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At this moment, the mischievous and impish Argo was replaced with a serious and thoughtful one. He ran through the rows of clothing, with Draylen close behind, flipping through entire shelves of clothes. Each time he passed a shirt, he would have already felt it's texture and quality, which was sped up incredibly due to his affinity with the lightning element.

After a while, Argo had selected a few shirts which he deemed 'acceptable'. Out of the hundreds that the boy had touched, there were currently only three on the table in front of Draylen. The latter scratched his neck awkwardly.

"Er... Big brother..."

"Hmmnn? Perfect right? I chose all of these with regards to your stature, size and natural appearance!" The former said, patting Draylen on the back.

"Well, no, its just that... They're all black."

Argo blinked blankly.

"Ahh, you feel that there is nothing unique from these three? How about this one then?" He replied, pulling a dark grey shirt out from the pile of 'unacceptable' clothes.


Draylen sighed.

"Fine, I'll take this black one then."

Argo put the long sleeved shirt around his arm, before taking Draylen to the section with men's trousers, leaving behind a pile of heaped up clothes. (Author note: Trousers = pants for the Americans out there.)

Once again, the brown haired boy charged through the isles, grabbing and feeling the trousers, picking up ones that he, once again, deemed 'acceptable'. This time, Draylen had a somewhat larger variety to choose from.

There were tight fitting trousers, no doubt suited for combat and a couple of more fancy looking clothes. Eventually, he decided to go with combat trousers, which had light metal plating covering the knees and shins.

"Hmmnn, not bad. Now for the final thing. We need to get you an outer layer."

Argo did his strange clothes hunting ritual for a third time, presenting Draylen with an assortment of clothing larger than the previous two times combined. This time, due to the sheer amount of outer layers, Draylen decided to picture something he wanted, which would make selections somewhat quicker.

'Something which won't hinder me in battle... In fact, something that would help me in a tough situation...'

He quickly glanced at the pile, in order to judge what he should be expecting and then he adjusted the mental image of the outer layer he wanted.

'Something which is tight fitting, like my trousers, but has good concealment properties.'

Draylen's combat style revolved around the opponent not knowing about his presence. He would either attack them from afar and seek to end the affair as quickly as possible, or come up close and personal and once again finish them off quickly.

This mean that he needed something which could conceal him yet also be suitable for close quarters combat. He looked through the pile and instantly crossed out the baggy and flamboyant ones, before also crossing out any with bright colours.

'Maybe I should choose something that could help when I can't use my familiar armaments. I remember grandpa Horatio talking something about an 'isolation formation', or whatever it was which can dispel all magic, including familiar summons. In that case, it'll need a hood, to cover up my face.'

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The remaining ten or so outer layers were immediately cut down to one. Luckily, the sole survivor happened to fit all of Draylen's requirements.

'What's this... A double layered hood and several pockets, extremely tight fitting. Perfect!'

"Big brother Argo, I want this one!" He said, handing it over.

Argo nodded again, carefully inspecting the clothes which Draylen had chosen.

"Not bad. Let's go check out."

The two walked back through the isles, not noticing the two large piles of shirts and trousers on the floor. They went to the cashier and Argo pulled out a bag from his pocket.


Draylen could hear several clanging noises from within.

'That's a lot of coins.'

The pair of youths then waited as the lady began counting the coins, one by one.


Draylen's eye twitched slightly.


His fists clenched.


The sounds soon began to get on Draylen's nerves, there were just too many coins! The sounds were extremely monotonous, what's worse was that the clothes had cost them at least several hundred thousand!

However, a distressed shout garnered his attention.


He looked at Argo, who shrugged dumbly.

"It's really weird, the last two times I came here, the same thing happened. It seems that some random young noble enjoys messing with the shop, huh?" Argo remarked casually.

Draylen nodded in agreement, before turning to look outside the shop's glass windows. The sun was now high in the sky and the stall salesmen had all already put up shades to cover themselves and their customers.

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-Pah pah pah

The sound of stomping footsteps ruined the peaceful scene.

"You! What do you think you're doing!?" Someone shouted.

"Hey, stop ignoring me!"

"Oi! You! The one with the peasant's clothing!"

Draylen looked toward the source of the sound, only to see a boy around the same height as himself standing too close for comfort.

"Ah!" He reflexively jumped back with a shout.

"You're talking to me?" Draylen asked, pointing to himself with surprise.

"Yes! Who else would I be talking to!?" The boy yelled, his face turning a light shade of red.

Draylen turned his face to avoid the rancid breath that overpowered the excessive perfume in the shop, before replying.

"Well, what did I do? Also, how is this your shop? You're clearly no older than myself."

"Don't play dumb, I saw you two throwing my clothes all over the floor! Also, it's technically my father's shop, but he sometimes lets me be in charge to hone my businessman's intuition, or whatever."

"Oh!" Argo exclaimed.

"Come to think of it, I did happen to leave some clothes lying around here and there, that's my bad!" He said, grinning widely.

The 'shop owner' growled in frustration.

"Well, how can you compensate me?"

Argo scratched his chin.

"I could pay you?"

The boy shook his head.

"I have enough money, otherwise I wouldn't be able to put up such expensive clothes."

There was an awkward silence.


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A vein emerged on Draylen's forehead, but he forcibly calmed himself down, breathing in and out slowly.

"How about this, one of you has to fight me in a duel. If I win, then you have to kowtow in front of a large crowd!"

"What about if we win?" Draylen asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Then I'll drop this matter, in fact, on the off chance that you do win, I'll give you those clothes free of charge!" The boy bragged, breathing in to inflate his chest.

Argo and Draylen looked at one another.

"I'm a tier 8 primary cultivator, are you sure you want to fight me?" Argo asked with uncertainty.

"Yes! Of course, a mere tier 8- Woah, tier 8?! No, you aren't allowed to fight, that's too unfair." The boy said, voice wavering.

He then pointed at Draylen with a trembling finger.

"You seem to be the same age as me, so how about we duel?"

The latter shrugged casually.

"So, when should we do it?" The black haired boy asked.

"Well, it just so happens I'm busy for today and tomorrow. You come here this Sunday morning and I'll take you my noble house Carne's arena!" The young noble said, waving his arms.

"Come to think of it, I don't know your name." The boy added.

"Draylen. This is Argo."

"And I am Roklan Carne, a pleasure to meet you." They took turns to shake hands.

"Well, it just so happens that I need to practice my techniques against a person." Draylen added.

Roklan grinned.

"You better not be thinking about escaping, if you do, my father will make it so that you won't be able to live in the empire ever again, let alone enter it's territory!"

By now the cashier had finished counting the coins, handing the clothes over to Argo. They then left the shop. Roklan, on the other hand, exhaled deeply.

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'I have found worthy opponents. Father, I'll show you that I can excel in the field of cultivation! I will not accept my fate as a lowly business man! Even a tier 1 cultivator is better than being a tradesman.' He thought, clenching his fists.

"Tell my father that I have managed to find myself a suitable opponent and that we will be using the training grounds on Sunday!" He said to the cashier.

The lady nodded, before politely excusing herself and leaving through the shop's back door.

Outside the shop.

"Are you sure you want to do fight? Even if you win, that noble might pull some strings anyway. They are pretty notorious for being cruel and underhanded, abusing their powers." Argo asked.

Draylen shrugged.

"I'm sure we'll be able to make things work. If worst comes to worst, I'll just pull my own strings and use the influence of being a Dragon Summoner to my advantage. On top of that, I possess affinity with each human-element, the empire would probably be willing to destroy an entire noble household for me."

Argo nodded with a grin.

"For a kid, you're pretty clever. How about you try on these new clothes?"

"What? Now? But we just left that shop, it would be pretty awkward to go back in again."

The tall boy shook his head.

"They have training grounds around here, with changing rooms. You could probably try them on there. Besides, you need to practice how to fight against people, so I'll help you do that too."

Draylen agreed quickly. Whilst he wanted to train, he also didn't want to go back to the boring forest which he lived in, after all, he had only just began to taste the freshness of the city.


Race Suggestion: from Daoist_EmpraZ


[Silohkoron (Literal meaning - Weapon Master]

A powerful race created by the true goddess of earth. They stand tens of metres high, with formidable physical abilities. They were created originally as builders and sculptors, but were soon enlisted as the true goddess' personal guard to assist in her battle against the true god of fire.

They utilised their superior strengths to fight, singlehandedly taking down castles and fortresses. However, the true god of fire was too strong, whilst the true earth goddess had her powerful retainers, the fire god also had his own minions, eventually winning the battle. whilst he spared the goddess, he did not spare her soldiers, cursing the Silohkoron and their descendants to forever be unable to cultivate.

Due to this, the race became somewhat outcast, yet they still sharpen their weapons for the day when the true earth goddess rises again. Their outstanding mastery in the field of cold steel garners praise from every nation, each willing to take them in as trainers or instructors, even high commanders for their armies.

"We cannot cultivate, so we sharpen our steel. When your children are still in woollen cots, ours are learning how to throw axes."


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