let alone the God."

After a moment, the boy reluctantly nodded.

The old man then got busy, moving things about and tidying up the altar in the centre of the room. He produced a stack of spell scrolls from his storage spell, before placing them on the edge of the grey altar, in a neat pile.

"Draylen, do you know why people pray to the skies?"

The latter shook his small head.

"It's because god collect faith mana on a large scale through their own constellations. The star formations which can be seen in the starry night sky, those are all constellations for different gods. On the path to godhood, one must gather faith mana and thus they must have their own constellation in the sky." The old man said, answering his own question.

"Right. Come and stand over here." He ordered, gesturing to the place opposite himself, behind the altar.

Draylen promptly obeyed, coming to face the old man. Horatio picked up the first scroll, before pausing for a moment and looking into the boy's eyes.

"This may hurt a little."

He then held the scroll directly above the altar, with both hands.

"Greater Spell of Protection, Anti-Divination!" Horatio shouted loudly, tearing the spell scroll.

The scroll seemed to float in mid air, the torn edges set on fire and the entire thing was burnt into nothingness. A light seemed to shine down from the starry blackness above them, onto the altar and Draylen.

Then, the old man reached for another spell scroll.

"Greater Spell of Protection, Soul Shield!"

He then reached for another, another. And another.

After almost all of the scrolls were used, the old man gasped for breath, a single glistening bead of sweat running down his forehead. Draylen could tell that he was exhausted from the intense mana usage and sat down as well.

Truth be told, he was also slightly tired, as he felt small portions of his own mana being sapped away by the several 'Greater Spells of Protection' that were cast. Most of them were spells to protect his privacy, spells which caused backlash to anyone who attempted to spy on him through divination and other tracking spells.

After several minutes, the old man finally stood up.

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"Draylen, this is the final spell that I will cast, this will also be the most mana consuming."

The boy nodded, also getting to his feet.

The old man took the final scroll, one which was made of extremely fine parchment and had beautiful ink. The spell circle was extremely complex, far more detailed than any other spell circle Draylen had ever seen before.

Horatio breathed in deeply, before ripping the spell scroll apart.

"Origin Magic, Create Constellation!" He roared, channeling all of his mana directly into the flaming spell scroll.

Draylen felt a sudden tug on his heart, before all of his mana gushed out like a waterfall. The boy swayed slightly, he felt like his entire soul was being sucked out of his body through a straw and his face scrunched up in pain, but he made no sound.

His entire body felt light, as if he might fall over any moment.

The old man on the other hand, only had a slightly contorted expression, standing firm like a tree.

After several minutes of pain filled existence, the spell finally finished. The mana taken from both people collected just above the altar, before shooting into the black sky above them. It span and twirled like a whirlwind, before disappearing into the darkness.

Draylen felt his consciousness waning due to the amount of mana lost, instantly passing out on the floor. The old man, Horatio, wiped the sweat off of his forehead, before picking the boy up from the floor and leaving the room.

He hurried through the corridors, before stopping at a large iron gate. The old man unlocked it and rushed in.

"Hup!" Horatio grunted, gently putting Draylen into the large blue pool of luminous mana.

The pool began to spin gradually, creating a mini whirlpool centred around the unconscious boy. Nodding, the old man exhaled before walking slowly out of the room.


Hours passed and Draylen finally woke up. His entire body felt fuzzy and warm, somewhat energetic. The boy slowly began to recall what happened previously, before his eyes widened in shock.

'Grandpa Horatio created a constellation?!'

The boy was completely confused. Wasn't one supposed to create a constellation after becoming an ascendant? Why did the old man suddenly decide to create one now?

'Wait, he did say that faith mana is supposed to aid one on their journey to godhood...'

-Pak pak pak

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He heard the sounds of footsteps from the cave's entrance, turning around in curiosity. Horatio quickly emerged from the darkness, with his usual wrinkled smile.

"How do you feel?" He asked, crouching down by the side of the pool.

Draylen shrugged.

"A bit warm around my body and slightly light headed. Grandpa, what is this?" He answered, gesturing to the pool of blue he floated in.

"That's a pool of liquefied mana, which I use to recover from mana overload. It can also be used for cultivation, but I don't cultivate any more."

"Why not?" Draylen asked.

The old man looked somewhat hesitant, before he eventually answered.

"I am an ascendant."

The boy stared at him, eyes wide open.

"However, I have been cursed by a god. I can no longer cultivate, nor can I unleash my powers as an ascendant." The old man had eyes full of regret, he seemed to be reminiscing the past.

"Anyway, enough of that. Boy, have you checked your mana pool yet?" The old man asked abruptly, changing the topic.

Draylen shook his head, before doing so immediately. There was the usual multicoloured sea of elements, all mixing with one another, yet there was also a small droplet of gold at the centre.

"Eh? What's this?" The boy muttered aloud, brows furrowed.

The old man chuckled, before patting Draylen on the back.

"Faith mana."

The boy looked at him in surprise.

"But I don't have any followers, nor do I have a religion, how could I have any faith mana?"

The old man chuckled lovingly.

"I believe in you, Draylen. I will believe in you forever."

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