Black Romance

Chapter 24

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Grabbing her wrist, I stopped her from going any further. "This isn't what you want."

"Who says I don't want this?" she asked, gently biting her lower lip.

Fuck that look. She was like an angel, glowing with a pure sexual prowess I just wanted to destroy. Batting her lashes, she slipped her small hand into my pants and pulled out my hard cock.

I was rock solid, throbbing and pulsing as she wrapped her palm around my shaft and gave me a small smirk. "You want this, I can see that. So let me give it to you, let me give you something because I want to."

Her hand moved, stroking down my length. With a tight grip, she slipped back up, circling the pad of her thumb across the tip. My muscles shook as hit the tender bundle of nerves, causing goosebumps to explode across my skin.

Cupping her hand, I held her still. "Are you sure you want to do this? Because you don't have to."

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Jessie ran her tongue across the sharp edges of her teeth as her eyes turned sultry, the green in her pupils growing darker. Thrusting her hand back down hard and fast, she pumped my cock, working it like it was a machine.

The fast she went, the thicker my cock grew. I could feel my balls as they drew up, causing my stomach to clench tight. "Fuck, that feels good." The words spilled from my mouth as my eyes closed.

A warmth circled my erection, causing me to open my eyes and look down. Her plump lips were wrapped around my cock, her eyes open wide as she watched me. Flattening her tongue against the underside of my dick, she sucked me as if she was dying of thirst.

Bobbing her head in and out, she took my length deeper and deeper, until the hair at my base tickled her lips. I could feel the orgasm building, spreading up my chest and around my back.

Grunting, I drove my hand into hair, guiding her head faster, and slamming my cock against the back of her throat.

Jessie made a soft gagging sound, which turned me on even more. My brain was on mute as my body took charge, letting her one little sound send me over the edge.

"I'm going to cum," I said, clutching her hair tighter. "Fuck, that feels so good."

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Her lips reached my base one last time before I lost complete control, blowing a load of hot cum down her throat. Every nerve in my body tensed up instantly as the orgasm zipped up and down my muscles.

With a loud slurp, Jessie stood up, wiping her lips. "Now I feel better about taking your money."

"Well you shouldn't, I didn't come here to pay you for this." Tucking myself back in my pants, I fixed my shirt and buckled my belt. "If I wanted to buy you for sex, we would have done that night one. As far as I'm concerned, that money was for your name."

I was pissed at myself for falling into the siren's trap. Jessie's sexy lips and award winning curves had somehow found a way to control me. I didn't like it. I didn't like losing control.

"If this isn't what you were working up to, then why the hell do you keep coming back?"

Adjusting my blazer, I took in a deep breath. "I have a meeting to get to, so if you don't mind, I need to go."

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Taking a step towards the door, Jessie's small hand wrapped around my wrist. "You said before that there were things you could do for me. . ." Pausing, she fumbled with her small skirt, giving me little peeks of her panties underneath. "Did you mean that?"

"I don't say things I don't mean, little flower."

Jessie reached for my hand, pulling it up and slipping something into my palm. Closing my fingers around the small object, she peered at me for a second. She wanted to say more, I could see it in her eyes, but she didn't. Taking a firm step backwards, she dropped her eyes to the floor.

Opening my hand, I looked at what she had given me. A small white note, folded up into the tiniest square was sitting in my hand.


"Open it later, not right now, not here." Our eyes connected, hers suddenly so vulnerable it made my chest tighten.

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Tucking the note into my pocket, I opened the door and walked out into the club. Jessie was watching me as I walked away, twisting her toe uncomfortably into the floor.

"Bentley, I'm so glad you made it." Virgo was waiting outside the door, his hand stretched out for me to shake.

Giving him a firm handshake, I didn't smile. "Virgo, how are you?"

"Good, I'm really good. I see you've indulged yourself with our finest dancer." Winking, his smile thinned into a sick grin.

Glancing over my shoulder, Jessie stood in shock, her face white as a ghost.

She didn't expect I'd be meeting her boss.

But she would have found out sooner or later, it wasn't a secret that would last for long.

Because monsters don't stay under the bed forever.

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