Black Romance

Chapter 39

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"She's not for sale, Salt."

"Salt? Wow, I don't think I've ever heard you call me that."

"I'm not playing fucking games with you, she's not for sale, period."

"Everything here is for sale, aren't those your words?"

"Not this one, she's not ready."

"They all have a price, Virgo—even her." Narrowing my stare, I let my smile grow. "Tell me your price, you know I can pay it."

"Not this one, she's trouble, you wouldn't like her at all." Letting his fingers slip over her shoulders, he wrapped them around her neck as if he was cuddling her. "But I have more, you can choose one of them."

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"I don't want anyone else, I want her." Letting out a shallow breath, I slowly licked my lips. "Let me see for myself how much trouble she is."

"Okay, you're right, I need you. But I have so many girls who would fit you better than her. Let me show—"

"No," I snapped. "You want me, my price is her."

I watched him think about my offer, trying to decide what to do. Pouting his lips, thick lines drew up on his forehead. "You can have her for tonight, here, in one of the rooms. And we keep our price the same. You wanted a change, I'm willing to work with you."

"Double what it was and I take her to my hotel, then we have a deal." My gaze moved to Jessie, watching her muscles start to shake and her eyes glisten as if she wanted to cry.

I could tell she had never been used as a bartering toy before. Which surprised me, Virgo always tried to use his girls as a portion of the payment.

When I first started in the business, my father and Virgo met once to discuss a job he needed done. Virgo offered him two of his women, trying to sell them to my father like he was a used car salesman.

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My father declined of course. We weren't in that business, we worked for money and nothing more. So my abrasive suggestion seemed to shock and please him all at once.

Sick fuck.

"I might actually enjoy doing business with you more than I thought." Reaching across the table, Virgo held out his hand. "She needs to be returned by noon tomorrow, understand?"

"Of course." Nodding, I stood up and shook his hand. Letting my eyes fall on Jessie, she was glaring at me, her eyes razor sharp, pupils as small as the sharp end of a needle. It looked like she wanted to rip my throat out.

I couldn't blame her, we were discussing her as if she was an object, an item you could just purchase at the store. And in that very instant, I rented her for the night.

"You're at the Santa Rosa, am I right?"

"Does it matter where I'm staying?"

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"It does if I need to come find and retrieve my Lucciole."

His firefly.

"Virgo, if you don't trust me, then we have nothing to discuss. I'll walk out that door and you'll never see me again."

Stroking his hands down Jessie's hair, Virgo tipped his head into his shoulder as his eyes circled my face. "You know I can't afford to lose you."

"Then don't fuck with me. You can either trust my word, or you can fuck off. It's that simple."

Kissing the top of her head, Virgo kept his eyes on me as his lips pushed gently into her hair. "My sweet girl, I hope you enjoy yourself tonight." His hands worked over her throat, twisting her neck and lifting her chin. "Because this is a one time deal, you'll never leave this place again."

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Jessie's lip was trembling as he whispered the words against her cheek, a visible shiver was making her muscles shake uncontrollably. The terror in her eyes was palpable, I felt like I could reach out and snatch it from her.

Softly, he tickled the pads of his fingers down her face. "Take her," he said, stepping away and adjusting the collar on his shirt.

Letting my eyes connect with Jessie's, I smiled down at her. "Gladly." Stepping around the table, she stayed in her seat, her hands gripping the thin arms as if she was holding on for her life.

Virgo moved towards the door that led out into the hall. "Nino will show you out when you're ready." Standing still for a moment, he looked back at me over his shoulder. "And just a warning, she's feisty, it's what I love most about her. Don't make me regret this, Bentley."

Throwing the door open, he left me alone with her. She had this look on her face, as if her entire world had just imploded around her and everything she knew was gone.

Standing at her side, I looked down at her at the same moment she looked up at me. Her eyes were huge, the green in her pupils now engulfed by emptiness.

"Do I scare you my flower?" I asked, gently lifting a lock of her hair and twirling it around my finger. "Because I should."

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