Villainous Fake Eunuch (23)

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“The entire Liu household has been destroyed because of me. Xu Yi, I am a criminal…”

Song Xu Yi lowered her eyes, as if suddenly feeling a grain of sand in them, painfully recalling the young Gu Ruyu from her childhood.

She had already guessed Gu Ruyu’s identity, but never expected her to confess directly to her. The heavy experiences filled with conspiracy and cunning, the deep-seated hatred and pain she had endured were now laid out in front of Song Xu Yi seemingly casually, but in reality weighing heavily on her heart.

As she had suspected before, even though Gu Ruyu did not explicitly state it, Song Xu Yi knew that her original self was not a self-indulgent person without any political sensitivity. Gu Ruyu said that someone in the court conspired with foreign invaders because they feared the power of the Liu household, leading to their downfall. Besides Zheng Ye, who seized the throne by dishonorable means, no one in the court would fear the Liu household to the extent of opening the door to invaders.

Song Xu Yi had thought that the Emperor was foolish, but never imagined that he would stoop so low as to conspire with foreign invaders, resulting in the deaths of countless innocents for his own selfish desires!

After experiencing so many worlds, Song Xu Yi felt that she was already skilled at persuading people. However, looking at the tombstones in front of her, covered with densely packed names, and remembering the tragic scene of the entire household perishing years ago, Song Xu Yi suddenly didn’t know what to say.

She didn’t know how to speak, and she knew that Gu Ruyu probably didn’t expect her to say anything. Song Xu Yi silently squatted down and helped Gu Ruyu pull out the weeds.

“In fact, I saw you when you were just born.” As Song Xu Yi expected, Gu Ruyu quickly composed herself and looked up at Song Xu Yi, speaking softly. “After that big fire, there was no longer a Liu Ruyu in the world. I was all alone, hiding like a stray dog, until Uncle Song secretly took me in for a while. He had people teach me martial arts and passed all the hidden power of the Liu family to me…”

“At that time, I was always confused and didn’t know where the future would lead. I couldn’t sleep at night and kept dreaming of the continuous flames. I spent all day taking medicine and drinking various bitter medicines, but the effects were minimal.” Gu Ruyu glanced at Song Xu Yi, as if carefully choosing her words. “You were all wrinkled at that time, your skin was folded, you didn’t have eyebrows, your whole body was red, and you cried so loudly that it scared people…”

“At that time, I was thinking, Uncle Song and Aunt Song were both good-looking, how did they give birth to such an…ugly, uniquely ugly little thing?”

Song Xu Yi clenched the grass in her hand and looked up at Gu Ruyu expressionlessly.

At first, she was full of pity for Gu Ruyu, but listening to her serious words now, Song Xu Yi wanted to stuff the pulled grass into her mouth!

“But at that time, you were really too small. I was afraid of hurting you even with a light touch,” Gu Ruyu did not notice Song Xu Yi’s emotions and continued to indulge in the past. Her lips unconsciously curved into a slight arc as she said, “At that time, the war was imminent, and Aunt Song was busy all day, inevitably neglecting you. When I heard you crying so loudly that it scared people, I often impatiently ran to see you, exhausted every day, coaxing you not to cry, and finally, you had a rare dreamless night…”

“Later,” Gu Ruyu’s voice fell silent again. “The Song family also suffered an unexpected tragedy, and you became a Princess when you entered the palace. When I saw you again, I was somewhat disgusted with you. You had already been spoiled by the Emperor and seemed to only see wealth and glory in your eyes. You didn’t look like a member of the Song family at all…”

“It wasn’t until you proposed to go out and find Zheng Lian, and I got to know you along the way, that I couldn’t help but be attracted to you and realized that perhaps you had been disguising yourself all along…”

“Xu Yi, I didn’t lie to you. I really have feelings for you.” Gu Ruyu lifted her eyes, “Perhaps you don’t know, but the Liu and Song families have always had a close relationship. Our ancestors agreed to have our descendants be friends for generations, either as spouses or as brothers and sisters.”

“But I don’t want to be just your sister–“

Song Xu Yi met Gu Ruyu’s gaze, her eyes dark and she felt like she was falling into a deep abyss. She couldn’t move her eyes away, and Gu Ruyu seemed to want to say something else, but at that moment, someone rushed up from the bottom of the mountain, shouting “my lord”…

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Hearing the voice calling out “my lord”, Song Xu Yi snapped out of her daze, blushing as she averted her gaze. She saw the person standing in front of Gu Ruyu with a hesitant expression and quickly moved to the side, giving them space.

Although Song Xu Yi had moved away, the system was still synchronizing the conversation from over there.

“The subordinate told the villain that the Emperor’s medicine had been mixed with sleeping pills, and their people had replaced the Emperor’s attendants. Today’s night was the best time to kill the Emperor and blame the nobles, so the villain should enter the palace to prepare.”

Song Xu Yi was stunned, she didn’t expect Gu Ruyu’s actions to be so quick, and couldn’t help but look at Gu Ruyu.

Dozens of meters away, after listening to the subordinate’s words, Gu Ruyu pulled out the last few grasses from the tomb and then cleaned them up before going to the tomb and knocking heavily on it several times.

The system once again broadcasted Gu Ruyu’s words.

“Father, as you know, your daughter has never been filial. Now I have also forced Xu Yi into this. You must be cursing me under your breath. But your unfilial daughter has made up her mind to cling to Xu Yi for the rest of her life, even if she never likes women, even if she still resents me in a month, even for the rest of her life, I will stay by her side.”

“There’s one more thing I want to tell you: I originally planned to kill all the damned people in this world and then come to see you, but now I have fallen in love with Xu Yi. Xu Yi doesn’t like killing, she has a kind heart, and I want to spend my life with her and slowly rebuild a less dirty world. I can only break my word once again, and come to seek your forgiveness after decades.”

“Today, I will first go and kill the dog Emperor to avenge you. As for the rest, I will come and confess my sins to you after a hundred years.”


Upon hearing this, Song Xu Yi was still in a daze, but the system couldn’t help but curse out loud once again: “Damn villain! She promised only one month, but now this scheming woman wants to cling onto you for a lifetime…”

Song Xu Yi was somewhat stunned. The plot summary only wrote about the deaths of the male and female leads, without mentioning Gu Ruyu’s ending. However, based on Gu Ruyu’s words, it was very likely that she would establish a new order in a devastated Holland. If they ignore the casualties among the people during this process, it could indeed be a way to quickly put Holland back on track.

But what Song Xu Yi was more concerned about were Gu Ruyu’s words afterwards. Gu Ruyu had never intended to live too long in her life…

Had she really ever lived for herself in her lifetime?


In a moment, Song Xu Yi was overcome with a deep sense of regret, but at the same time, she also felt that it was not unexpected. The voice of the system, which had been cursing Gu Ruyu, suddenly became hesitant.

As Song Xu Yi watched the subordinate converse with Gu Ruyu, she proactively asked, “What are they talking about now?”

“Nothing, really,” the system awkwardly coughed. “Just discussing their future plans and arrangements. I didn’t listen closely since we have no way to intervene.”

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Song Xu Yi didn’t pursue the matter further, and the conversation between Gu Ruyu and her subordinate came to a halt. Gu Ruyu strode towards Song Xu Yi and hugged her tightly. Before Song Xu Yi could even react, Gu Ruyu mounted her horse and rushed towards the capital city.

As she watched Gu Ruyu’s departing figure, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but worry and shouted, “Take care of yourself, I’ll be waiting for you to come back!”

Gu Ruyu was taken aback for a moment, but then turned to look at Song Xu Yi and smiled, waving her hand.

Song Xu Yi had never seen Gu Ruyu smile so brightly and happily before. She seemed to have left behind all her worries and looked even more beautiful than the sunset behind her. Song Xu Yi’s heart skipped a beat at this moment, but Gu Ruyu had already turned around and set off again, soon disappearing from view…

The system looked at the situation before it, its eyes complicated as it hugged its paws–

In fact, the system had heard the conversation between Gu Ruyu and her subordinate clearly.

The subordinate asked Gu Ruyu if she should also bring Song Xu Yi to the palace tonight, since the Emperor was the culprit behind the deaths of the Song family.

However, Gu Ruyu refused the suggestion of the subordinate and instructed them to have all those who knew the truth keep it from Song Xu Yi, so that she would not find out that the Emperor was responsible for the death of the Song family.

She said–

“There was already a Liu Ruyu who died in this world, there shouldn’t be another Song Xu Yi who dies as well.”

After all, the original owner of the body grew up in the palace, and if she found out the truth, the complex web of gratitude and resentment would be difficult to unravel. Gu Ruyu couldn’t bear to let Song Xu Yi face such a difficult choice.

Although Gu Ruyu knew that if Song Xu Yi learned the truth that the Emperor was responsible for the death of the entire Song family, the two of them would become united in their hatred and it would make it easier for Gu Ruyu to pursue Song Xu Yi, she still bore the burden alone and refused this method.

The system coldly snorted, “Although our positions differ, we have to admit that this damn villain truly had Song Xu Yi’s best interests in mind.”

Song Xu Yi had thought that Gu Ruyu wouldn’t come back that night, but in the middle of the night, Gu Ruyu, with blood still on her body, burst into Song Xu Yi’s room.

Seeing that Song Xu Yi was still awake, Gu Ruyu let out a sigh and took her hand solemnly. “I’ll take you somewhere,” she said.

Gu Ruyu took Song Xu Yi to the top of the mountain beside the hot spring villa and carried her onto a treetop. In the distance, the magnificent palace was burning brightly, flames soaring into the sky, almost turning half of the sky red.

“The Emperor… just passed away suddenly!” Gu Ruyu held Song Xu Yi tightly, afraid she couldn’t handle the news. “The traitorous spies of the noble families assassinated the Emperor and set a big fire. Xu Yi, don’t be sad. The Emperor passed away peacefully. We have already killed the assassin to avenge the Emperor, but the fire was too big for us to put out in time.”

So, Gu Ruyu came back so quickly because she was afraid that Song Xu Yi would be saddened by the Emperor’s death?

Suddenly, Song Xu Yi lost her temper. Not to mention that she had no feelings for the stubborn and self-centered Emperor, but Gu Ruyu clearly enjoyed killing her enemy, yet still pretended to be sad to comfort herself. It was really too hard for her.

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Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but cover Gu Ruyu’s mouth with her hand.

“Stop talking!” Song Xu Yi sighed. “I know, I’m not sad… I, I was prepared for this when I saw the Emperor’s health deteriorating.”

Obviously, Gu Ruyu had prepared a bunch of words to comfort Song Xu Yi, but she didn’t expect Song Xu Yi to react this way. She was stunned for a moment, showing a rare look of confusion.

The expression on Gu Ruyu’s face made her usually radiant face look somewhat silly. Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but look at Gu Ruyu in surprise and saw her long eyelashes tremble a few times. Gu Ruyu cleared her throat and avoided Song Xu Yi’s gaze uncomfortably.

What’s going on with her?

Suddenly, Song Xu Yi had a suspicion in her mind. She stared at Gu Ruyu, who was blushing more and more…

Gu Ruyu was actually feeling shy?!

Despite knowing that the timing was wrong, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but curl up her lips. Her heart softened like a puddle of water – Gu Ruyu felt like she was her hope for survival in this world, and she was also the most beautiful unexpected encounter in her small world. She had to admit that after meeting her, the mission world became full of vitality…

Could it be that she…likes her too?

“Don’t laugh!”

Gu Ruyu had no idea what Song Xu Yi was thinking. She lowered her voice and pretended to look fierce, but her ears turned red and she turned her face away.

Even with this gesture, Gu Ruyu didn’t shake off Song Xu Yi’s hand covering her mouth.

Having figured out her own feelings, Song Xu Yi couldn’t control the smile on her lips, while Gu Ruyu tilted her head, revealing a trace of blood on her cheek-

Song Xu Yi smiled and carefully wiped the bloodstain off Gu Ruyu’s face. Her face was so beautiful that there should be no blemish on it.

Focused on wiping Gu Ruyu’s face, Song Xu Yi didn’t realize when she turned her head.

Gu Ruyu’s eyes suddenly became a little red, with a fiery spark in her eyes. Song Xu Yi didn’t know if it was the reflection of the fire in the distance or the fire in Gu Ruyu’s heart…

The hand that was hugging Song Xu Yi’s waist suddenly tightened, and Song Xu Yi only realized something was amiss when she blushed and tried to escape, but there was a thick branch of a tree behind her-


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Gu Ruyu remained calm and lifted her lips, kissing Song Xu Yi deeply.

With her heart prepared to fall in love with Gu Ruyu, Song Xu Yi stopped avoiding and reluctantly accepted her kiss. However, she didn’t expect Gu Ruyu to be so shameless, and in the following days, she would frequently kiss Song Xu Yi whenever she had the chance.

But Gu Ruyu didn’t have much time to see Song Xu Yi. With external enemies lurking, the troubles in Jiangnan had yet to be resolved, and Gu Ruyu was busy day and night.

However, Gu Ruyu’s plan to sow discord soon took effect. The Jiangnan aristocrats, after fighting amongst themselves for a long time, divided into several factions. Some could not resist and surrendered to the court, while the remaining factions were no longer a threat.

Meanwhile, Zheng Lian learned of the Emperor’s death.

Upon learning of the Emperor’s death, Zheng Lian also discovered the secret letter ordering Zhao Qin’s execution, as well as evidence of the Emperor’s collusion with external enemies and the harm he caused to the Song and Liu families.

Unable to accept the truth, Zheng Lian’s battle plan failed miserably, and he found himself surrounded by enemy troops. Amidst the enemy commander’s mockery, he was ready to die in battle when suddenly the Song army, which had been disbanded and dispersed by the Emperor, came together and launched a surprise attack from all sides, annihilating the enemy.

After the war was won, Zheng Lian was disillusioned and left the court with Zhao Qin.

Later, Gu Ruyu took quick and decisive action to eliminate several princes who sought the throne, and revealed her true identity to become the Empress.

On the day of her coronation, the Empress was filled with unprecedented joy, like a demon who had just consumed a soul. Her stunning face adorned with a bewitching smile, everyone thought she was happy because her long-held wish had been fulfilled. Only Song Xu Yi secretly held onto her aching waist and probably understood why she was so elated, but she couldn’t blame Gu Ruyu.

In a way, Song Xu Yi had brought it upon herself. She became drunk and ended up seducing the beautiful Gu Ruyu after completing her mission.

The founding Empress Liu Ruyu was destined to leave a profound mark in history. She persevered through hardships and disguised herself as a Eunuch. Despite her cruel personality and dictatorial ways, she ushered in the most prosperous era in history.

Equally as renowned as Liu Ruyu’s achievements were those of her Empress. On the first day of her reign, Liu Ruyu declared that she had a romantic interest, causing a stir among the people. However, she defied popular opinion and married a woman as her wife, and for the rest of her life, she had only one consort in her harem.

But these were all stories of the future.

The author has something to say:

And that’s the end of this story!

Ah, I was so happy yesterday as I met up with a friend whom I’ve known for many years! With their encouragement, I’ve decided to start updating six days a week from tomorrow! Fist pump!!!

Next story:

A carefree materialistic female college student * An ancient mansion with a gloomy and world-weary ghost from a thousand years ago (not scary!)

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