Black Romance

Chapter 37

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Two men led me downthe dimly lit hallway. They each had a gun, which they didn't show me, but I knew the cold metal was there, tucked discretely into the back of their pants. It was their protection. Protection against me.

These useless fucks have no idea.

Stopping at a door, the guard outside opened it, giving me a head nod to go in. I was highly aware of the situation I was walking into. I wasn't a fucking idiot, oblivious to the intimidation Virgo was trying to use against me.

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The dark hall.

The ominous lighting.

The bulky assholes he had leading me to the powerhouse in this fucking place.

All of it was his way of letting me know he was in control.

Sadly for him, it wasn't going to work. I could kill every single one of these fuckers before any of them knew what hit them. I knew that and so did Virgo. But of course he needed his men to think they held some cheap value.

What a fucking joke.

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Stepping inside, the first thing I noticed was Jessie. Her hair was knotted up and frizzy, her arms were red and bruised. Dark rings traced the thin skin under her lids, highlighting a stare that was angry, full of sadness and pain. As our eyes connected, I watched her skin turn white and her face fall flat.

Why the hell is she here?

Studying her expression, it was easy for me to see that we were both left in the dark. She looked shocked, confused, her mind tumbling with questions about what was going on.

"Bentley," Virgo said, holding out his arms to welcome me in. "So glad you made it."

"Virgo," I said, puffing out my chest and standing taller.

I had called him earlier in the day, telling him it was time to meet. I let him create the details of when and where, not really concerned that he wanted it in his war room.

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But I had no clue that I'd be walking into a meeting with her too.

"Please, have a seat with us." His smile was thin, spreading like a crack across glass as he spoke. "We've been waiting for you."

Taking a seat across from Virgo, I folded my hands on the table. I didn't say a word, I just stared down the table at him, never breaking away. The air in the room felt charged, filled with testosterone and power.

We both wanted the power, we both wanted to be the alpha, but we also both knew who that belonged to. And it wasn't him.

But I would let him play his games, appeasing him for the moment. It was the least I could do since I was in his home.

"I went over the papers you gave me," Virgo finally said, his words cutting through the tension in the air. "And I'll be honest, I don't care for the changes."

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"Really? I thought they were pretty fair, all things considering." Leaning back, I let my eyes fall on Jessie. "But honestly, I thought this business was between us. What's she doing here?"

"Oh her," he said, waving a hand carelessly. "Jessie knows this business, maybe even better than both of us together. This girl," he said, pointing at her. "This girl is right in the thick of it. I saw the sparkle in your eye the other day after you had your time with her, I didn't think you'd mind me bringing her along." His lips folded into a heavy grimace as his face contorted like a mad scientist.

Crooking my jaw, I laid my hands down flat. I could feel Jessie's eyes as she watched me, taking notes on everything I did. Flicking my gaze to hers, she dropped her eyes to the table.

The more I looked at her, the more injuries I could see. Fresh wounds peppered her neck, perfectly circular in shape and the size of fingertips, her left eye was swollen, puffing around the edges. I didn't like it, it made me angry.

What has he done to you, my little flower?

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