Black Romance

Chapter 23

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Parting her lips to speak, I pushed a single finger against her mouth, silencing her from saying a word.

"I want you to think really hard about what you're going to say. Think very carefully about it, because this is the only chance you'll have."

Her eyes searched my face, but not once did she show any true fear. She was trying to read me, trying to weigh the truthfulness in what I was saying.

Would I really hurt her?

Would I punish her for not listening?

I knew the answers to her questions, but I wasn't going to let her know how far I was willing to go to get what I wanted.

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The soft light under the stage caught her skin perfectly, highlighting thin scars on her shoulders. Running the tips of my fingers across one of the lines, I traced the old wound.

Her eyes fell to her shoulder, watching my finger as it moved over more marks, gently admiring the battles she fought.

"Are there more?" I asked.

Sucking in a gulp of air, she pushed my hand away, covering her scars with an open palm. Biting on her cheeks, she glanced over my shoulder, darting her eyes around in the darkness.

"Who did this to you?" I tried to ask delicately, knowing from her eyes that those scars were a source of pain she didn't want to remember. "Was it your boss?"

The girl froze up, her voice no longer audible as she closed her lips and bit the inside of her cheeks harder. Her face had sunken in, her skin glistening in nervous sweat as she tried to weed out the answers she was willing to give and those she couldn't—or wouldn't.

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Dancing my fingers across her collarbone, I slid my hand around her throat, coddling it in my palm. My thumb found the thick vein in her neck, her pulse picking up as I applied a little pressure.

"I'm not sure you're understanding how this works." Angling my head, I lowered my face so our cheeks were touching as I whispered into her ear. "I ask and you answer." Inhaling a shallow breath, I felt the blood as it was forced through her vein. "Do you need me to explain the rules again?" Squaring my shoulders, I looked down on her, hoping she would give me something.

Licking her lips, her eyes stayed firmly planted on mine. "Jessie."

"Jessie?" Catching me off guard, I expected her to beg me to let her go, to plead with me not to hurt her.

I wasn't planning on hurting her anymore than was necessary, but I wanted her to feel how serious I was, I wanted her to understand that I'm not a gentleman. I'm a soldier built from titanium, ready and willing to kill for what he wanted.

And I wanted her. I wanted everything from her.

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Every detail, every memory, every pain she had ever felt; I wanted all of it.

"That's my name, my real name is Jessie."

Loosening my grip on her neck, I pulled my hand away. "A pretty name for a pretty girl." Looking at my watch, I took some money from my pocket and dropped it at her feet. "Time's up. Tell your boss whatever you need to, I've got a meeting to get to."

Turning around, I jumped off the stage, leaving her with her jaw hanging open and a look of confusion. I went with one purpose that night and that was to get her real name.

I got what I wanted.

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Heading towards the door, I started to pull it open. "Wait," she called out, swiftly darting to my side. "Let me actually earn this money tonight. I've already lied for you, but I'd feel a little better if I didn't have to lie again." Her thin fingers ran across the top of my belt as her lids hooded.

"No, you don't need to. I got what I wanted, you gave me your name. I don't need anything else from you."

"You might not need it from me, but I need it from you. Lying is just as bad, if not worse, than me having money I can't explain." Lowering her body slowly, she was on her knees and unbuckling my belt.

My brain was screaming to stop her. That paying for sex was one thing I wouldn't do. If she was going to do anything, I wanted her to do it because she wanted to, not because she felt like she had to.

I felt my button as it popped free and heard the metal ping of the zipper as she pulled it down. But I didn't stop her, I let her keep going. It was like the animal inside me had taken over; the one that was raw, greedy, and willing to let her pleasure me.

Don't! Don't let her do this! She really doesn't want to, she just feels she needs to.

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