Black Romance

Chapter 38

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"What happened to her?" Floating my eyes back to Virgo, he was chewing on his cheeks with that fucking smile I wanted to strip off his face.

"Bentley, come on, don't pretend like you don't know how it works here. You've been around long enough to know exactly what I do. And I think you enjoy it as much as I do."

"Enjoy it?" Narrowing my eyes, my brows dipped in. "Not once have I ever agreed with what you do."

"And yet, you've never done anything to stop me."

"It wasn't my business, but if you want to make it my—"

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Cutting me off, he slyly said, "I know she sucked you off, she told me all about it." Jessie flinched as he said it, closing her eyes tight. "But," he said, standing from his seat and walking up behind her. "What she refused to tell me was what you two talked about. Jessie has a problem with following directions and lying to me. She's wearing the colors of a disobedient liar."

I'm going to fucking kill you. . .

"So you beat her for it?" Veering my stare, my nostrils flared wide.

"Oh, I didn't beat her." Flicking his eyes to look down on her head, the edge of his lip curled. "The bitch got mouthy with one of my guys, she got what she deserved. But lying causes the same colors." Using his hand to lift her chin, he forced her to look up at him. Trolling his eyes around her face, he had this look of satisfaction, as if he was proud of the damage on her body. "But forget that, tell me what you two discussed when you were alone. You paid her a lot of money for nothing, something else must have happened in that room besides a blow-job."

Baring my teeth, I felt my muscles as they tensed, ready to throw the table and charge him. "It's none of your fucking business what was said between us. I paid her well, isn't that all you should give a fuck about?"

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"It's not the money, although it was good, it's what was said behind those doors. What did you tell her, what did she tell you?" Resting his hands on her shoulders, he gently massaged her. "Because I'll be honest, she's pretty, but her skills aren't worth that kind of money. And I know, trust me."

Gritting my teeth, I did my best to stay in my chair and not jump across the table and slit his throat. I wanted to and it was hard as hell to not just act on it.

Balling my fists, I peered up at him with a snarl on my face. Staying quiet, I refused to give him an answer. Whatever happened was between us. And that blow-job was all her, I didn't ask for it. Even though deep down I would have fucked her if she wanted it.

But she didn't want it and I wasn't that type of guy. If I was going to fuck her, it would be because she was begging me to give it to her. I didn't want to sleep with a lifeless doll.

"If you're not going to discuss our business, then you're wasting my time."

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As I started to stand, Virgo barked, "Sit back down." His teeth were clenched, his face turning red as the power he wanted to exert was obviously failing.

"Excuse me?" I asked, cocking my head and glaring at him. Snapping my back square, my jaw clicked hard. "I know you didn't just talk to me like that. I'm not one of your fucking goons, I'll walk right out that door and you'll never see me again. But, not before I fucking reach down your throat and pull your balls out of your filthy fucking mouth."

Virgo's demeanor changed instantly, his face twisting as his mouth pursed tight. There was a long silence, a silence I wasn't going to fill until he stepped off his perch.

"Alright, let's talk business."

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"Those papers," I said, my voice coarse and firm. "You can fucking forget them now, I changed my mind, I want something else." Sitting back down, I folded my hands on the table.

"Something else?" he asked flatly, digging his thin fingers into Jessie's shoulders. "Do I look like a man who negotiates?"

"There won't be any negotiations, you don't get to make choices on this anymore." Stroking my jaw, I let my eyes fall on Jessie. "You need me, and in order for that to happen, I know what I want."

"And what's that?" he asked, the tone in voice highly aware of what I was going to say as he followed my gaze to the beauty beneath his hands.

"You know."

Thinning his lips, his brows bent angrily. "No."

"No?" Smiling, I pushed my chest against the table. "She's one of many, Virgo, you don't need her. Let me take her off your hands." I watched Jessie's back stiffen as she realized what I meant.

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