Villainous Fake Eunuch (22)

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“No way! You big villain!”

As soon as the thought came to Song Xu Yi’s mind, the system within her spoke out indignantly.

However, even with such condemnation, the system understood very well that this was a condition that Song Xu Yi could not resist.

What made the system even more angry was that, if it had been someone else who proposed such a condition, it would have been acceptable. But it was the big villain who proposed it! And this big villain was a woman! She even had a face that Song Xu Yi liked!

At this moment, Song Xu Yi was still a little stunned. She had always thought of herself as someone who remained calm in any situation. However, everything that had happened that night was too unexpected. Song Xu Yi had never imagined that Gu Ruyu would confess to her and kiss her!

Song Xu Yi was extremely flustered. For a moment, she felt like she was in a dream. However, the posture of the two was too ambiguous, and Gu Ruyu’s breath was close at hand. Song Xu Yi’s cheeks were burning, and she felt extremely embarrassed. Her usually clear mind was now having a hard time thinking independently…

Song Xu Yi struggled to maintain her composure, trying to ignore the strange and overwhelming feeling of panic and shyness in her heart as she considered Gu Ruyu’s condition.

As the system had predicted, it was a condition that Song Xu Yi could not refuse. If it had been someone else proposing such a condition, she would have definitely rejected it. However, it was Gu Ruyu, who had saved her twice.

Song Xu Yi bit her lip and remembered the restrained kiss that Gu Ruyu had just placed between her eyebrows. She couldn’t help but clutch her clothes tightly. She knew that something might happen this month, but even if Gu Ruyu made some excessive demands during this time, she felt like she… might not find them so hard to accept?

“System!” After realizing what she was thinking, Song Xu Yi inexplicably felt a little guilty and wanted to explain her motives to the system. However, when she tried to contact the system, she found that the system had already unilaterally cut off communication.


Song Xu Yi understood that the system already knew her decision and stopped trying to contact it in a fit of pique. She gave the system some time to accept it and then bit her lip, trembling slightly as she softly agreed to Gu Ruyu’s request.

But after speaking, Song Xu Yi realized that things were not as simple as she had imagined. She couldn’t even bear to look at Gu Ruyu’s expression and almost subconsciously closed her eyes.

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A light laugh came from above her head, and it was clear that Gu Ruyu was not surprised by Song Xu Yi’s decision at all.

“Such a pity, you’ve sweat so much…” The hair at the side of her cheek, wet with sweat, was slowly swept away by her. Gu Ruyu’s lips finally left Song Xu Yi’s cheek, and she felt relieved, but before she could take a breath, her body was lifted off the ground.

“Your injury…” Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but whisper as she hugged Gu Ruyu’s neck. Her gaze fell on the shoulder where Gu Ruyu had been injured before, and she paused for a moment and then followed her gaze, raising her eyebrows with a half-smile on her lips. There was a hint of teasing in her voice as she said, “Do you want to take off my clothes and take another look? After all, you’ve seen it more than once…”

The word “take off”…

Perhaps it was just an offhand remark from Gu Ruyu, but Song Xu Yi felt extremely embarrassed in her heart. She couldn’t help but close her eyes and bury her flushed cheeks in Gu Ruyu’s embrace.

Gu Ruyu laughed in response, a laugh full of joy that shook her chest. Song Xu Yi had never seen Gu Ruyu so happy before and couldn’t help but open her eyes. But instead of seeing Gu Ruyu’s cheeks, she saw the opening in Gu Ruyu’s clothes that had unintentionally been pulled apart…

The heat on Song Xu Yi’s cheeks didn’t dissipate for the rest of the night. Her body stiffened, and she closed her eyes tightly, struggling to get down…

By this time, the two of them had reached the edge of the pool. Gu Ruyu had originally intended to put Song Xu Yi in the water, but when Song Xu Yi struggled, Gu Ruyu’s clothes were once again splashed with water. Gu Ruyu looked at Song Xu Yi’s flushed cheeks, her throat moved, and she impulsively embraced Song Xu Yi and jumped into the water.

As soon as Song Xu Yi got into the water, she subconsciously wanted to swim away to avoid Gu Ruyu, but how could Gu Ruyu let her succeed? With a slight movement of her finger, she hooked onto Song Xu Yi’s belt.

No one expected that Song Xu Yi’s belt was not tied tightly. With a tug from Gu Ruyu, the belt floated away lightly.

Song Xu Yi widened her eyes and felt like something was not right. She hastily pulled her clothes together. Even though everything was just an accident, the feeling was as if the two were deliberately flirting with each other. For a moment, Song Xu Yi even wanted to bury her face in the hot spring pool and drown herself, so that she wouldn’t have to face the collapsing situation in front of her.

Gu Ruyu also looked stunned for a moment. She opened her eyes and her ears seemed to turn red. She spoke in a hoarse voice, “Come over here!”

Song Xu Yi shrunk in the corner and shook her head vigorously, not daring to go over.

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She wasn’t completely unprepared mentally, but… everything was just too fast, and Song Xu Yi couldn’t accept it.

However, Gu Ruyu was evidently well-versed in the principle of “if the mountain won’t come to me, I’ll go to the mountain.” Facing Song Xu Yi’s wide-eyed stare, Gu Ruyu pursed her lips and walked towards her at a slow pace…

Song Xu Yi wanted to run away, but remembering the “okay” she had promised, she could only force herself to stand still like an ostrich, and closed her eyes.

In a daze, a hand hugged her shoulder, and then she fell into a familiar embrace.

The hairpin was removed, her hair fell loose, and the long fingers threaded through Song Xu Yi’s hair, carefully and patiently combing her hair…

There was a moment when Song Xu Yi felt like some kind of carefully raised prey, waiting to be swallowed up at any moment.

Despite knowing that she shouldn’t let her guard down and that something might happen after she soaked in the hot spring, the feeling was just too comfortable. Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but relax her body.

After a night of tension, Song Xu Yi finally relaxed and wanted to enjoy a moment of leisure. However, she unknowingly fell asleep.

She didn’t have any dreams that night, but in the middle of the night, she felt something cold next to her. Subconsciously, Song Xu Yi tried to avoid the cold object, but it kept clinging to her. She could only keep trying to move away…

Finally, the cold object suddenly warmed up, and Song Xu Yi was overjoyed to recognize the familiar warmth. Without hesitation, she wrapped her arms and legs around it.

The next morning, Song Xu Yi woke up and found that the pillow beside her was already empty.

Feeling refreshed and without any aftermath, Song Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. However, she felt embarrassed when she realized that she had changed into a brand new set of nightwear. She knew without thinking that it was Gu Ruyu’s doing.

Almost immediately after Song Xu Yi woke up, the maidservants came into the room with washing utensils.

The first maidservant standing seemed somewhat familiar, and she had been bowing her head the whole time. Song Xu Yi remembered Gu Ruyu’s promise to her and couldn’t help but inquire along with these maidservants, “How is the situation outside now?”

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“Is the Princess asking about the situation in the court, the border, or the south?” The maidservant raised her head, and she was the orphan girl who had sold herself to bury her father and whom Song Xu Yi had saved and whom Gu Ruyu had recruited a few months ago.

Song Xu Yi was taken aback by the reunion with her old friend, and a warm feeling surged in her heart. She had been filled with anxiety about the next month, but with the appearance of an old acquaintance by her side, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel a little more at ease.

“Do you know what’s going on?” she asked.

“The situation in the court is not good. The Emperor has coughed up blood two days ago and forced the lord to personally refine medicine for him, which is very difficult for the Lord.” However, while she said it was difficult, the girl did not show any difficulty on her face. She seemed to have received an order to tell Song Xu Yi everything, and continued to speak: “As for the situation in the south, the Lord has a brilliant mind and sent people to assassinate several leading families, blaming other people for it. Now the families are fighting among themselves like dogs, and it won’t be long before they collapse on their own…”

“As for the border, there are some problems, but now the Third Prince has gone there. He is proficient in both literature and military strategy, and he will surely be able to stabilize the situation…”

The maidservant before her, who was now speaking confidently, was almost unrecognizable from the timid girl a few months ago. Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but take another look at her.

But upon receiving Song Xuyi’s gaze, the girl blinked and chuckled, “Sister, I’m now dàrén1‘s subordinate! dàrén is pleased with you and sent me over to please you. I certainly won’t help you escape…”

Song Xu Yi didn’t expect the girl to tease her like this, and for a while, she still couldn’t accept the fact that Gu Ruyu liked her. She blushed and lowered her head.

Breakfast arrived not long after. The dishes were all to Song Xu Yi’s liking, and she was not a picky eater. Few people knew her preferences, and she didn’t expect Gu Ruyu to be so aware of them. Her mood became even more complicated, and she finally felt some genuine feelings towards what Gu Ruyu had said about being pleased with her.

After finishing breakfast, Song Xu Yi sat by the window, thinking that she would be a caged bird for the next month, but not long after, Gu Ruyu walked in.

Dressed in a black outfit, Gu Ruyu had a tight frown on her forehead, and her expression was extremely cold. She looked even more unforgiving, until she walked up to Song Xu Yi and the icy look in her eyes dissipated slightly.

“Xu Yi, can you come with me somewhere?”

Gu Ruyu lowered her head and spoke calmly, without any apparent difference from her usual tone. However, Song Xu Yi felt that Gu Ruyu’s emotions seemed a bit strange, and couldn’t help but glance at her. As soon as Song Xu Yi’s eyes met her, Gu Ruyu came over and took Song Xu Yi’s hand.

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“You didn’t even let her answer, and now you’re holding her hand. What shameful behavior! Have you no shame?” The system suddenly came online again and scolded her.

Song Xu Yi was not in the mood to listen to the system’s criticism. Gu Ruyu’s hand was very cold, and she seemed… extremely upset.

Gu Ruyu led Song Xu Yi out the door, where a magnificent stallion was waiting. Gu Ruyu picked up Song Xu Yi and mounted the horse. The horse was extremely fast, running like a gust of wind and galloping out of the city. As Song Xu Yi looked at the changing scenery around her, she almost knew where Gu Ruyu was taking her and couldn’t help feeling a little nervous.

The tomb of the famous Imperial Family of the Liu Clan from the previous dynasty is located on the West Mountain outside the city. The Emperor sent a few soldiers to guard the tomb symbolically, but during broad daylight, these soldiers were gambling and didn’t notice Gu Ruyu’s horse passing by.

Gu Ruyu led Song Xu Yi straight to the innermost tomb of the cemetery. Looking at the densely packed names on the tombstone, Song Xu Yi pursed her lips.

At that time, a huge fire had burned everything to ashes, and the people who collected the bodies for the Liu family couldn’t even find their ashes. They symbolically gathered some black ash and erected a lonely tomb…

Apparently, the guards didn’t take good care of the tomb, and now the grave is covered in overgrown weeds, looking extremely desolate.

“I dare not come to see them on a regular basis,” Gu Ruyu crouched down and slowly pulled out the weeds on the grave, whispering in a hoarse voice, “I’m afraid to hear their resentful voices, and afraid that endless cries will appear in my dreams.”

“But I think I should let you come and see them.”

Gu Ruyu raised his eyes and met Song Xu Yi’s gaze. Her expression was smiling, but Song Xu Yi felt that Gu Ruyu’s eyes seemed extremely sad, as if she would burst into tears in the next moment: “My parents and relatives are buried here.”

“Xu Yi, my real name is Liu Ruyu.”

The author has something to say:

Hmph, you all overestimate Little Gu, she doesn’t have the guts to give Xu Yi a bath nowadays~~~

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