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Draylen held back his sentimental tears, instead replying with a 'thank you'. The old man had looked after him for 5 years and treated him like a true blood relative. What's more, was that Horatio didn't even request any form of compensation, it felt like only Draylen was benefitting.

However, there was something on the boy's mind, which he couldn't get rid of.

'Why would grandpa Horatio be cursed by a god?'

"Alright, you get out of the pool. I'll teach you how to use faith mana." The old man said, with a kind smile.

Draylen nodded, climbing out and drying his clothes with the heat produced from fire mana. He summoned his two familiars, who he had recalled when he went to sleep previously. The dragon and Lioberus had undergone a few external changes, the most notable one being the fact that they had several traces of glinting gold around their bodies.

Charcoal's scales were now laced with dim flowing gold, and the smoky fog which clouded the scales were replaced with a slight golden tinge. Barong, on the other hand, now had golden eyes and gold laced fur. His tail spikes were also made of a similar substance.

'Is this the faith mana?' Draylen wondered.

'How will it affect my spells and other attacks?'

The old man led him to a small cave room, much like the one which Draylen practiced spell circle drawing in. It had the same mundane grey floor, the same walls and the same roof. Of course, the old man wasn't bad at decorating, it was just that there were so many rooms, it would definitely take lots of time for him to decorate all of them.

However there was some basic furnitures, tables, desks and the like. The old man sat down on a chair, gesturing for Draylen to do the same, which he did. He then began explaining what exactly faith mana was and what effects did.

"Faith mana is the physical embodiment of people's beliefs, It's part of each person's imagination and their wills. This is a vague description because of the fact that there is no better way to describe it."

"The goal of cultivation is to break one's limits and become a god. However, very few things are possible to do alone, breaking the laws of the universe is an example of that. Faith mana is the embodiment of several people's wills, and it's an extremely powerful substance. With it, one can strengthen their attacks, their bodies, their mental strength and even twist the laws that bind us completely."

"One person's will alone is not enough to transcend our limits, but to refine the quality of someone's faith is too difficult, which is why we choose the more effective method, quantity over quality."

Draylen slowly digested the information. It made some sense, however, the old man's description of faith mana's uses put a question into the boy's mind.

'Did the first ascended to become a god use only his own will to break through his limits? Has anyone who've become a god done so on their own?'

'Also, did Charcoal and Barong gain these new golden appearances because of our shared mana pool?'

"I have a question." The boy said.

"Go ahead."

"Can my familiars gain their own faith mana and will it be shared with me?"

The old man's face turned into a wrinkled smile, revealing several positive emotions.

"Of course. If Barong here saves another monster, that monster will believe in him and therefore believe in you, Barong's master." Horatio said, affirming what Draylen said.

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"Then that means they can also become gods." The boy added.

"Of course, but worry about your own cultivation first. It's a lot easier to create gods as a god, rather than boosting the strength of others as a mortal."

Draylen nodded quickly.

The old man took a hold of Draylen's hand, before he lifted it up.

"Create a flame and try and melt this rock here."

Draylen was slightly puzzled as melting rock was easy, but followed the old man's commands anyway.


A medium sized blue flame popped into existence above the boy's hand, looking similar to Charcoal's shadow flames. He then picked up a loose rock off the floor, holding it just above his fire. The rock almost instantly shifted states of matter, becoming a pool of grey liquid on the floor.

The old man grinned at Draylen's cluelessness.

"Now try and use your faith mana, combine it with the fire mana."

"Oh." The boy uttered in understanding.

He grasped ahold of the single golden bead within his mind, drawing it out. The process was somewhat tiring, whilst it was a minuscule amount compared to the amount of mana he manipulated on a daily basis, it felt significantly heavier.

It felt like it's overwhelming quality was represented by it's weight, if it was represented in size, it wouldn't fit within his body.

'No wonder one can break limits with this. If this much faith mana is provided by a single person, then what about the gods who hold the worship of empires and kingdoms? Would they not be outrageously powerful?'

Although he hadn't yet done much, Draylen felt his boundaries widening with every waking breath. Feeling the mental strain, the boy manipulated the faith mana with all of his strength, clenching his jaw and fists in determination.

As it merged into the flame in his palm, the temperature of the warm room soared, instantly becoming the same temperature as that of an active volcano. The black-blue flame turned slightly gold, representing the addition of faith mana.

The old man picked up a second rock off the floor and tossed it toward Draylen casually. However, instead of hitting the boy, the rock melted as it came near him. Draylen looked at the old man in shock.

"Just so you know, faith mana isn't all equal, the amount and the quality provided by each individual is different. This means that the quality is directly proportional to the provider's strength."

Of course all faith mana wasn't as strong as the old man's, otherwise gods would become undefeatable entities. This also explained the god's need for large numbers of followers.

The black-gold flame quickly died out, not because Draylen ran out of mana, but because handling faith mana was simply too tiring. The boy quickly created some water to refresh himself and also remove the sweat that soaked his forehead.

"Well, those are the basics. You can come to me if you have any more specific questions about faith mana, but you should probably try experimenting with it for now." The old man said.

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"I actually have a good friend of mine coming around today, we will be discussing some important matters."

Draylen nodded in understanding.

"You can come and greet him, address him as 'elder' alright?" The old man added.

"Yes. Does that mean he is a Dragon Summoner as well?" The boy asked, scratching his chin.

"Of course. Although we don't meet often, us Dragon Summoners are a somewhat tight-knit group." Horatio replied.

The pair made their way to the cave's front door and sure enough, the guests had already arrived. The old man swung open the door and hugged the other elderly man in front of them. Draylen also greeted him somewhat nervously.

Whilst Draylen wasn't shy, the strange elder was very bony and had bulging eyes which seemed to swivel in their sockets in a grotesque manner.

"Hello, elder." The boy said, bowing courteously.

"Oh? What's this? Horatio, you didn't tell me you had an apprentice!" The elder yelled.

The old man also seemed somewhat overwhelmed by his friend's excited shouting.

"It's only been a couple hundred years, calm down, Appafin." Horatio replied.

"Aha! Ehehehe." Elder Appafin chuckled, embarrassed, before collecting himself.

"Well, I also happened to bring my own apprentice too. Oy, brat. Introduce yourself." He shouted, hitting his apprentice with his staff.

"Alright, alright, calm down geezer." A lazy voice replied.

A tall boy, in his 15-16 walked into the cave. He had a handsome appearance, with light brown bangs and unusually golden eyes. He wore a douli (Chinese rice farmer's conical hat) and had a stalk in his mouth. He had a brown vest and dirty shorts on, giving him a rough hoodlum-like appearance.

The boy bowed to Horatio.

"Greetings, elder Horatio."

The old man grinned and warmly embrace the boy.

"How are you, hey? Seeing you in the flesh is very different compared to using magic."

The boy nodded with a laidback grin, before turning to Draylen. He cupped his fists in a respectful manner.

"Greetings, junior."

Draylen hurriedly copied him, cupping his fists clumsily.

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"Er, greetings, senior."

The two elders watch the formalities before chuckling simultaneously.

"Alright you two, have fun. Us old men are going inside to do some business."

"Alright." The tall brown-haired boy replied.

Draylen stood by the entrance, shifting his feet uncomfortably. The boy opposite him put his hand forward in a straight forward manner.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm your senior, Argo. You can just call me big bro, since us Dragon Summoners are like a family."

Draylen was taken aback by Argo's friendly gesture, which was contrary to his appearance. He put his hand forward too, shaking hands with his senior.

"I'm Draylen. You can just call me little brother." He replied with a smile.

"Heeeyy, not bad lil'bro." Argo grinned, wrapping his arm around Draylen's neck playfully.

"Ack. What are you doing?!" Draylen shouted.

The brown haired boy just chortled.

"Say, do you wanna go and have some fun?"

"Well, I don't really have anything else to do. Let's go then." The boy replied, coughing.


Argo grabbed the stunned Draylen's wrist and pulled him along, running into the forest. Eventually, Draylen gave up resisting and ran along side his overexcited companion. They passed all sorts of fauna and flora, before Argo stopped abruptly.

"What kind of monster do you feel like hunting?" He asked Draylen.

The latter just shrugged.

"I don't really mind. How about a Giant Forest Boar?"

The former nodded.

"One more thing, what tier are you?"

"Tier 7 novice."

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Argo stared blankly at Draylen like he was looking at a monster.

"Tier 7?"

"Tier 7." Draylen affirmed.

The tall golden eyed boy scratched his ear, before replying.

"I'm only tier 8 primary. I think you're a bit too strong for your age, lil'bro."

Draylen shook his head.

"Are we hunting or not?"

Argo nodded quickly.

"Yeah, let's go."

The Giant Forest Boars weren't uncommon in the forest, they weren't hard to find or identify either. Thus, the duo soon found a family of boars.

Without any delay, they prepared for battle. Now, the boars were no trouble for Draylen to defeat since he was much higher cultivation and more skilled, let alone Argo who was a tier 8 primary cultivator.

'I'll take this chance to gauge the strength of my peers.' Draylen thought, summoning Charcoal and activating the Spirit Shooters.

He glanced over at Argo, who had summoned a majestic bow with a quiver of arrows. The bow was made out of a white bone-like substance, with gold decorations and the arrows had ivory tips on the end. Every now and then, the familiar armaments emitted small electric sparks, creating an aggressive aura.

Draylen returned to look at the boars. There were 4 in total, all adults. He had been practicing with his Spirit Shooters and learnt new elemental combinations. Now, his strongest attack wasn't his usual air arrow, it was now an explosive one.

By combining some water mana and a large amount of fire mana, he could cause a steam explosion. If he added the air arrow after that, it would trap the target within a tornado of scalding steam.

"Ready, big brother?" He asked quietly.

The latter nodded with a silent grin.

"You go first, I wanna see how strong a genius like you is."

Draylen shrugged, before raising both arms. He first fired a light arrow, which burst in the air and blinded the group of boars. Then he shot out earth arrows. The green lights hit the boars on their limbs. The instant they were hit, their skin began to crust and turn to stone.

He then stood up and raised both arms, launching a volley of fire. The arrows spread around the panicking boars in a ring, trapping them within. The boars tried to escape but couldn't due to their petrified limbs.

The ring of fire closed in, roasting them alive.

Argo watched with wide eyes, mouth gaping open.

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