Villainous Fake Eunuch (21)

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Song Xu Yi trembled and kept her eyes tightly closed, not daring to open them even a little bit.

However, because she closed her eyes, her hearing became particularly sensitive. Song Xu Yi heard the sound of clothing rubbing behind the screen and guessed that Gu Ruyu was getting dressed. As the sound of clothing rubbing disappeared, the surroundings became extremely quiet to the point where she could hear the sound of water droplets falling into the pool in the hot spring.

Song Xu Yi kept her eyes closed tightly and felt that time passed incredibly slowly. After a few minutes, thinking that Gu Ruyu had probably finished getting dressed, she quietly opened her eyes. However, she was surprised to meet Gu Ruyu’s gaze, which was just a short distance away.

Perhaps due to just soaking in the hot spring, Gu Ruyu’s face had a slight blush, and her originally fair and delicate skin looked even more fragile. Her dark eyes were motionless, staring deeply at Song Xu Yi, and the emotions in her eyes were impossible to discern.

Song Xu Yi’s heart trembled, and she didn’t dare to meet Gu Ruyu’s gaze. She unconsciously lowered her head and saw Gu Ruyu’s rosy lips, perfect and petite chin, exquisitely slender clavicle, and…

Song Xu Yi couldn’t control the blush that rose to her face, and she closed her eyes once again. Although Gu Ruyu had put on her clothes, they were still loose, exposing her fair and jade-like shoulders. What made Song Xu Yi even more flustered was the fact that Gu Ruyu had not put on the thin piece in front of her chest, and she could clearly see the ups and downs of Gu Ruyu’s chest.

Was her eyesight still not good? Was that why she left such a big loophole?

However, despite the apparent issue with her eyesight, Gu Ruyu’s cold gaze didn’t betray any signs of concern.

Song Xu Yi felt a little anxious but didn’t know how to alert Gu Ruyu about her wardrobe malfunction. Her mind was in turmoil.

Before Song Xu Yi could come up with a way to tell Gu Ruyu about the situation, Gu Ruyu’s hand grabbed her chin, and her long fingers teasingly rubbed Song Xu Yi’s chin a few times, forcing Song Xu Yi to lift her head again.

Gu Ruyu squinted her eyes, and with this action, the mole at the corner of her eye looked even more charming and beautiful, making her whole person look even more stunning.

Gu Ruyu carefully observed Song Xu Yi’s expression, her lips curved slightly, but there was no smile in her eyes. She spoke with a female voice tinged with sarcasm, “The Princess is about to become the Prince’s concubine and soar to the top. Are you unwilling to even look at your servant?”

“Unfortunately!” The curve of Gu Ruyu’s lips deepened, and her gaze became colder. “By now, I’m afraid Zhao Qin has already replaced your identity as the Princess, going to the border to enjoy a double life with Zheng Lian–“

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Song Xu Yi widened her eyes, not expecting that two days had already passed. She couldn’t figure out why Gu Ruyu had brought her here. Song Xu Yi had already handed over the book of military strategy to Zhao Qin, and whether she went or not didn’t really matter. But… Gu Ruyu said that Zhao Qin had replaced her identity at this moment. GuRuyu’s wings were not yet fully grown, and making such moves under the Emperor’s watchful eye would have dire consequences if discovered.

Even though they were in different positions, Song Xu Yi didn’t want to see Gu Ruyu in trouble.

“Eunuch Gu, how dare you! You have committed the crime of deceiving the Emperor, aren’t you afraid of the Emperor’s punishment?”

Song Xu Yi raised her head with courage and tried to look fierce as she stared straight into Gu Ruyu’s eyes, hoping to make her realize the seriousness of the situation: “Just quietly send me back, and I will pretend that nothing happened!”

However, Song Xu Yi’s fierce reprimand did not scare Gu Ruyu, but instead made the coldness in her eyes even more intense.

“If this servant dares to take the Princess, what will the Princess do?” Gu Ruyu sneered, tightened her hand on Song Xu Yi’s chin, and leaned close to her cheek. Her eyes looked dangerous: “Does the Princess really want to go and accompany Zheng Lian?”

The distance between the two was too close. Song Xu Yi could smell the familiar fragrance coming from Gu Ruyu’s body. The light scent brushed across Song Xu Yi’s cheek, and Gu Ruyu’s crimson lips were less than an inch away from Song Xu Yi’s cheek. Song Xu Yi even had a feeling that Gu Ruyu would kiss her in the next moment!

Due to Gu Ruyu’s leaning, her already loose clothing fell even more, and Song Xu Yi could even clearly see certain obvious cleavages…

Gu Ruyu looked so dangerous and seductive, she was just too beautiful!

Under Gu Ruyu’s gaze with her black eyes, Song Xu Yi’s face unconsciously turned red, and her heart beat uncontrollably faster, as if it was about to jump out of her chest…

“I am not here for the Third Prince,” Song Xu Yi took a deep breath and finally sensed the anger that Gu Ruyu had been suppressing. She dared not pretend to be angry and confront Gu Ruyu head-on. Instead, she immediately tried to make amends by soothing Gu Ruyu and softening her tone: “Ruyu, I am worried about you. I know you have a good heart and brought me here because you don’t want me to suffer in the borders. But I have already caused you trouble many times, and I don’t want you to face the Emperor’s punishment because of me again.”

Gu Ruyu’s face remained cold, but Song Xu Yi keenly sensed that the domineering aura around Gu Ruyu seemed to have diminished somewhat.

“And as a Princess of Holland, I am supported by the people’s taxes. I also want to contribute to the people.” Song Xu Yi knew that her approach was effective and she was determined to continue. She tremblingly reached out and held the hand of Gu Ruyu, who was pinching her chin, and looked directly into her eyes as she spoke softly, “Ruyu, I am from the Song family. The Song family does not evade the battlefield!”

Song Xu Yi felt that Gu Ruyu would understand, after all, Gu Ruyu had been engaged to this body’s second brother before, and should understand the Song family better than anyone else.

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As Song Xu Yi met Gu Ruyu’s eyes, as expected, the coldness in Gu Ruyu’s eyes had faded away. Her red lips were slightly pursed as if she was contemplating something. Song Xu Yi relaxed, thinking that she had convinced Gu Ruyu. However, in the next moment, Gu Ruyu released her grip on Song Xu Yi’s chin and instead touched her face.

“Why is the Princess blushing?”

“The room is too hot!” This question came too abruptly, and Song Xu Yi was momentarily stunned. She hadn’t expected Gu Ruyu to ask such a question and avoided eye contact, but her cheeks were getting hotter and hotter…

However, when Song Xu Yi tried to avoid her, Gu Ruyu instinctively reached out and hugged her waist, pulling her into her arms. The two bodies were almost pressed together—

“Is that so?”

Gu Ruyu asked softly, but she smiled, feeling extremely happy at the moment. She lowered her head and slowly stroked Song Xu Yi’s blushing cheeks as if to verify something, watching her cute and obedient appearance in her arms. Gu Ruyu let out a slow breath, feeling the anger that had been lingering in her heart for the past few days finally dissipating.

Gu Ruyu knew that her surroundings were hell, and what she was about to do would be subject to public scrutiny. She might even lose her life in the process. Originally, she thought she couldn’t give Song Xu Yi happiness, but after realizing her feelings, Gu Ruyu planned to distance herself from Song Xu Yi and secretly protect her safety and joy.

However, after noticing the understanding between Song Xu Yi and Zhao Qin, Gu Ruyu found herself feeling bitter and sour…

Could she really watch helplessly as Xu Yi went with someone else, just like she had planned?

For the first time in her life, Gu Ruyu began to question her decision.

But then, that landslide made her realize her true feelings: at the moment she thought Xu Yi had been buried under the mud and rocks, a never-before-felt panic surged in her heart. She regretted her recent estrangement from Xu Yi and only wanted to keep Song Xu Yi forever by her side…

From the moment Xu Yi reappeared by her side, Gu Ruyu made up her mind: Xu Yi was hers.

Gu Ruyu understood what Song Xu Yi cared about better than anyone else, but everything Song Xu Yi cared about went against Gu Ruyu’s plans…

Gu Ruyu didn’t like this world. In this world, corruption and dog-eat-dog mentality prevailed. The rulers were selfish and stubborn, indulging in hedonism, while the common people were numb and indifferent, passively accepting their fate. This decadent country had already begun to rot from its roots.

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What’s more, Gu Ruyu had once wanted to destroy this world with her own hands, and she had made a plan for it: to incite internal chaos in the country and let foreign invaders take advantage of the situation to invade. When the Emperor and the invaders were both weakened, she would take advantage of the situation to completely eliminate these two threats and rebuild a new order on the wasteland.

Gu Ruyu knew that her plan would result in many deaths, but she didn’t care. Those who achieve great things don’t fuss over details, and she had long been accustomed to bloodshed.

However, Song Xu Yi cared–

Song Xu Yi showed compassion for all the people, risking her own safety. When facing the weak, her eyes were filled with the warmest sunshine.

Gu Ruyu didn’t want to let the warm sunshine in Song Xu Yi’s eyes fade away.

Gu Ruyu still didn’t like this world.

But for the sake of Xu Yi, she was willing to try to accept this world and slowly change it, so that Xu Yi could stay by her side happily and safely.

So, Gu Ruyu left obscure notes for Song Xu Yi and began to plan new arrangements. She didn’t expect Xu Yi to reply to her notes, but she couldn’t help feeling ecstatic when she received Xu Yi’s response, even if it was just a few words. As long as she received a note from Xu Yi, Gu Ruyu felt filled with motivation…

Gu Ruyu had originally planned to pursue Song Xu Yi slowly, but the sudden imperial decree from the Emperor disrupted Gu Ruyu’s plans. What made her even angrier was that Xu Yi didn’t refuse, nor did she seek help from her–

What if Xu Yi didn’t like her all along?

What if the Emperor bestowed Xu Yi’s hand in marriage to Zheng Lian?


Gu Ruyu believed that she and Song Xu Yi were destined to be together. As the last surviving members of the Song and Liu families, with Xu Yi’s elder brother no longer around, the engagement naturally fell on Xu Yi. No one could separate her from Xu Yi!

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Angry, Gu Ruyu couldn’t help but pull Xu Yi towards her.

She had expected Xu Yi to be angry, to be hysterical, but she didn’t expect that at this moment Xu Yi was still concerned about her…

The anger in Gu Ruyu’s heart vanished in an instant as she looked at Xu Yi’s blushing cheeks. Her mind stirred, and she made a decision.

Little did Song Xu Yi know about Gu Ruyu’s inner thoughts.

The breath of the two intertwined, and before Song Xu Yi’s eyes was the disheveled collar of Gu Ruyu’s clothes. Some glimpses of scenery were faintly visible between the collar. Song Xu Yi felt almost suffocated, her back soaked with sweat. She couldn’t help but close her eyes and say, “Ruyu, I’m shy! It’s improper for men and women to be so close. Can you let me go…”

“Improper for men and women to be so close?” Song Xu Yi originally thought that Gu Ruyu would notice that she wasn’t wearing a chest binder, but she didn’t expect to hear Gu Ruyu sneer and say, “Even if I’m being inappropriate, what can you do about it?”

Facing Song Xu Yi’s wide-eyed gaze, Gu Ruyu pressed against Song Xu Yi’s nose and spoke slowly and deliberately, “The cloth strip I use for binding is always tied in a special way. After the carriage fell off the cliff and I regained consciousness, I found my clothes in disarray and the cloth strip tied in a different way. Xu Yi, why don’t you tell me what’s going on?”

Song Xu Yi didn’t expect to reveal her secret so early, and she widened her eyes, not understanding the meaning behind Gu Ruyu bringing up this matter. But instinctively, she leaned back as they were in an ambiguous posture at the moment–

Gu Ruyu loosened the grip around Song Xu Yi’s waist, and Song Xu Yi exerted too much force, falling back onto the jade bed. But she didn’t expect Gu Ruyu to immediately lean over, close her eyes, and gently plant a kiss on Song Xu Yi’s forehead, leaving her in disbelief.

“Xu Yi, my heart is pleased with you!”

“For one month,” Song Xu Yi couldn’t see Gu Ruyu’s expression, but she noticed the faintly blushing earlobe on her cheek. Gu Ruyu leaned close to Song Xu Yi’s ear, and in a hoarse voice that seemed to bewitch, she whispered, “Xu Yi, as long as you accompany me for one month, I will grant your wish. I will save Zheng Lian and Zhao Qin’s lives, and I will eliminate the Emperor without shedding blood…”

“What do you think?”

The author has something to say:

Goodnight, muah muah muah.

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