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The training ground was a large flat area, spanning several hundreds of metres. There were dry rope fences surrounding it, creating square shaped fighting rings. The ground was hard and dry, with small cracks covering it like spots.

Draylen stood opposite Argo, his wrist blades unsheathed and emitting a deadly glint. Argo held a simple wooden sword, taking a basic combat stance. This was because a sword was the most common weapon to use and Roklan Carne would probably also be using one.

No matter how much Draylen asked him not to, Argo insisted on wielding one. This was not only to help train Draylen for the fight but also for the future, as it was something all soldiers in the military used, with the exception of archers, cultivators and so on.

Draylen hadn't properly learned how to fight before, he had mainly relied on superior instinct and reflexes to gain the upper hand against wild beasts.

"Are you sure you want to use that sword?" He shouted.

Argo grinned and shook his head.

Draylen just shrugged in response, it was still training either way.

"You ready, lil'bro?"

"Yeah, come at me!"

A slight sense of trepidation caused goosebumps to appear across Draylen's skin. Whilst neither he or Argo were going to use magic or familiars, his opponent was a tier higher than him and seemed to have had some sort of formal training.

Suddenly, a gust of wind burst out from where Argo had been standing.


Draylen felt an impact in his chest which winded him and knocked him onto the floor. Even the metal plate covering his front failed to completely negate the full force of Argo's attack.

"Gah!" He coughed, slowly getting back up and patting himself off.

'That shouldn't have been his lightning domain, we agreed not to use any magic of any sorts after all.'

'Is he just that fast normally?'

Draylen inhaled deeply, before crouching down, raising his fists towards Argo. The latter seemed to have not moved from his spot, but Draylen could see a bead of sweat on his forehead and dust which collected on his clothes.

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"Again!" He shouted, spreading his legs and taking what looked like a defensive stance.

Argo nodded, before bending forward slightly. Another gust of wind buffeted Draylen's face and another, heavier impact landed on his chest a second time. But he ignored the searing pain which caused him to grimace, standing up once more.




Time after time, Draylen was knocked over helplessly. Argo was simply too fast. What was worse, however, was the fact that the brown haired boy was striking the same area again and again, yet Draylen couldn't avoid nor block it.

Very soon, the boy wore a cloak of dust, his black clothing now covered in a musty layer of brown whilst the metal chest piece had become dull and scraped. Argo threw aside the damaged wooden sword and picked up another.

He had already gone through several swords, using them till their tips were dull and flat like a hammer. Draylen's lips were dry, there was even dirt in his mouth, but he refused to yield. A strong sense of frustration built up each time he was knocked down.

Gritting his teeth, he raised his wrist blades. Argo had deliberately been striking his chest in a straight forward manner, in order to allow Draylen to get used to his attack. Although he couldn't see Argo due to the latter's inhuman speed, he could predict where and when the attack would come.

"Again!" He yelled whilst shifting his foot slightly.

A solitary bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. The training ground was quiet, except for the occasional clashing of swords in the background. Draylen breathed in, before closing his eyes.

'Seeing won't help, it'll only distract me.'

The world seemed to go dark, he could hear only his heartbeat pulsating to a rapid rhythm. He could feel the gentle breeze which toyed with his hair, he could almost hear the movement of dust as it was swept up from the floor.


The familiar blast of wind alerted his senses. In an instant, Draylen put his wrist blades in front of his chest, where he knew Argo would strike.


A strong force travelled up through his wrist blades and through his shoulders, making his hands go numb. He was sent flying backwards yet again, however, this time was different.

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'I did it!'

There was no frustration, only a vast feeling of accomplishment. He only managed to intercept the blow, not negate the force completely. Nevertheless, it was still a massive improvement which caused a surge of determination to surge through his body.

"Not bad! You finally managed to 'block' my attack!" Argo said, with a large grin.

He reached out a hand and pulled Draylen up onto his feet. The boy was truly exhausted, he had been battered and knocked around for half a day. Although he hadn't checked, he could definitely tell that there was a bruise on his chest.

"Okay, that should definitely be good enough for you to dodge or block any of that noble's attacks, especially since he's a lot weaker than me, let alone you. Now we should move on to attacking." Argo said, helping Draylen brush off some of the dust.

"Eh? But I'm really tired, can't I take a quick break-"

"No, once the adrenaline wears off, you'll feel very fatigued and won't be able to perform as well as you would without the break." Argo interrupted, shaking his head.


Draylen sighed, before nodding.

'It seems that when it comes to training, Argo is really serious. Well, I'll prove that I can do better than him!'

"That's the spirit. Alright, now you can use magic, whilst I'll stick to the previous rules. This time, I won't attack, only dodge."

Draylen didn't try to refute him, now that he had a taste of the power of a skilled tier 8 cultivator, he knew that fighting higher tiered enemies truly was difficult.

'The Fallen are just weak, or maybe Argo is too strong.'

Shaking his head, he assumed a crouching position like usual.

'I can use magic, but most of my attacks are too destructive, besides, I'm here to train my technique, not my elemental control.'

He had no need to summon Barong, who's familiar armaments relied on magic attacks. There was a determined glint within Draylen's eye which was quickly covered by his low hood. Flexing his strong muscles, he shot forward, with his centre of gravity low to the ground.

Unlike the previous training, this time it was him who was attacking. The feeling of fear was quickly replaced with that of eagerness and excitement. A small grin appeared beneath his hood, but was quickly covered up.

Draylen quickly became a dark spot on the ground, if one were to look down from above, they wouldn't be able to see him clearly, maybe even not at all. His clothes were covered in so much dust that he almost melded in with the ground.

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Although an ordinary mortal or a lower tiered cultivator wouldn't be able to see him properly, Draylen could see Argo's eyes following his movements clearly. Thus he opted to go for a straight forward attack, without any fancy deceptions.

'Let's see what Argo can do.'

"Hyah!" He cried, punching forward, his blades driving towards Argo's stomach.

The attack wasn't half hearted, in fact quite the opposite. Draylen knew he wasn't a match for the tier 8 cultivator before him, thus he had to go all out from the start.


Argo's body seemed to flicker, his clothes fluttering in a non-existant breeze. Draylen's wrist blade passed through the tall boy's body. Surprised by the lack of impact, he stumbled, passing through after his fist.


He almost instantly realised what had happened, ducking down and sweeping out his leg. This time, Argo had to jump up to avoid it, giving Draylen another opportunity to attack.


He thrust out with his elbow, putting his body weight into his attack.


By a stroke of luck, the elbow managed to make contact with Argo's chest. Whilst he hadn't expected to actually hit his opponent, Draylen made use of the moment to push forward. However Argo managed to roll backwards and jump back, coming out almost completely unharmed.

This didn't discourage Draylen in the slightest. He once again charged forward, launching a flurry of rapid and wild blows. Argo ducked, deflected and dodged each hit, leaving behind an afterimage.

Punches, kicks, even a head butt, however Argo always managed to avoid the attacks. Draylen even tried another leg sweep but as expected, it was all in vain. They stood off, facing one another. Exhaling deeply, Draylen wiped off the sweat that drenched his forehead.

"Wanna try using magic?" Argo asked, grinning.

Draylen was about to shake his head, before a sudden idea appeared in his mind.

'He needs to see me to be able to dodge my attacks, I'll just obscure his vision completely! My strength isn't in big confrontations, rather, it's in ambushes and sneak attacks!'

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Smirking somewhat preemptively, Draylen summoned his familiar armament. A draconic helmet immediately appeared from the smoke, forming around his head. He then began to circulate the earth and wind mana through his body, his weariness quickly disappearing and being replaced with an invigorating feeling.

After one rotation, the earth mana gathered in his right hand whilst the wind mana was in his left. Draylen punched outwards with both arms, causing green and yellow lights to fly forward towards Argo.

The tall boy just stood motionlessly, wondering what Draylen was doing. The green lights dived into the ground, causing the earth to rumble and the yellow ones swept just above, blowing up the dust.

Soon, the two were surrounded in a murky sandstorm.

"Life sense."

The world turned black for a moment, before turning greyscale. A single bright colour emanated before Draylen, glowing a bright yellow. It was like a beacon in the darkness, even the grains of dust couldn't block it's light.

Draylen had an almost air tight helmet on, whilst Argo had none. The latter definitely would have had to cover his eyes, even if he didn't, what was the likely hood for him to avoid Draylen's next attack?

And finally, everything went as he predicted. The sandstorm died down, revealing Draylen with his hand on Argo's shoulder.

"Not bad junior."


Race Suggestion: from CosmicVictor



Vulcans are hulking large beings, flaming variants of giants, often seen with their trusty salamander pets. They also posses extremely high affinity with the fire and earth element, able to create hard armour of molten rock or launch scorching hot flames of fire from their bodies.

They posses personalities similar to that of giants; intelligent and hardworking yet also share their close cousin's hate for the gods. Whenever any being were to oppose the deities, the Vulcans would gladly stand with them. Not as front line fighters, but as weapon and armour smiths.

However, this open opposition was noticed by the true fire god, who subsequently launched his infernal armies in order to subdue the Vulcans. Whilst they were naturally strong, they were artisans at heart, unable to properly wield the legendary weapons they created.

Several other races fought along side them, but in the end they lost. The Vulcans are now a warrior race, who carry flaming axes and hammers. They fought in many battles, the most notable ones being the sieges against the true earth goddess and the true water god.

"Soldier by day, craftsman at night."


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