Villainous Malevolent Ghost (5)

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“Are you awake, Xu Yi?”

The next day, when Song Xu Yi woke up, she found herself lying in bed. The brilliant morning light illuminated the entire room, and Song Xu Yi thought she saw a familiar and beautiful figure. However, upon closer inspection, she realized that there was nothing there.

Song Xu Yi’s bed was neatly covered with a blanket, and everything in the room was in order. Even Song Zhi, who was lying on the floor, had disappeared, as if everything that happened last night was just a dream.

But everything was real.

There were iron scraps scattered on the floor near the door, and there were bite marks on the door lock. In the center of the room, there was a burnt painting.

“Your bead is really amazing,” the system said dryly. “I thought we were done for last night, but after you passed out, your bead emitted a strong light, and that painting suddenly caught fire…”

“That evil spirit ran away, afraid of being attacked by your bead,” the system said, using the excuse it had agreed upon with Bai Yu. The system felt incredibly sad about its own downfall and thought about the threatening look that Bai Yu gave before disappearing. It had to continue with the lie: “In the middle of the night, your second brother woke up by himself, crawled out of bed, and thought he was drunk and confused. He didn’t even bother to clean up the painting and just rolled it back to his own room…”

This statement was half true and half false. In fact, Song Zhi had been possessed by the evil spirit for so long that his body had already suffered damage. Bai Yu had removed the hidden danger in Song Zhi’s body, but she had spun a dream for Song Zhi:

“The painting you brought back was hiding a great evil spirit. The evil spirit was ugly and wanted to devour you. You tried to escape but had nowhere to hide, and could only cower in a corner, helplessly watching the evil spirit devouring your feet, knees, thighs…”

The system remembered the appearance of the bad woman with innocent-looking eyes, speaking slowly and methodically into Bai Yu’s ear, and couldn’t help but shiver.

The system next to her was scared to the point of trembling, let alone Song Zhi who had dreamed of everything. Song Zhi was frightened awake and ran back to his room, still lying in bed shivering.

After experiencing this incident, Song Zhi would not randomly mess around for a long time…

However, Song Xu Yi did not perceive the system’s fear. Having gone through so many small worlds, Song Xu Yi had absolute trust in the system. She never thought that the system would lie to her, so she looked at the bead in her hand.

So this bead had such a great effect?

All of this was thanks to Bai Yu, after all, she was the one who made the bead.

With this thought, Song Xu Yi also remembered her plan to draw some pretty clothes for Bai Yu, which she had put aside.

There wasn’t much time left, just one month, so Song Xu Yi decided to draw some beautiful clothes for Bai Yu whenever she had free time. It would be perfect to bring them back with her when she returned to the old house to let Bai Yu absorb some Yang energy.

During breakfast, Song Xu Yi didn’t see Song Zhi. The servant informed her that Song Zhi had caught a cold, but Song Xu Yi didn’t think much of it. After finishing breakfast, she went down the mountain and returned to school.

As the exam approached, Song Xu Yi resumed her intense review for the postgraduate entrance exam. However, she also added the task of drawing clothes for Bai Yu to her schedule, and would draw a few strokes whenever she had free time.

Song Xu Yi didn’t know what kind of clothes Bai Yu liked, so she modified the pattern based on the clothes she wore and drew two sets. As she continued to draw, she didn’t know what she was thinking and ended up drawing some modern dresses, some jewelry, and high heels for Bai Yu. She also thought of Bai Yu’s childhood spent in constant cultivation and filled with maternal love, so she ordered a bunch of entertainment items online…

When the one-month deadline arrived, Song Xu Yi realized that she had already drawn over ten outfits for Bai Yu, not to mention all the other miscellaneous things, which filled up a large plastic bag.

On time, Song Xu Yi arrived at the Bai family ancestral home after calculating the timing, fearing that others might disturb Bai Yu. She had the driver park the car outside the gate and walked in alone.

No one had been there for a month, and it was winter. The courtyard of the ancestral home was covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves. The autumn wind rustled, and as Song Xu Yi stepped on the leaves, they made a crunching sound, causing her to shiver involuntarily.

Only after entering did Song Xu Yi remember that she had neglected an important matter: she had not arranged a way to communicate with Bai Yu when they said goodbye last time, and she did not even know if Bai Yu could appear during the day…

However, now that she had already come here, Song Xu Yi still planned to burn the things she had prepared for Bai Yu first.

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She found a vacant spot in the courtyard and lit the items she had brought. As she squatted beside the fire, she murmured, “Xian shi Bai Yu, these are all for you. If you like them, I will bring you more in the future. I didn’t consider everything, and I don’t know if you can appear under the sun or if you can dream and…”

“Thank you, Miss Song.” Song Xu Yi had originally planned to arrange another meeting with Bai Yu. However, before she could finish speaking, she heard Bai Yu’s cold and clear voice behind her.

When Song Xu Yi’s gaze fell on the hairpin in Bai Yu’s hair, Bai Yu blinked. A clear blush appeared on her fair face, and she lowered her eyes. “This hairpin looks quite unique, so I wore it. Thank you for your effort, Miss Song.”

“It’s nothing, it’s nothing…” Song Xu Yi looked at Bai Yu’s shy appearance and belatedly remembered that Bai Yu was easily embarrassed now. She couldn’t help but smile, feeling that the hairpin she had spent the most time designing was well received by Bai Yu. It made Song Xu Yi feel like her efforts were not in vain, and she was very happy.

But in her mind, she heard the system’s “hehe” teeth-grinding sound.

“What’s wrong?” The system has been unusually silent lately, and Song Xu Yi feels like the system is hiding something from her.

“It’s nothing,” the system’s voice sounds a bit gritted. “I just… suddenly became worried about the Lord God.” Saying this, the system glares at Bai Yu’s eyes, almost spitting fire.

It is really angry!

This stinky woman is still shameless as ever! Obviously, she has been appearing in the middle of the night these days, secretly enjoying herself with the sketches drawn by Xu Yi. Now that she is in front of Xu Yi, she starts to pretend to be shy and righteous, and it is forced to be her accomplice and cannot expose everything…

The more Song Xu Yi looks at the system, the more strange she feels, but the system is unwilling to say anything, and now is not the time to ask. Song Xu Yi puts this matter aside.

After learning that she can provide Bai Yu with yang energy by sucking blood, Song Xu Yi was originally very calm. After all, Bai Yu only needs to touch her wrist, but looking at Bai Yu’s extremely shy expression, Song Xu Yi’s face inexplicably became hot.

She really is a simple ancient person! Just one glance makes her blush, and she doesn’t dare to mention sucking yang energy for a long time. Fortunately, she is not a bad person; otherwise, based on her shy and timid appearance, she might be sold and still be helping people count the money.

“Xianshi1 Bai Yu,” Song Xu Yi sighed in her heart, deciding to take the initiative to bring up the matter of yang energy, and whispered, “How can I provide yang energy to you?”

When it comes to business, Bai Yu finally raised her head again, but her eyes still seemed unable to look at Song Xu Yi. She just lowered her eyes and said, “Miss Song, follow me.”

Bai Yu led Song Xu Yi to the sheltered eaves, and she seemed to have built up her courage and finally looked at Song Xu Yi. There was even a gentle smile on her lips.

The wind was hitting the roof, but the sunlight was still shining through. Song Xu Yi looked around and couldn’t help but ask, “Should we move to another place since the wind is blowing here?”

“It’s not necessary,” Bai Yu shook her head and smiled warmly, “Miss Song is not feeling well and shouldn’t be exposed to the wind.”

Song Xu Yi had been preparing for her postgraduate entrance exam and had also been making time to draw for Bai Yu. Recently, she had been coughing and didn’t expect Bai Yu to bring her here to the roof for her own well-being. Looking into Bai Yu’s caring and clear eyes, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel a surge of warmth rising up in her cheeks.

For some reason, Song Xu Yi couldn’t meet Bai Yu’s gaze. But in that moment, she realized a characteristic of Bai Yu: she wasn’t afraid of the sun.

The more Song Xu Yi interacted with Bai Yu, the more she felt that she looked no different from a real person. Thinking back to the synopsis where Bai Yu would completely disappear and go into a dormant state under the courtyard, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel heartbroken for Bai Yu.

Was there really no way to help her leave this ancestral home?

“Miss Song, I’m sorry.”

Bai Yu didn’t notice Song Xu Yi’s moment of trance. She lowered herself slightly in front of Song Xu Yi, and her long, flowing black eyelashes, sharp nose, flawless white skin, and red lips that touched Song Xu Yi’s wrist were all visible from Song Xu Yi’s perspective.

It felt like an electric current was flowing through her blood. Song Xu Yi’s body trembled, and she instantly regained her senses.

From Song Xu Yi’s perspective, she could see Bai Yu’s long and dark eyelashes, sharp nose, flawless white skin, and the red lips that were touching her wrist.

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The feeling of pain and itchiness disappeared in an instant.

Although Song Xu Yi knew that Bai Yu was sucking on her wrist, perhaps Bai Yu’s posture was too pleasing to the eye, Song Xu Yi felt as if Bai Yu was kissing her wrist instead. The atmosphere suddenly became a bit ambiguous, and Song Xu Yi tried to suppress her wild thoughts, but her cheeks became increasingly hot, and her legs even became a little weak.

Song Xu Yi was extremely ashamed! It had only been a moment, but she felt like it had been a very long time.

Bai Yu finally finished sucking her blood. She gently placed Song Xu Yi’s hand back at her side, and her fair face once again turned red.

Song Xu Yi didn’t know if it was her imagination, but she felt that Bai Yu looked even more beautiful after sucking her blood, especially her slightly pale lips, which now looked even more rosy and plump, like a bright rose covered in dew in the morning.

“In fact, I have to thank you,” Song Xu Yi found that her heartbeat suddenly accelerated and dared not look at Bai Yu, but instead looked down at her wrist: the skin on her wrist was soft, smooth, and without a trace of scars, as if the whole thing had been a hallucination.

During this time, Song Xu Yi had already accepted the various supernatural things in this world and was not surprised by what happened. She continued, “I was attacked by evil spirits before, and if it weren’t for your bead, I might have been eaten by the evil spirits…”

“This is Miss Song’s good fortune, and it has nothing to do with me,” Bai Yu lowered her head, her voice very soft, “Moreover, Miss Song encountered spirit attacks because of our symbiotic relationship,” Bai Yu did not take credit, and her gaze was a bit gloomy.

“Miss Song didn’t have to endure such a scare in the first place…”

Song Xu Yi didn’t originally have any resentment towards Bai Yu. Even though she was initially frightened by Bai Yu’s appearance, she had already dismissed her grudges when she realized that Bai Yu was a key force in resisting evil spirits in the future. She only wanted to cure Bai Yu’s injuries.

At this moment, Song Xu Yi knew that if she didn’t let Bai Yu resolve her emotional burden, she would become increasingly unable to relax around her in the future. However, she couldn’t reveal the plot to Bai Yu at the moment. So, Song Xu Yi bit her lip and racked her brain to come up with an excuse. Seeing Bai Yu’s beautiful face, she suddenly had an idea.

“Xianshi Bai Yu, I really don’t blame you!”

“To be honest, if it were someone else, I might have felt resentful, but I have always had a weakness for beauty. You’re so good-looking, I simply can’t summon any feelings of resentment towards you…”

After carefully considering her words, Song Xu Yi realized that what she said wasn’t really a lie. Even if future Bai Yu wasn’t a key player in the fight against the evil spirits, because of her appearance and her tragic circumstances, Song Xu Yi probably wouldn’t be able to hate her even if she did startle her.

Thinking this way, Song Xu Yi also became emboldened, lifting her head confidently and looking Bai Yu in the eye.

Presumably, a person from ancient times like Bai Yu had never heard such straightforward words before. For a moment, she was stunned in place. Her cheeks visibly turned red, and she couldn’t meet Song Xu Yi’s gaze, looking extremely embarrassed…

Song Xu Yi didn’t expect that she would have pushed the famous master of metaphysics into such a state, but seeing Bai Yu’s reaction, she felt that Bai Yu had probably taken her words to heart.

Even though she felt a little embarrassed, Song Xu Yi still felt that she should strike while the iron was hot and ignore Bai Yu’s awkward appearance. She continued speaking, “Actually, I already consider you a friend. If you can leave this ancestral home, I want to take you around to see the beautiful scenery of this modern world. After all, if it weren’t for you and the other Taoist priests resisting the evil spirits and protecting humanity back then, the world wouldn’t be so peaceful and prosperous today…”

“Miss Song,” upon hearing Song Xu Yi’s words, Bai Yu’s head drooped even lower. Her ears turned even redder, almost as if blood was about to drip out. She looked up at Song Xu Yi for a moment before speaking in a very low voice, “Actually… I can leave this ancestral home…”


Song Xu Yi’s eyes lit up at once; her words actually carried some probing meaning, and she really didn’t want Bai Yu to be the last person left alone in this ancestral home until she dissipated.

Bai Yu glanced at Song Xu Yi’s happy eyes and nodded silently, saying in a low voice, “As long as I follow the Bai family…I can leave this home.”

“The Bai family?” Song Xu Yi’s smile froze, and she pursed her lips tightly. Bai Jin’s grandfather was in prison, Bai Jin’s father had no fighting spirit, Bai Jin himself was a boy, and Xia Tian was always with Bai Jin. It wasn’t convenient for Bai Yu to be around these people. After thinking about it, staying in this ancestral home was actually the most peaceful existence for her now!

“I will try to find opportunities to let Bai Jin come back more often and take you out…” Song Xu Yi couldn’t think of any other ideas for a while, so she could only sigh softly and comfort Bai Yu, “I will definitely take you out to play when I find a chance…”

Looking at Song Xu Yi’s dejected expression, Bai Yu opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, she pursed her lips and didn’t say anything…

But the system in Song Xu Yi’s mind was raging: although the wicked woman was more obedient to the system, she was still very honest in front of Song Xu Yi, and the system didn’t think she was lying.

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So why could the wicked woman follow Song Xu Yi?

For some reason, the system remembered the sacrificial ceremony: Xia Tian was too busy, so Song Xu Yi helped Xia Tian make a sacrificial item that only the Bai family could make.

Could it be because of this that Song Xu Yi was also considered part of the Bai family?

But to become a recognized guardian spirit of the Bai family, one must either be born into the Bai family or marry into it in the future…

The Bai family now only consists of a few individuals, excluding Bai Jin’s father, grandfather, and Bai Jin himself. Who could Song Xu Yi marry?

A possibility came to mind, and the system shuddered and shook its head, unable to accept its emotions but unable to deceive itself with reason. The wicked woman suddenly appeared in front of Song Xu Yi after she helped Xia Tian, defended Song Xu Yi, and her gaze towards Song Xu Yi…

Everything seemed to point to one speculation: Song Xu Yi’s kind-hearted help to Xia Tian that day may have made her the future bride of the wicked woman in front of her, allowing the wicked woman to follow Song Xu Yi…

However, the system also knew that it was not the wicked woman’s fault because the wicked woman did not know that Song Xu Yi had helped Xia Tian that night. It was all just a coincidence.

“I should stop her.” The system could only stare blankly, watching Song Xu Yi unknowingly ask the wicked woman for several protective talismans, bidding her farewell, and walking out of the courtyard. The system watched as the wicked woman disappeared in place and as the bead on Song Xu Yi’s wrist emitted red light once again…

“I should stop her.” The system regretted once again.

With the graduate entrance exam taking place at the end of December, with just over a month left, Song Xu Yi once again plunged into tense review. The benefits of coexisting with Bai Yu began to gradually show up: Song Xu Yi found that her memory was improving day by day, and her physical fitness was getting better. She no longer felt dizzy and nauseous after staying up late…

And what made Song Xu Yi even happier was that perhaps because she was already in her fourth year, the several boys who used to pursue her had completely given up, greatly reducing Song Xu Yi’s burden.

However, during this time, the system seemed more and more mystical and seemed to have something on its mind. Sometimes, Song Xu Yi would hear it murmuring as if in a dream: “I should stop her, sob, she’s selling herself too unfairly…”

What is wrong with the system?

Song Xu Yi asked the system several times, but it remained silent. She thought that the system wasn’t the type to be coy about difficulties, so she temporarily set aside the matter and devoted herself to reviewing for the graduate school entrance exam.

As she was already in her senior year, Song Xu Yi’s two roommates had already found jobs and went out for internships. Xia Tian was often not in the dormitory, leaving only Song Xu Yi alone. This made it more convenient for a certain wicked woman to appear at midnight.

The system watched helplessly as the wicked woman became more accustomed to modern society and stared at Xu Yi all night long. Only when a male student came to pester Xu Yi during the day would the wicked woman disappear for a while. The next day, those male students would look at Xu Yi’s eyes with extreme fear. The system couldn’t believe that the wicked woman didn’t do anything in between.

What was even more infuriating was that Xu Yi thought the wicked woman was an extremely simple-minded person. When giving the wicked woman yang energy for the second time, Xu Yi even promised her, “After I finish my exam, I will find a way to take you out to play with Bai Jin.”

The system watched as the wicked woman looked at Xu Yi with bright, shining eyes, feeling more and more heartbroken.

Meanwhile, the graduate school entrance exam that Song Xu Yi had been preparing for finally arrived. During this time, Song Xu Yi had been staying on campus, where there were many people and strong yang energy, so evil spirits dared not approach. She often wore a protective charm, even when taking a shower. As expected, during this time, there were no more supernatural incidents around her.

The exam location was in another campus of the school, which was about an hour’s drive away from the other campus. The new campus was located near the outskirts of the city and had just been put into use.

Afraid of being late in the morning, Song Xu Yi decided to rent a room near the new campus. However, there weren’t many high-end hotels near the outskirts, so she stayed at a relatively clean budget hotel.

The city outskirts were under development, and there was a construction site behind the hotel. Song Xu Yi remembered her experience at the hot spring villa last time and took the initiative to stick a talisman given by Bai Yu to herself as a precaution.

The next day, Song Xu Yi woke up naturally, only to realize that there was a lot of noise downstairs. When she went downstairs, she heard the front desk complaining: “The ambulance rang all night last night. I couldn’t sleep well. The real estate developer is also reckless, buying and developing on a burial ground…”

Song Xu Yi learned that there had been problems with the construction site behind them, and several workers were injured. However, she didn’t hear anything all night. Perhaps it was because she remembered that in the original synopsis, there was also a vengeful ghost haunting a construction site, which made Song Xu Yi’s eyelids twitch, giving her an ominous feeling.

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But with the exams approaching, Song Xu Yi could only suppress her strange feelings and focus on her studies.

When she returned to her room, she found that the construction site had been sealed off with a red ribbon. Several men dressed in Taoist robes were performing a ritual with peach wood swords.

When Song Xu Yi went out to eat, she heard the front desk gossiping again, saying that these men were Taoists hired by the construction contractor and possessed extremely high magical abilities. However, Song Xu Yi looked at their appearance from a distance but couldn’t see any trace of the otherworldly, wise-looking Taoist appearance.

However, all of this had nothing to do with Song Xu Yi. At this critical moment, Song Xu Yi only had exams on her mind.

She pulled the curtains and reviewed the next day’s lessons, re-sticking the talisman before going to bed. Soon, she fell asleep.

However, in the early hours of the morning, there was a loud noise at Song Xu Yi’s door – someone was knocking!

Song Xu Yi woke up from her sleep and heard a clear shout from outside the door: “Quickly open the door. We need to perform a ritual in your room to find the center of the formation!”

Song Xu Yi widened her eyes in disbelief. “This excuse sounds absurd. How could the hotel allow these people to make such a commotion in their rooms?”

However, the system’s voice sounded complex as it told Song Xu Yi: “Everyone else in the building seems to have fallen into an inexplicable slumber…”

“Are those people outside human?”

“They are human. They don’t seem to be possessed by evil spirits, and their movements are natural. The color of their eyes is normal.”

Although the system’s voice sounded complex, it appeared calm and composed, without any hint of panic. However, Song Xu Yi did not notice the strangeness of the system at this moment. She recalled the last time she encountered an evil spirit in the villa and suddenly thought of a possibility:

In this world, when evil spirits become powerful enough, they can manipulate humans. Many movies and TV shows have similar depictions. These sorcerers may be serving the evil spirits: the evil spirits fear Song Xu Yi’s bracelet, but humans do not. If they forcibly remove her bracelet, she would become a fish on a chopping board, at their mercy…

She had to find a way to escape as soon as possible!

Song Xu Yi’s gaze fell on the bedsheet in her room – this was the third floor, maybe she could take a chance and try to escape from the room…

As Song Xu Yi was about to lift the bedsheet, a cold hand grabbed her wrist–


Song Xu Yi was shocked and looked up, only to see Bai Yu’s flawless face.

Bai Yu lowered her eyes and did not look at Song Xu Yi, still with the familiar cute and shy look that Song Xu Yi was used to. However, countless doubts rushed through Song Xu Yi’s mind in an instant: why did Bai Yu appear here? How did she leave the Bai family?

“You…” Song Xu Yi was about to speak, but a familiar fragrance came from beside her, and her body once again fell.

In the last moment before losing consciousness, she heard a woman’s voice saying, “You still have exams. You should sleep well.”

“I have everything under control.”

The author has something to say:

So, the person who sold herself as a bride and even helped count the money is…

“Xianshi” (仙師) is a Chinese term that can be translated as “immortal master” or “divine teacher.” It is often used in Chinese mythology and fiction to refer to a powerful and wise teacher or mentor who possesses supernatural abilities or knowledge.

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