Villainous Malevolent Ghost (6)

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When Song Xu Yi woke up, it was already the next day.

She had slept very soundly, but the moment she woke up, she was instantly alert and looked around subconsciously:

The door was tightly closed, the curtains had been pulled, and the sound of tourists walking outside made everything seem normal.

However, images from last night came to her mind involuntarily – why did Bai Yu appear in her room?

But as Song Xu Yi looked around, she couldn’t find any trace of Bai Yu.

“System, what happened last night?” Song Xu Yi wasn’t in a hurry to get up and wash, and asked the system as usual.

The system’s voice sounded exaggeratedly puzzled: “What happened last night? Nothing happened?”

“Didn’t a group of people clamor to break into my room, and then Bai Yu appeared, and then I passed out?” Song Xu Yi tried to remind the system, “Don’t you remember?”

“Did something like this happen?” The system raised its voice, “Xu Yi, are you experiencing hallucinations due to the stress of exams recently? You slept very quietly last night, and nothing happened!”

Is it really like that?

Song Xu Yi blinked her eyes. The experience from last night was vividly imprinted in her mind, and it seemed incredibly real. Song Xu Yi didn’t think it was just a dream. However, the system had no reason to lie to her…

Could it be that everything was really just a figment of her imagination?

“Xu Yi, don’t worry about these things for now,” the system looked complicatedly at where the wicked woman disappeared, self-reproaching in its heart while telling Song Xu Yi as the wicked woman had threatened, “You should focus on preparing for the two exams first. After the exams, take a good rest. You’ve been working too hard during this period…”

Song Xu Yi took a deep breath and splashed her face with cold water. “I’ve been preparing for the exams for so long. Nothing else is more important than the exams.”

Thinking like this, Song Xu Yi calmed down and stopped discussing the matter, putting all her focus on preparing for the exams.

Time passed quickly.

Song Xu Yi studied very seriously. The exam questions were all ones she had reviewed before, and as she progressed, she felt more and more confident. Her heart was filled with certainty.

As the bell for the end of the exam rang, Song Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Almost immediately after finishing the exam, Song Xu Yi’s phone rang. It was a call from Xia Tian. To celebrate Song Xu Yi finishing her exams, Xia Tian had already booked a room in the nearby city for a three-day short trip with a group of friends.

Linshi is a famous tourist attraction with beautiful scenery surrounded by mountains and water. Song Xu Yi agreed to Xia Tian’s arrangement to take a break from the stress that led to her dream and hallucination. She went back to the hotel to pack her things and observed her surroundings.

The construction site behind Song Xu Yi’s room was still closed off, and there were no signs of her room being broken into. The receptionist and housekeeping staff said that nothing unusual had happened the night before.

Perhaps it was all just a dream, and Bai Yu did not really come.

Thinking of Bai Yu, Song Xu Yi subconsciously looked at the red light flowing through the bead on her wrist. She couldn’t tell if it was her imagination, but she felt that the bead looked more transparent and beautiful over time.

Xia Tian had already bought tickets for everyone to fly out at 9 pm that evening.

Song Xu Yi met up with Xia Tian in their room, and they were joined by their two other roommates and their boyfriends.

Song Xu Yi quickly packed her things, which were few in number, unlike the other three girls with their large suitcases full of clothes and professional books. Even though she was the last to return, Song Xu Yi was the first to finish packing.

After packing, they all left the dorm room, and the boys were waiting outside. Song Xu Yi thought that there would only be the boyfriends of the other three girls, but there was an additional male student.

The boy was handsome, but his eyes were wandering, and he carried an arrogant and disdainful attitude that made people dislike him.

“This is my buddy, Huang Feng1. We had a meal together before,” Xu Juan’s boyfriend introduced with a smirk. “Huang Feng bought his own ticket and was bored these past few days, so he wanted to come with us.”

Xu Juan and her boyfriend had a dinner with their dorm mates when they officially became a couple. Huang Feng was also present at the dinner, but no one expected Xu Juan’s boyfriend to invite him. Even Xu Juan was shocked and gave her boyfriend a surprised look.

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Since Huang Feng was already there, it would be impolite to exclude him. Xia Tian, who had organized the trip, forced a smile and welcomed him.

Song Xu Yi thought she would never see Huang Feng again in her lifetime, but she was surprised to see him there. Although she felt a bit unhappy, Song Xu Yi kept calm. After all, she didn’t own the scenic spot. If Huang Feng wanted to join, she could not stop him as long as he didn’t bother her.

However, Song Xu Yi had underestimated Huang Feng’s thick-skinned nature. When everyone started to hail a taxi to leave, Huang Feng went over to Song Xu Yi’s side and greeted her as if they were old friends.

He wanted to help carry Song Xu Yi’s luggage, but Song Xu Yi only had a small suitcase. So, Huang Feng just stood in front of her with a lecherous gaze and said, “Long time no see, Xu Yi. You look even more beautiful now.”

Feeling disgusted by Huang Feng’s oily gaze, Song Xu Yi didn’t want to engage with him. Fortunately, the driver called at that moment, and Song Xu Yi pretended not to hear Huang Feng’s words, answering the phone to find the car.

Now, there were two cars for the eight people, and Song Xu Yi sat in the back seat. There was an empty seat next to her, which was reserved for Xia Tian.

Seeing the empty seat next to Song Xu Yi, Huang Feng’s eyes lit up. He got off the other car and strode over to this one.

Seeing Huang Feng’s move, Song Xu Yi unconsciously frowned and loudly called for Xia Tian, who was putting luggage in the back, to get on the car.

Song Xu Yi meant to remind Huang Feng that the seat was already taken, but Huang Feng apparently did not know when to stop. He seemed to have not heard Song Xu Yi’s call to Xia Tian and did not stop his steps.

She wasn’t sure if it was the heavens disapproving of Huang Feng’s behavior or not, but Huang Feng suddenly stumbled and fell while walking…

Huang Feng fell hard and didn’t get up for a while.

“Serves him right!”

The system in Song Xu Yi’s mind couldn’t help but laugh. At this moment, Xia Tian finally finished moving the luggage, closed the car door, and sat next to Song Xu Yi.

Song Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. She had probably guessed Huang Feng’s intentions, but she really disliked this kind of sticky male.

Soon, the group arrived at the airport.

After arriving at the waiting room, Huang Feng started acting up again, as if he didn’t see Song Xu Yi’s furrowed brows. He sat next to her and began to be attentive: “I heard that girls from rich families like yours always fly first class. I didn’t know you would also fly business class?”

“Xu Yi, your skin is really good. How do girls from rich families take care of their skin?”


“I heard that your Song family is a famous long-lived family. Do you have any secrets for longevity?”

“We do!”

Song Xu Yi had been ignoring Huang Feng before, but when she heard this, she suddenly spoke up.

Huang Feng’s eyes lit up, thinking that he had finally won Song Xu Yi over. He quickly squeezed out a smile and asked eagerly, “Can you tell me what method it is? Let me learn something new?”

“My great-grandfather lived to be 100 years old,” Song Xu Yi said with a straight face and no expression as she looked at Huang Feng. “His secret was that he never talked too much!”


Huang Feng’s face turned pale with anger.

It was the first time the system had seen Song Xu Yi so snarky. In her mind, she was staring at Huang Feng with astonishment.

Song Xu Yi didn’t regret snapping back at him. She pouted and put on her headphones to read her professional book. She wasn’t sure if it was her imagination, but before the music started playing in her headphones, she heard an extremely pleasant chuckle in the air.

Song Xu Yi thought she had made her disgust towards Huang Feng quite clear, but she had underestimated his thick skin. After they boarded the plane, Huang Feng actually came over to ask Xia Tian, who was sitting next to Song Xu Yi, to switch seats.

Xia Tian didn’t like Huang Feng’s behavior and bluntly refused, using the excuse of “sisters needing to have a private conversation.” Huang Feng then asked Bai Jin and another roommate in the back row. Under Xia Tian’s gaze, no one agreed to switch seats with Huang Feng, so he could only go back to his own seat dejectedly.

After Huang Feng left, Xia Tian approached Song Xu Yi with a disgusted look on her face and whispered in her ear, “He’s so disgusting. If you ever end up with him, I’ll never forgive you…”

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Song Xu Yi turned her head and looked at her expressionlessly.

Seeing Song Xu Yi’s expression, Xia Tian laughed and said, “I know, you definitely don’t like guys with his kind of character…”

“Hey!” Xia Tian couldn’t help but sigh, “The rest of us are all paired up, and you’re the only one who’s single. Why don’t you tell me what kind of guy you like, and I’ll find someone who meets your standards for you…”

The beads on Song Xu Yi’s wrist faintly flickered, but neither of the two girls noticed.

Song Xu Yi never thought about this issue, after all, there was a rule from the system: “You can’t fall in love in the small world.” But Xia Tian’s sincere questioning left Song Xu Yi with no choice but to answer.

“I’ve always been focused on my studies and haven’t thought about this,” Song Xu Yi said. But seeing Xia Tian’s disbelief, she thought for a moment and added, “If I had to set criteria…”

“I like good-looking people, the more attractive the better. They should also have a good personality, be obedient, and well-behaved…”

As Xia Tian pursed her lips and listened, her brow furrowed tighter and tighter. “These standards are quite high. I can only try my best to keep an eye out for someone who meets the criteria…”

“But my Xu Yi is definitely worthy of the best person!”

Xia Tian began racking her brain to think if she knew anyone who met the criteria.

Seeing Xia Tian finally quiet down, Song Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief and put on her eye mask to catch some more sleep, hoping to avoid any further questioning.

At ten thirty that night, Xia Tian woke up Song Xu Yi as they had arrived at Lin City.

The hotel Xia Tian had booked was located near the airport.

Originally, Xia Tian had booked four double rooms. The other three people were sharing a room with their boyfriends, and Song Xu Yi had her own room. But now, with the addition of Huang Feng, Xu Juan was a little angry that her boyfriend had brought Huang Feng along. So, she let her boyfriend and Huang Feng share a room, while she and Song Xu Yi shared one.

On the night before, Song Xu Yi had slept well and also took a nap on the plane, so she wasn’t feeling sleepy at all on this night. She wanted to relax and pass the time by watching a movie.

However, the original owner of her body was someone who was only focused on academics and not good at entertainment. After coming to this world, Song Xu Yi also only focused on reviewing and didn’t know which movies were good in this world.

So, Song Xu Yi asked Xu Juan for advice.

Xu Juan was a hardcore fan of anime and was currently wearing earphones while watching one on her tablet. When she heard Song Xu Yi’s inquiry, she yawned and handed her the tablet: “You can use my tablet! I have a habit of downloading movies that I like to my tablet and rewatching them over and over again, sorting them into different folders, and with passwords…”

After Xu Juan finished speaking, she yawned again and fell asleep.

Seeing Xu Juan’s sleepy appearance, Song Xu Yi took the tablet and turned off the lights in the room.

The room became very quiet, the perfect time to watch a movie. Xu Juan’s tablet indeed had many folders, but the names were confusing to Song Xu Yi, such as “Ah ah ah! Really did it,” “Scared me, what’s in it for you,” “Flashed to the waist,” “My tears are worthless”…

In the end, Song Xu Yi chose a folder that looked somewhat normal called “Precious Big Orange.”

There was only one movie in this folder, which meant this type of movie was probably rare.

The movie was called “Orange.”

“As expected, it’s a movie about cats,” Song Xu Yi decided to watch the movie and put on her headphones. She chatted with the system with a hint of regret: “Actually, Big Orange isn’t as cute as you. It’s just that you’re a little stingy and never let me stay in the system space for too long…”

The system replied with a cold “hmph,” thinking that it felt a little sour whenever Song Xu Yi watched movies about other cats. The system also thought that as long as that wicked woman was around, Xu Yi wouldn’t be in danger, so it decided to self-block and go into sleep mode.

Song Xu Yi didn’t notice the unusual silence from the system and clicked on the movie.

The movie did indeed start with an orange cat.

The orange cat jumped out of the window and ran into the new neighbor’s house next door. The little girl, Tao Jun, went to the neighbor’s house to look for her cat and saw a beautiful young woman petting her orange cat.

Because of this orange cat, the two became friends.

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It was then that Song Xu Yi realized that she had misunderstood the movie. The movie wasn’t about the orange cat, because the beautiful young woman next door was named Gu Ju. The movie was probably about this girl named Gu Ju2.

Gu Ju took great care of Tao Jun. She was a year older than Tao Jun and had excellent grades. Gu Ju always helped Tao Jun with her studies and brought her all kinds of delicious food. Although the school was full of talented individuals from wealthy families, Gu Ju was the most outstanding among them all.

However, their happiness didn’t last long. Gu Ju’s family encountered a mishap: her parents died, and her relatives took over her family’s fortune but refused to adopt Gu Ju. Tao Jun begged her parents to adopt Gu Ju, and so Gu Ju became Tao Jun’s sister in name.

At this time, Tao Jun had a crush on a boy. The young girl confided everything to her most trusted friend, Gu Ju. But a few days later, Tao Jun saw the boy and Gu Ju walking together, and Gu Ju was diligently making food for him.

Tao Jun tried to explain to her parents the deceitful nature of Gu Ju, but they didn’t believe her. They even thought that Tao Jun was jealous of Gu Ju for taking away their love, so she framed Gu Ju.

Tao Jun was almost driven to madness.

She wanted to escape from the environment where Gu Ju was present, so she went abroad to study art after graduating from the college entrance examination…

Because of Gu Ju’s meddling during those years, Tao Jun subconsciously lost interest in love and focused on painting, achieving great success. Gradually, excellent men started pursuing Tao Jun.

At this time, Tao Jun received an invitation letter from a well-known institution to hold a personal art exhibition, and she decided to return to China to develop her career…

Song Xu Yi had already become a little drowsy by this point: Although the movie had excellent visuals and the lead characters were pleasing to the eye, Song Xu Yi was watching the movie to relax, and she wasn’t particularly interested in the melodramatic entanglement between the two female protagonists.

But at this moment, the plot suddenly changed, and Song Xu Yi took a look and almost dropped her tablet!

One day, when Tao Jun woke up, she found herself tied up in a pitch-black place. In the darkness, she was forced to have a relationship with a woman…

The director filmed this segment in an extremely beautiful manner, and Song Xu Yi’s headphones had excellent sound quality. The sound of breathing and moaning seemed to be right next to her ear…

When she saw this part, Song Xu Yi suddenly threw down the tablet and covered her red face.

Finally, Song Xu Yi understood the meaning of “Precious Big Orange.” This type of movie with two beautiful female leads was truly rare!

It took a while for Song Xu Yi to calm down. She looked at Xu Juan sleeping beside her and crawled under the blanket, afraid to continue watching. She searched for reviews of the movie instead.

There are always spoilers in the review section, and Song Xu Yi quickly found what she wanted to know. As she suspected, the second half of the movie mostly talked about Gu Ju’s obsession with Tao Jun and their various intimate scenes. Song Xu Yi’s heart was pounding as she read the detailed descriptions, feeling both stimulated and nervous. Finally, she found out the ending of the movie – Tao Jun finally accepted Gu Ju’s overwhelming love, and the two of them got married.

After reading, Song Xu Yi felt sweat on her back. She deleted the viewing history and opened another movie to watch.

The drowsiness that she had before disappeared completely, and Song Xu Yi suddenly felt restless. She got up to drink some water, but the feeling didn’t go away. She tried to ask the system to play “Heart Sutra” for her, but she didn’t expect that the system had already blocked her request.

Seeing that the clock had already struck two, Song Xu Yi resigned herself to the fact that she might not be able to sleep at all tonight. She was about to get up and read when she suddenly felt dizzy and fell onto the pillow.

A figure appeared out of nowhere and stood at the foot of Song Xu Yi’s bed.

Song Xu Yi accepted the fact that she was having insomnia tonight, but Bai Yu didn’t want her to stay up too late since they had a “mountain climbing” schedule the next day. Bai Yu used some means to put Song Xu Yi to sleep.

Bai Yu carefully tucked in Song Xu Yi, then her gaze fell on Song Xu Yi’s tablet.

Xu Yi had always been calm and collected, so what could have made her so nervous?

Bai Yu furrowed her brows slightly and picked up the tablet beside Song Xu Yi’s pillow, forcibly awakening the system that was in a blocked state in Xu Yi’s mind.

Bai Yu had also heard Xu Juan’s words and had become accustomed to modern devices during this time, but she didn’t know which document Song Xu Yi had read that had caused her such anxiety.

Although Bai Yu couldn’t understand the system’s words, she could force the system to gesture with its claws.

The system, which had been forcibly awakened, dared not speak out of anger and humiliation. It pointed with its claws at the “Precious Orange” folder.

Bai Yu furrowed her brows and clicked on the video.

The system didn’t know what had happened, and at this moment, it didn’t have the energy to go back to sleep. It sat upright and stared at the movie’s villain, feeling increasingly depressed: this wicked woman had become so possessive, even going so far as to target movies that Xu Yi had watched…

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Bai Yu didn’t know what the system was thinking.

As Bai Yu continued to watch, she felt that the plot was becoming more and more foolish, but she patiently continued to watch in search of the reason behind Song Xu Yi’s agitation.

It wasn’t until she saw Gu Ju lock Tao Jun up that she finally understood.

In the system’s view: The wicked woman suddenly blushed and put down the tablet nervously, disappearing into the wrist of Song Xu Yi.

What happened?

The system scratched its head, a bit confused.

Although she had no heartbeat, Bai Yu felt her heart pounding in her chest and her throat inexplicably dry. The scene she just saw kept swirling in her mind.

In her memory, she had been practicing metaphysics and had some vague understanding of the ways of men and women.

But she never thought that women could also…

Bai Yu bit her lip.

She was awakened by the blood in the protective charm in Song Xu Yi’s wrist this time. One night, she accidentally established a symbiotic relationship with Song Xu Yi.

At first, she felt extremely guilty and didn’t know how to explain everything to Song Xu Yi. After all, after forming a symbiotic relationship, Song Xu Yi would be coveted by countless evil spirits.

However, Bai Yu never thought that Song Xu Yi would participate in the production of sacrificial items at the Bai Family Ancestral Hall.

In the formation of the guardian deity, if someone who is not from the Bai family participates in the ritual, the rules will completely eradicate them. However, because Song Xu Yi already had a symbiotic relationship with Bai Yu, the rules hesitated and chose to come to Bai Yu’s side. If Bai Yu accepted Song Xu Yi as her bride, the rules would spare Song Xu Yi.

But Bai Yu didn’t choose.

She hid some things from Song Xu Yi – when she kissed Song Xu Yi that night, it was partly driven by instinct, and partly intentional: whether an outsider can become a member of the Bai family depends on whether they have had an intimate relationship with a member of the Bai family. In order to save Song Xu Yi’s life, Bai Yu had to kiss her. In Bai Yu’s understanding, this was the most intimate act that two girls could perform.

In Bai Yu’s old-fashioned and rigid education, there was never any teaching that one woman could become another woman’s bride. Bai Yu was also ashamed to let Song Xu Yi know about this, but under the circumstances, Bai Yu had already acquired the ability to follow Song Xu Yi out of the ancestral home and protect her secretly. Bai Yu decided to keep this matter hidden.

If Bai Yu’s initial protection of Song Xu Yi was only out of morality, then when she watched Song Xu Yi draw shoes for her, Bai Yu spontaneously developed an impulse: to protect this kind-hearted girl and prevent her from being invaded by evil spirits, so that she could live a peaceful and happy life.

Bai Yu followed Song Xu Yi out of the ancestral home.

She stayed by Song Xu Yi’s side and found that this girl was more and more lovable: kind-hearted but not without principles, dedicated and meticulous in her work, with eyes that seemed to hide warm sunshine, always full of vitality…

Bai Yu realized that she was putting more and more of her attention on Song Xu Yi. She thought it was because of her sense of gratitude, but her heart was pounding faster and faster, and she couldn’t help but start to question herself: is all of this really just to repay a debt of gratitude?

Song Xu Yi was already her bride, and two girls could…

Realizing what she was thinking, Bai Yu tightly pursed her lips and retreated deeper into her own consciousness–

She couldn’t continue to think like this!

As a struggling and desperate ghost, how could she have the heart to tarnish the most brilliant jewel in the world?


The author has something to say:

I know you guys will say that you want to watch this movie, but please let me speak first: I also want to watch it!!! T_T

Huang Feng was never mentioned in any of the previous chapters, so he may be one of the boys trying to court Xu Yi Gu Ju (顧橘), does not translate directly to ‘orange’ but, the characters individually can be translated as “look after” (顧) and “orange” (橘)

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