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'H-how many elements can this kid use?' Argo yelled internally, almost coughing up blood.

'Light, earth, fire. That's insane, I've never heard of someone being able to control three elements, even two elements is rare enough for nations to fight over.'

The tall boy's eye twitched involuntarily, luckily for him, his conical hat concealed part of his face and Draylen didn't notice his shock.

"How many can you use in total?" The shocked boy asked.

Draylen glanced at his companion momentarily.

"Only six."

"Excuse me for a moment." Argo turned around and vomited blood into the bush behind him.

'Only six he says. What's with that? What does he mean only?'

The boy slowly shook his head.

'Forget it, geniuses aren't people who can be gauged by common sense.'

Argo quickly regained his composure, pumping out his chest.

"That's well done, lil'bro, but I'll show you my power too."

He raised his bow and nocked an arrow, pulling it back slowly yet gracefully. As he pulled the bowstring back, sparks began to fly everywhere, centred around the arrow's tip. At this moment, Argo seemed to be surrounded by lightning, which coiled across his limbs like twirling snakes, moving in an erratic manner.

The scene reminded Draylen of something.

'The Sun Blessed Cougar's domain. Her appearance changed drastically, just like now...'

The young boy watched unblinkingly, not wanting to miss a single detail. Before, when he was being chased by the Sun Blessed Cougar, he was running for his life and had no chance to properly observe her domain. Now that the perfect opportunity had revealed itself, how could he miss it?

Once Argo fully pulled back the bowstring, the coiling electric snakes were all sucked into the arrow, causing it to emit a vibrant yellow light. Draylen felt goosebumps appear all across his body, hairs standing on end even though he stood several metres away. The moment Argo loosed the arrow, it disappeared from sight without a single sound.

'Where did it go?' Draylen wondered, brows creasing.

He looked over to the boars trapped within the flaming ring, only to see all of them lying on the ground, all of which had an arrow embedded within either eye.

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'How come there are so many arrows? Didn't Argo only shoot one?'

Argo exhaled a breath of hot air, before lowering his weapon. Draylen then realised that the arrows within the boy's quiver were all gone.

"Big brother, does your domain increase your speed?"

The latter nodded with a slight smirk.

"You guessed correctly. My lightning domain increases my speed and decreases my opponent's."

Draylen put his hand to his chin, rubbing it thoughtfully.

'If Argo's domain increases speed, then what about mine? I have affinity with every element except from metal, so will I have ability boosts from each element?'

He then clenched his other hand into a tight fist.

'I'll have to raise my cultivation quickly, the stronger I am, the sooner I can defeat the Fallen and become a god.'

Even after several years, the atrocities that the Fallen had committed had remained within Draylen's memory. One thing in particular which dwelled on his mind was wether they had anything to do with Horatio's cursing and his crippled condition.

Meanwhile, Argo who was expecting his junior to praise him stared at him dumbstruck.

'Even a casual remark from me can put him into such a long and complicated thought process, a mortal such as myself truly can't compare to a genius like him. Maybe I should quit while I'm ahead.' He sighed, creating several more arrows with his mana and sliding them into his quiver.

The two left the safety of their cover. Draylen went over to the ring of fire which had now decreased in size greatly and reabsorbed it back into his body, converting it into fire mana. He then walked over to Argo, who was a head taller than him.

"What should we do now?" He asked.

Argo looked at him for a moment, before grinning mischievously.

"Your clothing doesn't seem fitting for such an impressive occupation like Dragon Summoner, today, we'll fix that."

Indeed, what the boy said was true. Draylen's clothing consisted of a clean but torn black t-shirt which revealed a few spell circles which had been tattooed beneath. He also had baggy dark grey trousers which suited his appearance, black hair black eyes and a triangular build. His face was smooth and ovular and he had sharp angled eyes which made him look aggressive yet also uncaring.

Draylen had wanted to get new clothes as well, but the problem was that the old man never took him anywhere and there were no places where he could obtain any within the uninhabited forests nearby.

"But where would we get any clothes?" The boy asked with a tinge of uncertainty.

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Argo touched his nose and grinned even wider.

"The Auria Empire!"


The next moment, Draylen had been hoisted over Argo's shoulder, who was suddenly mounted on a cow-sized dragon. The dragon had bright yellow scales and a blue underbelly, with a very sleek appearance. It's head had a crest of bone jutting out, like a triceratops.

The dragon leapt into the air, flapping it's wings at a rapid pace. Sparks shot outwards with each flap, before the pair and dragon accelerated at impossible speeds. Argo pulled down the cord around his conical hat and put it under his chin, keeping it on his head. Draylen's messy hair became even more wild as the wind caused it to flow back in the wind.

The boy stifled a scream as he clung to Argo's waist, afraid of falling down. The latter just laughed out loud, whilst holding onto his dragon's bone crested head. The scenery around them passed in a blur, from forests to mountains to large meandering rivers.

After a while, Draylen got used to the howling wind and fast speed, loosening his grip on Argo and instead holding onto the cracks between the dragon's scales.

He very quickly became curious about Argo's dragon, as it had a very unique appearance.

"Life sense."



Gender: Male

Species: Greater Lightning Dragon

Special Bloodlines: Strong Primal Draconic Bloodline

Tier: 8 Primary

Age: 15

Life Span: 28876


'What's this? What does the word Primal mean? I've seen two creatures with a Primal bloodline now.'

Draylen rubbed his chin for a moment.

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"Big brother Argo, your element is wind, right?" He asked loudly.

Unfortunately, Argo couldn't hear what he said due to the fierce wind.

'I might as well ask him once we land, holding a conversation up here isn't possible.'

After half an hour or so, the scenery changed from wild unhampered wildlife to roads and paths. Another hour after that, it changed to that of an urban area, with several buildings and houses. Although they had reached the capital very quickly, it was only due to Zaibas' formidable flight speeds.

Draylen was sure that if he were to go by foot, it would have taken days, maybe even weeks. Zaibas started to slow down, angling his wings slightly upwards however, they were still at speeds too great for the average human eye to process.

Just as they flew past a tall decorated white building, the lightning dragon suddenly tipped downward and dropped into a back alley. The sudden dive gave Draylen a feeling of inertia, which was an alien sensation to him. Although it was scary at first, the weightlessness felt somewhat pleasant.

As the dragon was about to hit the ground, it spread it's wings out wide as possible, almost instantly halting it's fall. Argo chuckled whilst patting his dragon's head, before jumping off of it's back. Draylen tried to dismount too, but realised to his dismay that his body felt tipsy-turvy and refused to follow his commands properly, resulting in him falling off of Zaibas' back like a drunkard.

"Crap." He muttered, slowly getting up and steadying himself against the wall of the tall building beside them.

Argo walked over and patted his back heartily.

"Don't worry about that feeling, you'll get used to it after the next few hundreds of times. Anyway, I know a really good clothes store nearby so let's go!"

"Stop- bleh." Draylen puked against the building's milky white exterior.

He looked around guiltily, before shooting a burst of water and cleaning off his breakfast. Argo had already recalled Zaibas and was waiting for Draylen to finish cleaning. Once Draylen was done, he followed Argo out of the alley and into the bustling streets.

He noticed that whilst the majority of people around were humans, there were occasionally dwarves, beastmen, orcs and a couple of elves here and there. The appearance of several different races reminded Draylen of the vision he had a few years before, where the humans were fighting against other humanoids and some non-human races.

There were several stalls which lined the busy street, all of which had their own small crowds of customers. The owners of each stall were holding up a product whilst shouting and advertising, giving life and energy to the city.

A small smile appeared on Draylen's face, this was the first time he had seen so many people in a single place and the bustling harmony between races made him feel somewhat warm within. He didn't know why he had this feeling however, he knew that he liked the cooperation between different peoples with several differences.

They stopped in front of a somewhat empty store. It had brilliant decorations, creating a sophisticated atmosphere. A posh perfume assaulted Draylen's nostrils, it was quite strong but not unbearable, smelling like some kind of exotic fruit.

'Why would such a nice shop be so empty?' He wondered.

However, when they entered, his question was soon answered. Although he wasn't sure how the currency in the empire worked, 10,000 gold for a simple blouse seemed a little too much. Argo, however, glanced at each item, regardless of the price tag.

"Come one, I'll take you to the men's section."

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Draylen followed Argo through the sea of women's clothing. He couldn't help but blush slightly, averting his gaze to look at either the ceiling or the floor.

'This place is probably for nobles, the prices are just way too high.'

"Here we are. Okay, let's find something you like and I'll buy it for you."




-Submission by DragonRiderofHell


[Black Horn]

Gender: Male

Species: Void Rhino

Special Bloodlines: Pure Blooded Void Rhino

Tier: Evolved ~ 10 Beast God

Age: 9677

Life Span: ∞

Monster Lore: The primogenitor of all Void Rhinos, with extreme affinity for the dark element. Not only is it physically very strong, it has formidable magic skills as well. It is the first rhinoceros-type monster to evolve into a beast god and it's horn is said to be the strongest material in the entire world. It lives in the savannah, but is known to travel the world by creating portals.




(If it looks weird, you're probably on mobile.)

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